Healing Footstep to Footstep – #SWIHA Graduate Releases Book – April 25, 2017

Posted by KC Miller on 4/7/17 12:16 PM

She is excited! We are excited! And the world will soon be excited for one of SWIHA’s #GreatGraduates, Brianna Bedigian.  She is releasing her first book this next week.  It’s entitled Healing Footstep to Footstep.

Brianna is a highly trained and gifted healer, and a graduate of the SWIHA Hypnotherapy program.  After being diagnosed with chronic fatigue syndrome, Brianna dug deep to create and undergo her own healing process, and chronicled it through journaling and photography. After her recovery, and years of optimum health, Brianna looked back and reflected on the narrative that unfolded.  One step at a time, footstep to footstep, her healing occurred over time. Brianna realized her recorded journal entries can now serve as an abstract primer-of-sorts for others suffering from any type of illness.

As an author, artist, teacher and healer, Brianna utilizes her personal journey, years of formal training and her personal practice to guide students and clients locally, nationally and even remotely. Brianna explains, “The reality is that healing begins one step at a time, often slowly and with acceptance of the self.”

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Topics: Become a Hypnotherapist, Great Graduate, SWIHA, yoga, healing, Reiki, Hypnotherapy, healing arts

Antonieta Hensley: Standing Strong in Her Message as a Yoga Teacher and Hypnotherapist

Posted by Anthony Scarpulla on 5/17/16 11:37 AM

When it comes to discovering Southwest Institute for Healing Arts (SWIHA), Antonieta Hensley has Google to thank! “After I saw all the courses, programs, and classes they offered, I was sold. It sounded like a temple or a mystery school available in the states and I knew it was calling for me before I ever stepped foot on the school grounds.”

Antonieta graduated from the 600-hour Mind Body Wellness Practitioner program. She also went through the Yoga Teaching Training, Transformational Life Coaching, and Hypnotherapy programs. She went on to share how her time at SWIHA dramatically changed her life for the better:

“The laws of attraction, eastern philosophies, energetic body healing, taboo subjects, and spirituality have always fascinated me. But that is only about 10% of what the school has to offer. It surpasses your expectations on both what you can learn and whom you can meet. There is no need to search for a guru in India or Thailand. With SWIHA you can become your OWN guru.”

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Topics: Sound Healing, Mindful Breathing, self love, Become a Hypnotherapist, Hypnotherapist, Blog, Car Yoga, Mind Body Wellness, Certified Hypnotherapist, yoga, Certified Yoga Teacher, Meditation, Lightworker, Reiki, Yoga Teacher Training, Hypnotherapy

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