Recognizing Positions of Privilege and Power to Create a More Just World

Posted by Kimberlee Morrison on 10/29/20 4:00 PM

The dominant culture would not just separate us from ourselves, it also separates us from each other. This is a way to keep us from being able to realize our collective power. But how do we balance acknowledging our individual lived experiences, with the need to come together to create the necessary shift? We must eventually move beyond our identities to see our cosmic connection to each other, and the Divine Source, and work together to create a world that reflects this cosmic union.

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Topics: yoga, Guest Blog, Social Justice, Yoga Philosophy, Samskaras

How Does Spiritual Bypassing Perpetuate Violence?

Posted by Kimberlee Morrison on 7/23/20 4:00 PM

Editor’s Note: In keeping with SWIHA’s commitment to uplift BIPOC voices in the spiritual community, today’s guest blog is by Kimberlee Morrison, writer, yogi and founder of Love Revolution Yoga. She uses her voice and her yoga to create inclusion, understanding and empowerment. This blog gives insight in to ways that BIPOC folks in spiritual spaces are made to feel uncomfortable when speaking about injustice within their community and the anxieties unique to their experience. Thank you, Kimberlee!

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Topics: yoga, black lives matter, Guest Blog, Social Justice, Spiritual Bypassing

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