Around SWIHA you hear the word synchronicity used a lot. It seems that either right before people start coming here or after they have arrived they notice a coincidental occurrence of events in their life. There are stories of people daydreaming about a new career and then finding a SWIHA flyer in a parking lot. Also, things like hearing the words synchronicity or aura or manifesting and all of a sudden hearing those words all over the place such as emails, social media and books.
Here is another story about synchronicity and SWIHA. Two weeks ago there was a women’s event that involved journaling and sharing. One of the women shared a story about being afraid of the next step in her journey even though she is also excited and knows it is what she wants. Then she said “I am going to do it afraid.” She is not going to wait for those feelings to go away. She knows deep down that she needs to take that step for her mental, physical, emotional and spiritual health. She is going to do it afraid.
Then at the Spirit of Business Conference here at SWIHA, Aandra Bohlen, a SWIHA graduate, was one of the speakers. She talked about doing things in spite of fear and doubt. She urged everyone to do it scared. She suggested using the hashtag #doitscared.
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