There is a famous proverb that goes like this, “If you give a man a fish, you feed him for a day. If you teach a man to fish, you feed him for a lifetime.” What does that mean? How do we help others to help themselves? Do we tell people how to do that? Do we teach them or show them? Maybe we just do it for them and save everyone the hassle of learning or can we just give them a Field & Stream subscription?
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Holistic Nutrition,
holistic entrepreneur,
Great Graduate,
Health and Wellness Coach,
Holistic Health and Wellness Coach
In my early to mid 30’s I went through what I refer to as my mid-life crisis, I got divorced, struggled with addiction, and let a lot of negative people and negativity in general into my energy and space, in the hopes of finding/being truly loved (out of desperation). I found out my son had Chondroblastoma tumors, I was trying to help my mom who is battling cancer and basically lost myself in the pain stemming from the divorce I got from my best friend, lover, father of my children, my husband of 17 years. He was living a double life where he was struggling with addictions, and having an affair with my supervisor/best friend outside my marriage. It was like mourning the death of someone who was still alive, crazy right? He left not only me; he left our 3 children as well, and never looked back. It was a total shock in every sense. I was sort of left there standing, wondering what just happened like some sort of awkward comedy. It all happened so fast. I could hardly hold myself together let alone for 3 children, yet I had no choice.
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Great Graduate,
Spiritual Coaching,
integrative healing arts practitioner,
Online student
“The Universe knows the perfect timing for all those things you want and will find, through the crack of least resistance, the best way to deliver it to you.” - Esther Hicks
Life can be all about timing. For SWIHA Great Graduate, Libby Schaible, this happened to be the case when starting her journey going back to school for SWIHA’s 1000 hr Massage Therapy program as well as being ordained through the Spiritual Coaching program. Libby shares, “I wanted to do the massage therapy program there (SWIHA) for at least 5 years before I actually started. By the time I finally started I absolutely knew I would be walking the right path. Being a longtime yoga practitioner and my love for yoga adjustments brought me to massage. I am passionate about massage and it lights up my soul. I love being able to connect one on one with people individually. And to indeed be of service to them in mind, body, and spirit.”
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Great Graduate,
Spiritual Coaching,
massage therapist,
thai foot-massage,
Licensed Massage Therapist,
Thai Massage,
swedish massage,
Deep Tissue,
1000 hr Massage,
Gua Sha
When thinking about vulnerability and intuition, I felt a spark as I was applying the two topics to my life. I am more vulnerable with myself than I ever was because I choose to listen to my intuition where I find myself more mindful and consciously aware of my thoughts, my temporary feelings, and the emotions that come with those feelings from thoughts.
Therefore I cannot speak on behalf of intuition without vulnerability, because following your instinct, and believing in your inner advisor is being vulnerable to yourself first. It's what you need before you can even be vulnerable with anyone else whether it be your friends, your partner, coworkers, or your children. Being vulnerable is being open to trusting in what you believe in so that you can show up for yourself when those moments come when you need to make choices without judgment, doubt or feeling scared of rejection or even fearing the worst for your outcomes.
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Great Graduate,
Holistic wellness,
Holistic health,
intuitve guide,
SWIHA Students,
Holistic Health and Wellness,
Holistic Health and Wellness Coach,
Healing Journey
Take a moment to recall the last time you felt stress in your life. Did it take you a while to remember the last experience, or was it too easy to quickly identify when stress has been present?
It's safe to say that stress is universal- stress is likely to arise at some time in our human experience, maybe even frequently. In fact, the Recovery Village states "
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Great Graduate,
mind body spirit,
Holistic wellness,
Holistic health,
Stress Management,
integrative healing arts practitioner,
SWIHA Students
As an Entrepreneur in the Holistic Health & Wellness space, and having a passion for helping others, it is a common path that most healers will try to expand their tool belts in every way they can. This way, they can offer more modalities, helping their clients, as well as expanding their business. This was the very case for SWIHA Great Graduate, Shawna Roberts, a recent graduate of the 755-hr Holistic Health and Wellness Coach Diploma Program. Shawna was an already established Licensed Massage Therapist and Yoga Instructor running her own business. She was looking for the next natural progression in building and expanding her business. With a passion for health and wellness, specifically holistic nutrition and the impact it has on overall health - based on Shawna’s personal health challenges; the Wellness Coaching program seemed like the perfect fit!
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Holistic Nutrition,
holistic entrepreneur,
Great Graduate,
Mindful Meditation Facilitator,
Whole Foods Culinary Specialist,
Health & Wellness Coach,
Holistic Health and Wellness Coach
“I started the Holistic Health & Wellness Coaching program at SWIHA after being sick of the repetitive feeling that I was missing something. I was a doula pre-COVID and felt like there was so much more I could be offering clients and their families, yet didn't know how to do that. I saw SWIHA come up on my internet screen more times than I would like to admit. I was a complete people pleaser at the time, so I continued to say no. I finally said, ‘YES, it's now. This is what I need’ and it's been one of the most challenging and rewarding experiences. I am so glad I said yes. I love the closeness I feel with my classmates as well as the instructors and I also love that this program has challenged me to really focus on what I am passionate about.”
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holistic entrepreneur,
Great Graduate,
Holistic wellness,
SWIHA Students,
Health and Wellness,
Holistic Health and Wellness,
Health & Wellness Coach,
SWIHA Graduate,
Holistic Health and Wellness Coach,
Mindful Meditation
Through the years more and more individuals are being diagnosed with ADHD. ADHD stands for, Attention Deficit Hyperactivity Disorder. If you find it difficult to concentrate, relax, or have issues with impulsivity, there is a chance you may have undiagnosed ADHD. I am here to bring awareness and share with you the tools I use to manage my ADHD without the use of medication. The most important thing I have learned on my journey is to embrace my ADHD and view it as a superpower. Once I accepted that I have ADHD, I was able to use it to my advantage.
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holistic entrepreneur,
Great Graduate,
Holistic wellness,
Holistic health,
Holistic Health and Wellness,
Holistic Health and Wellness Coach,
Mindfulness Facilitator
“My life was lacking drive, passion, and purpose before SWIHA. I was ready for a change and to do something that filled my life. My aunt had taken classes at SWIHA years earlier so I looked into it and fell in love! I am passionate about this modality because I believe that there are better ways to heal our mind, body, and soul than only what traditional medicine provides.”
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Great Graduate,
SWIHA Students,
Health and Wellness Coach,
Holistic Health and Wellness Coach
“Before SWIHA, I had two decades of social work experience in the context of non-profit organizations and State Government. In 2009, I had a series of unfortunate, life-altering events occur that made me realize there are gaps in services for people like myself (grieving, going through a divorce and the loss of a parent, and also living away from my family) lacking a support network to help me navigate the process or hold space for my grief. This led me on a search for healing and eventually, I landed in massage school, reiki training, yoga, meditation teacher training, and end-of-life doula classes.”
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holistic entrepreneur,
Great Graduate,
Past Life Regressions,
SWIHA Students,
tarot readings,
End of Life Doula,
SWIHA Catalog,
Dreams and Metaphors