Five Things You May Not Know About Energy and ‘Vibes’

Posted by Taylor Jablonowski on 9/24/20 4:00 PM

I loved her energy.” or “The vibes were just off.” are now a part of common vernacular – however, is there more to it than simply ‘feeling’ that way? Modern science has begun to confirm what ancient wisdom already knew: We are more connected and can communicate more than we think on both a subconscious and intentional level! Today we have some fascinating facts about the flow of energy within us and our surrounding environments, as well as the application for healing mind, body and spirit.

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Topics: Polarity, Alternative Medicine, energy healing, Reiki, traditional healing

Be Who You Are: Pamela Luke’s Transformation Through Alternative Healing

Posted by Staff on 4/2/20 4:00 PM

What do we do after experiencing a tragedy? How do we come back from a major setback? Is there hope after living a life of self-destruction and despair? Is it possible to heal and move forward in a positive direction after our deepest hurts? By taking the initiative to make positive changes, to let go, and to say ‘yes’ to transformation and growth, we can connect with our truest self, and spare ourselves even more suffering.

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Topics: yoga, Mindfulness, Alternative Medicine, Reiki, Transformation, Alternative healing, Student Submission, Mind body Healing

Colonel Virenda Swarup Inspires Medical Patients to Live Life Fully

Posted by Taylor Jablonowski on 1/12/20 8:00 AM

“Life coaching is for anyone who wants to improve an area of their life that is important to them,” explains Virenda Swarup, a SWIHA Life Coaching graduate, “It could be to do with their relationships, job, disturbing/troubling stressful thoughts, self-confidence, lifestyle, sudden transition or anything that is important to the individual in living a more satisfying and creative life.”

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Topics: Great Graduates, Life Coaching, Alternative Medicine, national life coaching month

The Science And Magic of Vibration, Color and Crystals

Posted by Taylor Jablonowski on 8/19/19 3:00 PM

Using crystals to promote healing is a six-thousand-year-old practice, dating back to the time of the ancient Sumerians of Mesopotamia. The crystal healing philosophy we know today is formed on concepts borrowed from the Chinese concept of life-energy (chi or qi) and the Hindu/Buddhist concept of chakras, or vortices of life-energy that connect physical and spiritual element within our bodies.

Crystals are solid, with atoms arranged in what is called crystal systems. Seven types of crystal systems exist, producing different physical geometry. However, they all share the characteristic of atoms arranged in tightly ordered, repeating patterns. Crystalline lattices split cleanly and smoothly, which is how gemstones are faceted to catch light in fine jewelry.

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Topics: Motivational Monday, Alternative Medicine, energy work, Healing Crystals, chakras, Crystal Healing

Spice Up Your Life! Super Seasonings With Major Health Benefits

Posted by Taylor Jablonowski on 3/11/19 3:00 PM

Herbs and spices have been an integral part of cuisines around the world since the days of hunter-gatherers; and not just for their taste! Early Egyptians, Indians and Greeks are just a few cultures who have documented the use of herbs and spices for medicinal purposes and passed down their knowledge from generation to generation.

In the present-day, modern science has uncovered some fascinating properties to these tasty additions, reaffirming some ancient knowledge and discovering new ways of thinking about what we put in to our meals. As the great thinker, Hippocrates, advised us: “Let food be thy medicine and medicine be thy food.”

Today, we’ll be looking at some super seasonings and their studied health benefits!

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Topics: western herbalism, Holistic Nutrition, Alternative Medicine, Holistic wellness, Healthy Eating, Healthy Food

The Sacred Sound of Music

Posted by Ravynn Rohner on 12/5/16 5:00 PM

Alexis Holland grew up in sunny, humid Florida and has spent years bouncing around the country with her husky, Kiya, gaining integral life experience and wisdom. Sometimes she barters musical entertainment for a place to sleep, like the time she stayed in a Vedic Temple in Sedona, AZ in exchange for playing Kirtan (a Sanskrit word for a musical form a narration). They love  to set up camp, especially in the mountains, with as little as a tapestry, her blanket, food, and instruments. In the midst of her nomadic lifestyle, her love of music from various cultures began to grow, as well. She found herself attending lots of drum and music festivals, from a Sufi ceremony called a Zikr (sacred ceremony of divine rememberance), to Rainbow Gatherings, a drum and dance festival called Paralounge (northern FL), and a handpan retreat called Hangout USA (Asheville, NC). Along the way she learned to play an array of instruments, trombone being the first in grade school. Since then her collection has grown; she plays the handpan, crystal singing bowls, tuning forks, guitar, cajon, drums, and digeridoo. She reflected, “Music was all around me, in many different forms… wherever I went, there it was…and there I was, fully immersed.”

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Topics: Life Coaching, holistic, Polarity, cranial unwinding, yoga, healing, Alternative Medicine, Meditation, organic, health, chanting, sacred sound, crystal bowls, music, drums, culture, festival, bluegrass, guitar, mantra

Hypnosis: The Power Of Living In a Childlike State Of Mind

Posted by Danica Warren on 7/26/16 10:15 AM

“An emotion does not cause pain. Resistance or suppression of emotion causes pain.”

- Frederick Dodson, Parallel Universe of Self

What would you do, become, or find answers to, if you knew you held a key that unlocks it all?

I am here today to give you a glimpse to the key that is unlocking the unstoppable power within humans. It is a key that has been around for thousands of years. More than ever before, it is entering the mainstream health care system and taking people by storm. The key is hypnotherapy. Now more than ever, doctors, scientists, and researchers are fascinated with the results from this psychotherapy, as it is a way to constructively communicate with your subconscious mind while having your conscious mind take a step back.

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Topics: Hypnosis, State of Mind, Alternative Medicine, Hypnotherapy, Childlike, Transformation

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