Hypnotherapy and Life Coaching for Women, Mother, & Child

Posted by Anthony Scarpulla on 12/16/16 10:00 AM

From a young age, Stephanie M. Bjarnson already admired life coaches. A counselor taught her self-hypnosis techniques, which she then used to bring herself out of a severe depression during her youth. Her hometown wasn’t the most accepting of her approach to holistic healing, as she shared with me.

I grew up in east Idaho where holistic talk or natural healing was far-fetched, and in some minds I am sure still falls under crazy and witchcraft. Trying to convince people that they have the power, even the mere degree of strength to heal themselves, [begets] an eye roll. The thing that is frightening is that most of them believe in it, but will not try it

~Stephanie Bjarnson

Stephanie feels that this fear is due to the mainstream medical establishment that pushes pills, therapy, and rehab on to people, rather than promoting self-love, meditation, and holistic methods of healing. Stephanie sums up healing and wellness succinctly, saying, It all starts with the self - that is where we truly evolve.”

Though the fields of life coaching and hypnosis may differ in their approach to healing, these were the two areas that Stephanie desired to learn about the most, dating back to her highly beneficial childhood experiences with them. It comes as no surprise that Stephanie eventually enrolled in the Mind-Body Wellness Practitioner ONLINE program, where she specialized in Clinical Hypnotherapy and Life Coaching.

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Topics: Life Coaching, holistic, Great Graduate, SWIHA, Skincare, entrepreneur, Essential Oils, Hypnotherapy, mothering, childbirth, post-partum, anxiety

Helping Others Create Open Minded Lives

Posted by Kerry Burki on 10/14/16 9:50 AM

A desire to learn healing arts, to refine the skills she already had, and to give her some new ones is exactly what brought Connie Gensamer to Southwest Institute of Healing Arts (SWIHA). Truly, she has always been on the path to healing work, however in early in 2014, she was introduced to a modality called The Reconnection by Eric Pearl. “I read his books and then had the process done. My feet were reconnected to the earth and my crown chakra reconnected to the cosmos as a way of reclaiming who I was and my life purpose. After the process, I really didn’t know if things had shifted, yet three months later, I was looking for a school to teach me how to help people heal, and I found SWIHA.”

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Topics: Toe Reading, spiritual Studies, entrepreneur, Intuition, Mind-body, Spirit, Hypnotherapy, Transformation, Oracle Cards

Do You Have What It Takes To Be An Entrepreneur?

Posted by Ravynn Rohner on 8/29/16 2:25 PM

Forbes.com posted an article in 2011 that a new Gallup survey shows that 71% of employees hate their job. I’ve heard myself quote before, “So many Americans hate their work; why don’t they do something about it? I cannot be stagnant for long. If I’m unhappy, I zero in on the problem and implement change. I am a problem solver.”  Two years later, Forbes posted another article on why two million Americans quit their jobs every month, according to the US Department of Labor Bureau of Labor Statistics. These are the top reasons:

  • They don’t like their boss.
  • There is a lack of self-empowerment.
  • They don’t the like the drama of internal politics.
  • There is a lack of recognition.


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Topics: entrepreneur

Using Self-Care to Transform Your Life.

Posted by Serena Misquez on 6/6/16 9:02 AM

Self-care is a modern concept that has permeated our culture and intrigued people in many different fields.

What does self-care really mean? According to this article from the University of Kentucky, it includes a regulatory process by which we approach the normal daily functions of our lives. These functions include, but are not limited to, eating, sleeping, exercise, medical care, relaxation or meditation, and journaling. People that are known to exude excellent forms of self-care seem to all have one main thing in common: They do normal things in extraordinary ways. For example, a form of self-care for someone who wants to exercise and move their body may be to hire a coach and train for a marathon. It might also look like combining creative activities into a fitness regimen, such as doing yoga or aerial arts. Another way in which people can practice self-care is by making a certain length of sleep a non-negotiable priority. For the average American, sleep can be a hard thing to come by. According to this article from Entrepreneur.com the most successful entrepreneurs start their days early and have developed a sleep routine that is natural, and consistent. Self-care permeates through every action that we take during our waking and sleeping hours.

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Topics: ethics, sleep, holistic practitioner, life purpose, yoga, journaling, Self-care, entrepreneur, exercise

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