Waste-Free Fall: Non-Toxic Air Freshener & Compostable Décor Ideas

Posted by Taylor Jablonowski on 9/9/19 3:00 PM

Autumn is nearing! The days are growing shorter, Pumpkin Spice season is in full swing, and here in Arizona we’re eyeing our hoodies and scarves in eager anticipation.

Southwest Institute of Healing Arts is all about sustainability and conscious choices, so today we bring to you some Fall DIY projects that are healthy, waste-free and likely made from things you already keep in your home!

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Topics: Motivational Monday, DIY, aromatherapy, conscious living, Ecofriendly

What You Can Do to Help Heal the Amazon Rainforest

Posted by Taylor Jablonowski on 8/26/19 3:00 PM

If you’re on social media, you’ve surely seen the devastating images of the fires currently ravaging the Amazon rainforest in Brazil. This delicate and ancient ecosystem is burning at its highest rate since 2013, threatening millions of species of plants and animals, indigenous tribes, and the climate of our entire planet.

If you are outraged and heartbroken, you are not alone. Southwest Institute of Healing Arts is a community of healers, and together we can consciously contribute to the well-being of our planet.

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Topics: Motivational Monday, healthy living, conscious college community, Ecofriendly, Amazon Rainforest

Uses for Essential Oils That Replace Toxic Store-Bought Products

Posted by Taylor Jablonowski on 11/5/18 2:00 PM

Are you looking to minimize exposure to environmental toxins, find effective alternatives to chemical-filled cleaners, and surround yourself with natural scents instead of synthetic fragrances? Essential oils will be, well...essential to your quest!

Essential oils are extracted from plants, capturing its scent and flavor or “essence”. These oils are obtained through various methods such as distillation or cold pressing, taking care to consider the chemical makeup of the plant and produce only a pure end-product.

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Topics: western herbalism, Motivational Monday, Essential Oils, aromatherapy, Ecofriendly

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