How Holistic Wellness Training Can Help You Start Your Own Business

Posted by Jasper Marie on 3/21/25 8:00 AM

In today’s world, more people than ever are seeking alternative and holistic approaches to health and well-being. As the demand for holistic wellness services continues to grow, so does the need for skilled practitioners who are experts in their fields and also capable of running successful businesses. At the Southwest Institute of Healing Arts (SWIHA), we believe in empowering individuals to step into their purpose, share their healing gifts, and build sustainable, thriving businesses in the holistic wellness industry.

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Topics: Holistic Entrepreneurship, Entrepreneurs, Holistic Modalities, Holistic Wellness Education

The Making of a Motivator

Posted by KC Miller on 2/12/25 8:00 AM

A “motivator” is a charismatic person who provides encouragement and inspiration to others to take action, pursue goals, improve performance, or take on a new, more positive outlook on life. They are described as cheerleaders, coaches, caregivers, or even Firewalkers!  

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Topics: Life Coaching, KC Miller, Entrepreneurs, Firewalker, Peak Performance, James Patrick, Motivator

6 Ways to Combat Your Inner Critic as an Entrepreneur with Amber Terry

Posted by Amber Terry on 10/31/24 4:00 PM

I've learned as an entrepreneur that battling the inner critic is a tough challenge that many of us face every day. The voice in our heads that questions our abilities, compares us to others, and fills us with fear of failure can be paralyzing and hold us back from reaching our goals. Conquering this inner critic requires resilience, determination, and a strong mindset.

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Topics: Great Graduate, Holistic Entrepreneurship, Entrepreneurs, inner critic

How Kayla Winger's Journey to Becoming a Massage Therapist Changed Her Life

Posted by Jade Marvin on 4/18/24 4:00 PM

What was your life like before SWIHA? What led you to SWIHA and to your particular program of study? Why are you passionate about this modality?

Prior to choosing to attend SWIHA, I had actually been working at a massage studio at the front desk while I was in school working toward becoming a therapist or a counselor. After getting my degree, I worked as a psychiatric technician for about a year, until I realized I wanted more freedom in my everyday life. I wanted to spend more time with my daughter, and ultimately I wanted to find a more creative career path to support my desire to help other people heal! After a brief, deep internal battle of 'what others would think' or 'what I should be doing' (none of that matters anyway), I sat on my couch and laughed to myself at the realization that I COULD be a massage therapist and make great money doing so, all while creating my own schedule. At that moment, I decided I was going to sign up for the massage program and just go for it.. and I did.

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Topics: Massage Therapy, Great Graduate, Massage program, Entrepreneurs, Arizona Massage School

Fall Festival at SWIHA: Yoga Classes, Sound Healing, Massage Championship, Local Vendors, and Kids Camp

Posted by Jade Marvin on 10/6/22 4:00 PM

Southwest Institute of Healing Arts will be holding a celebration of Mind, Body, and Spirit on the greenbelt next to our beautiful campuses. The Healing Arts Fall Festival, previously known as the Holistic Health Gathering, is a complimentary, community, family-friendly celebration of yoga, healing arts modalities, and UNITY! SWIHA invites you to join us for a full day of yoga classes, meditation, sound healing, a massage championship, and over 50 vendors! Bring your entire family to enjoy the Kids Camp Collaboration with Luna Mind Body Spirit, who will be hosting kids yoga, a somatic kids experience, a bouncy house, and face painting. This full day of activities is open to anyone and everyone! Come be a part of our conscious community.

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Topics: Sound Healing, Southwest Institute of Healing Arts, SWIHA, yoga nidra, Arizona, healing arts, spirit of yoga, Tempe, yoga classes, vibrational healing, SWIHA Events, Entrepreneurs, Arizona Massage School, Massage Championship, Fall Festival, Healing Arts Fall Festival, Vibrational Yin, Drum Circle, Vendors, Local Business, Small Business, Arizona Massage Championship, Holistic Health Gathering

Holistic Health Gathering:  Yoga Classes, Local Vendors, and Massage Championship

Posted by Taylor Jablonowski on 10/21/19 3:00 PM

This Saturday, Southwest Institute of Healing Arts is holding a celebration of Mind, Body and Spirit on the greenbelt next our campuses. This will be the twenty-third year that SWIHA has hosted the Holistic Health Gathering, and will also mark one year at our main campus’ new location! There is no charge to attend and this event is open to the public.

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Topics: Massage, Holistic health, yoga, SWIHA Events, Gathering, Entrepreneurs

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