Trusting the Process

Posted by Dajon Ferrell on 9/9/14 8:28 AM

Where were you on 9/11?

Three simple numbers pack so many memories. When you hear 9/11, what memories come to mind for you? Regardless of your political beliefs, religion, or ethnicity, we all have memories from that day. I was a freshman at Concordia University in Seward, Nebraska. I was going to school to become a Lutheran teacher and heard the report on the radio while getting ready for class. I remember not totally understanding what really happened. I walked into my first class and the room was silent with everyone’s eyes on the TV screen. Those initial images of ash-covered people running through the streets, silhouettes of bodies falling and then the second plane hitting are etched in my mind; in addition the confusion of the other planes and trying to make sense of it all. War in our backyard just didn’t make sense.

At the time, it never crossed my mind that I would one day be wearing a military uniform and learning about rules of engagement. The only uniform I knew at the time was a Hooter’s uniform. Yes, I admit it sounds a bit odd and hypocritical for someone trying to become a Lutheran school teacher to scurry off after bible history class to throw on her pantyhose and booty shorts. Somehow, though, it was part of my process. As you might have guessed, I only spent one semester at Concordia University before I left the cornfields of Nebraska for the beaches of San Diego, California. My new career as a waitress at Denny’s didn’t quite cut it and soon I was out of options.

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Topics: Life Coaching, Blog

Yoga Nidra: Tapping Into Your Infinite Self

Posted by Dajon Ferrell on 9/4/14 8:19 AM


Yoga nidra, also known is ‘yogi sleep’, is an exciting concept blending yoga and meditation. My first exposure left me enlightened, more present than I’ve ever felt and wanting more! As I began my yoga nidra experience, I realized two things: Many people are confused about what it really is and it has the power to transform the life of anyone, regardless of experience with meditation and yoga.

Let Me Explain What Led Me to Yoga Nidra

After being diagnosed with PTSD from various military experiences and childhood traumas, I was blown away by how often medication was thrown at me. After some soul searching, I chose to replace medication with meditation, and to help others do the same. When I joined the team at Southwest Institute of Healing Arts (SWIHA), I was afforded the opportunity to take Yoga Nidra I with an amazing nationally recognized teacher named Kamini Desai, PhD.

To my surprise, yoga nidra is done from one position, Savasana, or lying down on your back. You’re able to use blankets, pillows, bolsters, eye pillows, chairs and other props to position yourself in a way that your body is completely neutral and relaxed. Just the act of lying there and being is relaxing in itself; when the instructor starts to lead you down into a certain brainwave state of sleep, where autonomic nervous system has a chance to rejuvenate, you really do fall into a deep yogi sleep. Human growth hormone, promoter of cell repair, is released in this Delta or deep sleep state. In our society today, stress, the inability to turn off the working brain, unhealthy eating habits, certain medications and other factors all play a role in reducing the amount of this deep sleep that allows us to tap into the expansive and unlimited beings that we all are.

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Topics: yoga meditation, Blog, Kamini Desai, SWIHA, yoga, Amrit Desai, yoga nidra

What is Whole Food Cooking? Easy Recipe Included

Posted by Melanie Albert on 9/3/14 8:37 AM

Plus an easy recipe: Bamboo Steamer Carrots with Cumin & Walnut Oil

We often hear the term whole foods or whole food cooking, yet do we really know what the terms mean?

The ‘Whole Food’ way of eating is enjoying as many “whole foods” as possible – that is, eating foods as close to their natural form as possible, with very minimal processing. This is the way people were eating a hundred years ago prior to the age of fast food restaurants, manufactured processed foods, convenience foods. It was when people actually spent time in their kitchen cooking, and less time eating out or eating on the run.

Simply, Whole Foods Cooking uses S.O.U.L. Foods: Seasonal. Organic. Unprocessed. Local.

Many health experts believe eating more whole foods improves health and helps prevent disease. Whole foods – like vegetables, fruits, whole grains, nuts, and legumes – retain their fiber and beneficial phytochemicals and nutrients that are often removed in processed foods.

Eating organic, whole foods, and shopping at farmers’ markets, CSAs (Community Supported Agriculture) and food co-ops is something many people have had to re-learn. Our intention with the Whole Food/ S.O.U.L Food Wednesday BLOG is to get you as excited about cooking and eating real whole foods as we are.

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Topics: Melanie Albert, Whole Foods Wednesday, Blog, Recipe of the Week, Whole Foods, Urban Farming, Nutrition

7 Health Benefits Of Massage

Posted by Dajon Ferrell on 9/2/14 10:04 AM

Massage has many benefits! When most people think of massage, the image of spas and pampering often comes to mind. Massage is much more than a soothing touch. Many research studies have proven that massage benefits your health, addressing the whole person body, mind and spirit. The Touch Research Institute has documented research findings as to the enhanced growth of infants, diminished chronic pain, enhanced immune function, decreased autoimmune problems, improved glucose levels in diabetics, improved pulmonary function tests in people with asthma, and enhanced alertness and mental performance due to regular massage therapy sessions.

Health Benefits Of Massage

1. Lowers Stress

The University of Miami School of Medicine reviewed studies that measured the stress hormone cortisol in participants before and immediately after massage and found that massage therapy lowered levels by up to 53 percent!

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Topics: Blog, Massage

Signs Everywhere There Are Signs

Posted by Dajon Ferrell on 8/25/14 4:59 AM

Do you believe that everything happens for a purpose?

My name is Dajon and I’m a new member of the Southwest Institute of Healing Arts (SWIHA) community, serving as the Chief Communications Specialist and Community Liaison. When I say new, I mean that I literally hopped on a plane from Minnesota and joined the family this last week. This amazing opportunity didn’t come without many, many signs: Let me share my journey with you.For the past 12 years, I’ve served in the military. In February of this year, I decided leave military service and pursue a different path of service where I could help empower others. I had become accustomed to having everything chosen for me, from where to be, what uniform to wear, to how my career path was laid out. I enjoyed my military experience, however, I had lost my passion and felt my soul was searching for a new experience. Looking for where I fit in, I started working multiple part-time jobs; this just created more noise in my life and left me feeling even more confused. What I realize now is that I was looking for a sign.

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Topics: Life Coaching, Motivational Monday, Blog, Deepak Chopra, Toe Reading, Dajon Ferrell, SWIHA, Dajon Smiles, Transformational Life Story, Doreen Virtue, KC Miller, Course In Miracles

Meet Great Graduate Tara Martineau

Posted by Brian McKinney on 5/20/14 8:33 AM

SWIHA Graduate Tara Martineau is a Transformational Reiki practitioner, Certified Clinical Hypnotherapist, Aromatherapist, and intuitive Toe Reader.

Tara is excited to be sharing news that she has just signed a lease for her own professional suite at a retail wellness building to offer her healing arts. Tara previously mainly traveled to offer her sessions or worked from home. She also does a lot of volunteer work with her gifts at multiple locations including the Southwest HIV Center and Banner Heart Hospital. Tara has often shared her skills at the ‘Discover Your Gifts & Graces’ event every first Friday of the month at Southwest Institute of Healing Arts. She is now growing her practice, building her clientele, expanding her business Soar to Self, and taking a leap into having her own office at the Independent Professionals Wellness Center in Mesa, AZ.

Tara loves helping people rediscover themselves and incorporating aromatherapy into her work, especially for the emotional benefits it brings to her clients, but says her heart goes to Reiki and energy work. Her take? “It’s all the same work; it’s just a different direction in how you come at it. I love creatively incorporating it all together. I can’t work on a client without their toes talking to me!”

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Topics: Great Graduates, SWIHA Services, Blog

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