Three Ways to Manifest Abundance in Your Life

Posted by Michelle Tracy on 2/26/25 8:00 AM

How do you define abundance? Most people define abundance along the lines of “a whole lot of money.” What if I were to tell you that abundance is more than the balance in your checking account? To me, abundance is anything that causes your heart to swell with happiness. Sometimes, that is having a solid amount in your bank account; sometimes, it is the laugh of your children running through the house, and sometimes, abundance shows up in the form of feeling the sunshine on your face after sitting in a cold office all day.

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Topics: Gratitude, Great Graduate, abundance, Manifestation, IHAP

Michelle Buonincontri Uses Life Coaching to Reframe Abundance & Create Financial Sovereignty

Posted by Taylor Jablonowski on 1/28/21 4:00 PM

“I have always been an empath and someone that others sought for counsel. It was something that I pushed away for many years before attending SWIHA,” Michelle Buonincontri tells us.

As in many stories we hear from our graduates, Michelle describes her discovery of Southwest Institute of Healing Arts as “serendipitous”. She had moved from New York to Arizona and attended a Celebrate Your Life event on campus. “I immediately loved the curriculum and knew I had to do the Life Coaching program,” she says.

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Topics: Great Graduates, Life Coaching, abundance, national life coaching month, Financial Coach, Limits Beliefs

Gratitude Challenge by Bill Gisclair-Sullivan, SWIHA Mind-Body Transformational Psychology Graduate

Posted by Bill Gisclair-Sullivan on 4/25/16 3:20 AM

When we talk about gratitude, we are talking about the act of truly being thankful. Thankful for the blessings we have in life -- the simple pleasures, the gifts of nature, health, happiness, family, friends, etc.

Gratitude shifts our focus from what we want to what we have.

It allows us to look at the ready abundance of all that is great in our lives. When we are truly grateful there is a profound change in our attitude towards life. Truly giving thanks makes us happier, healthier, and more resilient. It makes our relationships stronger and improves our overall health by reducing stress in our lives.

We all sometimes take for granted, the little things in our lives. The things someone else would and have given their lives for: freedom, food, a place to live, an education, a bed to sleep in, clothes on our backs, etc. What about simple things others don't have like sight, touch, smell, and hearing? I know most of us just take those things for granted. Just for a second, imagine your life without them. Think how your life would change and then you will truly be thankful.

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Topics: Southwest Institute of Healing Arts, Great Graduates, Life Coaching, Count your blessings, Blog, wellness, Holistic Nutrition, Gratitude, spiritual Studies, SWIHA, Transformational Life Story, gratitude challenge, Psychology, Nutrition, abundance, Hypnotherapy

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