Mathina Ross: Healing Touch for Body, Mind, and Spirit

Posted by Zoey Sigmon on 4/28/17 9:23 AM

Mathina Ross has always been a healer and philanthropist at heart. Though her background is not necessarily one you would expect from someone who now has a bustling career offering signature massage experiences, throughout her life she has mastered the art of caring for others. In fact, before attending SWIHA and completing our 1000-hour Massage Therapy Program, Mathina cultivated a profoundly rewarding career in cosmetology, in which she chose to specialize working with children who experienced spectrum disorders toward the end. She shares that the work was fulfilling to her soul, yet left her feeling drained. “I loved the work, [however, I] got ‘burned out.’  Given my specialized status, when I chose to move on, my options were very limited.  Prior to specializing, I had worked in hair, skin and nail care, and had been massaging much of the body, so the transition to massage seemed an appropriate one.

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Topics: aromatherapy, transformational, holistic, wellness, Massage, yoga, Self-care, healing, Yoga Teacher Training, Transformation, asana, health, Spiritual, Alternative healing, Namaste, Yogi, Om

Holistic Living Brings Me Closer to Spirit

Posted by Kerry Burki on 2/17/17 1:28 PM

In 2015, Gena Hailey and her family were going to the doctor a lot for colds, to the point where they were spending a lot of money on co-pays and prescription drugs. Most of the time, the treatments didn’t even work. She had been doing internet searches on home remedies, and now and then, she would accidentally come across articles that mentioned holistic healing. She admitted that at the time, she wasn’t even sure what holistic meant. She ended up seeing an ad for the Southwest Institute of Healing Arts (SWIHA). “I was like (imagine a soft, high-pitched voice), ‘What is this magic they speak of?’ Ha! Within that next week I had researched the school, the programs they offered, and spoke to an Admissions Coach - and I was absolutely ecstatic to enroll in the Mind-Body Wellness Practitioner program with a focus on Urban Farming & Conscious Living, and begin the journey that would eventually teach me that ‘magic’ and end up a #GreatGraduate.”

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Topics: aromatherapy, transformational, Life Coaching, holistic, Toe Reading, flower essences, Holistic Healing, Holistic Nutrtion, Nutrition Coaching, Mind-body, Urban Farming

Finding Self-Love and Self-Compassion Through the Healing Arts

Posted by Kerry Burki on 2/10/17 10:13 AM

By 2014, Angelica Belmar was happy in many areas of her life. Her family, kids, and husband made her feel proud of them. She was grateful and humble for all she had in her life, however her only frustration was that she didn’t have a career, and that feeling was strong in her heart. She knew that she wanted to study, yet she didn’t know what she wanted to study. “My entire life, I have been inclined towards kindness, gentleness, compassion, and diplomacy. I like to help others. The holistic field sounded very fascinating to me, so I started researching it, and I found Southwest Institute of Healing Arts (SWIHA).” She enrolled and graduated with an Associates degree of Occupational Studies in Mind Body Transformational Psychology specializing in Hypnotherapy, Holistic Nutrition, and Life Coaching. Within the program she also studied Aromatherapy, Flower Essences, Prayer Therapy, Ayurveda Introduction, Energy Anatomy, Psychology of Addictions, Developmental Psychology, Ethical Consciousness.  She calls SWIHA one of the best schools in the world because it is a school that gives holistic education, and therefore they care for each one of their students. She experienced their support during her program, and now that she is graduated, she feels that her success is important for them. “I’m so grateful.”

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Topics: aromatherapy, Life Coaching, Holistic Nutrition, flower essences, Ayurveda, Hypnotherapy, Mind Body Transformational Psychology, Prayer Therapy, Psychology of Addictions, Ethical Consciousness, Energy Anatomy

The Prosperity Blend: Aromatherapy to Shift Your Finances

Posted by KC Miller on 11/21/16 10:04 AM

Worrying about money can be a tremendous stressor in one’s life. Scientific studies have shown that extreme stress can adversely affect our mental health and can decrease the function of our immune system. Because mind and body function together, worrying about money may cause physical and emotional symptoms. You might feel helpless or depressed. Possibly you experience headaches, digestive problems, or frequent infections. You may feel anxious, irritable, and have difficulty sleeping. 

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Topics: aromatherapy, Life Coaching, holistic, Massage, SWIHA, healing, Essential Oils, Hypnotherapy, Lavender, ylang ylang, healing arts

3 Essential Oils For Back To School

Posted by Kerry Burki on 9/6/16 9:18 AM

It is back-to-school time all around the country, and we want to share a couple essential oil blends that will help make the school year a success! If you’ve never experimented with aromatherapy before, not to worry! It’s easy and we’ll help you find the things you need at the bottom of this blog! Remember, you can reap the rewards of a healing plant through ingesting it or smelling the aroma. Just be sure the way you choose is safe, and the plant form your decide on is meant for the way you’re using it. Some oil is topical only, while other plant material can be made into oil, brewed for tea, or just picked and inhaled! 

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Topics: aromatherapy, Chamomile, Essential Oils, Back To School Essential Oils, Benefits of Aromatherapy, Citrus, Lavender

The Power of Healing Arts: Sister Saturn and Momma, Too featuring Tiff DeLancy

Posted by Kerry Burki on 8/19/16 8:25 AM

Tiffany DeLancy does not quite remember how she originally heard of Southwest Institute of Arts (SWIHA), yet she does know that it was her interest in becoming a yoga instructor that was the original reason for attending the school. She went on to enroll in and graduate from the Yoga Teacher Training 600-hour program with Aromatherapy and Hypnotherapy as her electives.

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Topics: aromatherapy, SWIHA, Certified Yoga Teacher, Yoga Teacher Training, Hypnotherapy, yoga teacher training 600 hour program

Gisele Marasca-Vargas: Starting From Scratch to Starting a Business

Posted by Kerry Burki on 5/2/16 7:46 AM

In 2010, Gisele Marasca-Vargas had to close her graphic design and publishing company and file for bankruptcy (mostly due to the 2008 economic crisis). She lost her home in the process and had to practically start from scratch. She got a temporary job at the U.S. Census Bureau and went through a phase when she was feeling lost and confused about her next steps. At a certain point, she realized that she needed to reinvent herself.

During her years as a graphic designer and publisher, she had worked on the side as an “energy healer”. She felt that the challenges she had gone through were a sign from the Universe that it was time to change the course of her life -- to find her true path. Gisele decided that her “on the side” work was going to become her main career and life path.

“That’s when I started researching schools from all over the country for a degree in energy healing and other holistic practices. I was attracted by the AOS degree in Holistic Health Care (Concentration in Mind-Body Transformational Psychology) that Southwest Institute of Healing Arts (SWIHA) offered. I was also very intrigued by the fact that it’s very rich curriculum included Hypnotherapy and Life Coaching. The facts that SWIHA offers online programs and is nationally accredited by ACCET and is recognized by the U.S. Department of Education sealed the deal,” shared Gisele.

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Topics: Southwest Institute of Healing Arts, aromatherapy, transformational, Life Coaching, reflexology, Blog, SWIHA, flower essences, energy healing, Reiki, energy work, mind body spirit, Psychology, Hypnotherapy

Zoey Greco – a combination of a mermaid, a hippie, and a gypsy

Posted by Brian McKinney on 3/11/16 3:29 AM

Zoey Greco was wrapping up her studies towards a Bachelor’s degree in sunny, Southern California back in 2012 when she began to feel a bit lost about how she was going to move forward in her life. “I knew I wanted to be a healer, yet I had NO idea how to enter into such a metaphysical field. I pondered how could I tell my family who had poured thousands of dollars into my education that I wanted to be an intuitive channel and energy healer?” All of her friends were applying and receiving acceptance letters to graduate programs or Fulbright scholarships and Zoey was wondering how she could possibly make her dreams a reality. Other careers have more clear paths to success—formal internships, graduate programs, the rat race. Zoey knew that those paths were not for her.

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Topics: Southwest Institute of Healing Arts, aromatherapy, Great Graduates, Life Coaching, Blog, spiritual Studies, SWIHA, yoga, loving yourself, Reiki, Yoga Teacher Training

9 Ways to Create Mental Clarity

Posted by Kerry Burki on 10/12/15 8:56 AM

Is your head filled with a gazillion ideas of what you want to do? Do you have a hard time figuring out where to start? Are you passionate about so many things that you end up depleting your energy doing a bunch of little things?

Are you seeking clarity? I found this definition of clarity that I believe will speak to you:

Clarity is a noun meaning: Clearness or lucidity as to perception or understanding; freedom from indistinctness or ambiguity.

Ah, freedom. You are seeking freedom from your vision not being clear. You are seeking freedom from having your efforts lack proper focus and intention. Others have been in this situation before and have moved forward. So can you. Here are some ways you can begin to create clarity around your business and your future.

Healing Stones

Tigers Eye is used to focus the mind. It will cause the mind to have feelings of oneness and feel more direct in all thoughts. Place several stones in your workspace to help you focus your mind and benefit from this stones calming and clearing properties. You can find these at our Healing Pages Store on-campus or online.

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Topics: Southwest Institute of Healing Arts, aromatherapy, Blog, SWIHA

Following her "hART": Great Graduate Lisa Hecke's Road to Entrepreneurship

Posted by Jenna Zizzo on 3/20/15 4:42 AM

Six years ago, Lisa Hecke felt lost. More than that, she was frustrated, angry and unhappy. No longer satisfied in her day job, Lisa found herself hunched over her knees, crying, sobbing, and seeking a new path. She recalls asking aloud for help, gasping through tears and heart wrenching sobs.

“Please show me how to be happy again,” she begged the universe. “If I am meant to stay at this job then please show me how to be happy there, but if I am meant to move on then please show me where to go.”

Suddenly, Lisa says, in one breath her entire body relaxed. A sense of calm washed over her, and she was finally able to surrender. This surrendering and asking for change was the first step on Lisa’s journey to career transformation. Almost immediately, Lisa began to see great opportunities open up before her very eyes, in the areas of interest she always wanted to pursue.

One such opportunity was Yoga Teacher Training. The days and times of the training program aligned perfectly with Lisa’s schedule, so she knew she couldn’t pass it up. Even though the cost of the training was a big financial investment for her, Lisa put her deposit down and as if out of nowhere, the rest of the money presented itself.

“Everything was flowing and it was a clear indication that this was the right thing to do,” Lisa shares.

Once her yoga teacher training hours were complete, Lisa began pursuing other interests, such as Aromatherapy. During her yoga teacher training, she learned a little bit about

Aromatherapy, and used essential oils to help soothe her body from all of the new and different physical movement that goes along with teacher training. “The oils helped to soothe my muscles and at times my spirit,” Lisa says. She wanted to learn all about this time honored healing modality, so she enrolled in the 100 hour Certificate of Excellence Aromatherapy program at Southwest Institute of Healing Arts (SWIHA). “I saw this as another example of my spirit guiding me toward my interests,” says Lisa.

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Topics: Southwest Institute of Healing Arts, aromatherapy, Great Graduates, Blog, SWIHA, yoga, Yoga Teacher Training, Hypnotherapy

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