Openhearted Work Through the Toes & Into the Soul

Posted by Ravynn Rohner on 2/13/17 10:51 AM

Toe Reading is a unique and captivating healing art, which uses active listening, powerful, soul-searching questions, and deeply skilled insight to help people create change in their lives. It is the art of sitting before someone and witnessing their very being, their life story. Toe Reading is based on the theory that each individual records a holograph of the story of their life and stores it within the body. The position and shape of the toes contain this story, which can be read by a skilled practitioner.

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Topics: healing pain, Southwest Institute of Healing Arts, transformational, Toe Reading, Massage Therapy, Great Graduate, spiritual Studies, SWIHA, Reflexology, Hypnotherapy, Blog

The ‘Reverend Fairy Godmother’ of Fountain Hills Spreads Hope and Support throughout the Community

Posted by Brian McKinney on 12/12/14 2:00 AM

As fairytail-ish as it sounds, Diana Atenco knew one of her life’s callings was tobecome a Toe Reader. She just loved the opportunity to sit with people, listen to the stories of their lives, often pray with them, and always have the opportunity to help them make new choices about how they would step forward powerfully into the world.

Diana completed a series of classes at Southwest Institute of Healing Arts (SWIHA) starting in 2007 and became a Registered Toe Reader. From the very first class she realized she had a gift; without ever fully understanding how she knew even more than what the toe tissue revealed, she was aware that Spirit was using her as a messenger to people of all ages. Before long she knew she needed to deepen the way she was serving her clients, so she returned to SWIHA to take the Hypnotherapy and Life Coaching programs.

Around the time Diana began her journey at SWIHA, her then teenage grandson horribly injured himself in a motocross accident. He became seriously dependent on prescription pain mediation, which developed into an addiction to heroin. For years Diana suffered as she watched her beloved grandson slowly fade into the dark depths of drug addiction.

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Topics: healing pain, Southwest Institute of Healing Arts, Great Graduates, Life Coaching, Blog, Toe Reading, spiritual Studies, SWIHA, Transformational Life Story

Aromatherapy for Healing Pain

Posted by Carol Gutierrez on 10/13/14 11:40 AM

What is a aromatherapy?

Aromatherapy is the use of essential oils for therapeutic purposes.Essential oils are the plant’s “life blood”, as they protect the plant from infection, attract pollinators, repel harmful predators, and assist the plant in healing and repair. The term aromatherapy is a bit of a misnomer as the essential oils are not used solely by inhaling them. Essential oils are used aromatically (inhaled), topically (applied to the skin),and some use the oils internally (orally, pessaries, douches, suppositories).

The use of essential oils has been around for centuries. Pictographs have been found in Egyptian tombs along with vats of expensive oils such as Frankincense. Throughout history and across cultures, the use of essential oils for health purposes has been recorded.

Essential oils have many therapeutic properties based on the plant’s chemical components. Commonly essential oils are bactericidal, antiviral, immune supportive, and analgesic. Dr Jean Valnet , a French surgeon, effectively used aromatherapy in World War II to treat wounds when he ran out of antibiotics!

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Topics: healing pain, aromatherapy, Blog, SWIHA, yoga, Carol Gutierrez

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