Diversifying food choices is essential for keeping our gut’s microbiome healthy. When our digestion is performing optimally, our bodies can absorb the maximum amount of nutrients from the foods we consume, thereby improving the performance of all of the systems that keep us healthy!
There is also mounting evidence showing that what we eat affects physical health and mental health. A great way to keep our mind, body and spirit happy is by consuming a rainbow...in the form of a salad, of course!
This dish is able to be completely tailored to your personal preference. Read the guide below for suggestions on creating your own Rainbow Superfood Salad!
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Motivational Monday,
Holistic Nutrition,
Healthy Eating,
healthy lifestyle
While the food and traditions may vary, every Thanksgiving table has one thing in common: tons of food. Our digestive system is always hard at work, and the sweets, fats & gluten that come with the holiday season can be especially tough on our friendly flora. However, there are a few simple things you can do to help your body stay happy and healthy -- even if you reach for that second piece of pumpkin pie!
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Holistic Nutrition,
healthy lifestyle,
Gut-Brain Axis,
Digestive System,
Holiday Season
Diversifying food choices is essential for keeping our gut’s microbiome healthy. When our digestion is performing optimally, our bodies can absorb the maximum amount of nutrients from the foods we consume, thereby improving the performance of all of the systems that keep us healthy!
There is also mounting evidence showing that what we eat affects physical health and mental health. A great way to keep our mind, body and spirit happy is by consuming a rainbow...in the form of a salad, of course!
This dish is able to be completely tailored to your personal preference. Read the guide below for suggestions on creating your own Rainbow Superfood Salad!
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Motivational Monday,
Holistic Nutrition,
Healthy Eating,
healthy lifestyle
We’ve all seen the numerous water options available in stores now, touting various health benefits and promising to deliver results with regular consumption. How do they stack up to just plain, old water? And should you shell out the extra cash? Today, we look at some popular options and dive in to the science of their benefits.
Alkaline Water
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Motivational Monday,
Holistic Nutrition,
healthy lifestyle,
Wellness Education
When Alexa Moody arrived at Southwest Institute of Healing Arts she describes herself as “on fire with changes” and eager to share her journey to help others.
“I had made dramatic changes in my life,” explains Alexa, “Especially with my food choices, which dramatically changed my health. I wanted to share this with the world and needed an outlet.”
She once struggled with numerous weight-related health issues such as acid reflux, sleep apnea, high blood pressure and diabetes. Within months of committing to her health, Alexa eliminated her need for medications for these conditions! Today, Alexa has successfully lost 188lbs through a nutrition-focused diet and committing to an active lifestyle.
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Great Graduates,
Holistic Nutrition,
healthy lifestyle,
Diploma Program,

Every year, the EWG (Environmental Working Group) analyzes the chemical residue on fruits and vegetables widely available in the average grocery store. Their report notes things such as the average number of pesticides found on a single sample and the maximum number of particles detected.
Here are their findings for 2019:
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Holistic Nutrition,
Holistic wellness,
Healthy Eating,
healthy living,
healthy lifestyle,
Organic Produce,
Natural Lifestyle
Southwest Institute of Healing Arts has been celebrating National Nutrition Month by inviting you in to our teaching kitchen for informative Facebook Live sessions with Becca Briley, Lead Admissions Coordinator, and Janet Lee, Online & On Campus Holistic Nutrition Instructor.
In case you missed the Facebook Live Videos, enjoy these replays below, and check out the next opportunity to join us on March 26th at 5PM (AZ) for a discussion about eating right for your blood type!
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Holistic Nutrition,
Healthy Eating,
healthy living,
healthy lifestyle,
Holistic Education,
Nutrition Classes,
More than ever, consumers are paying close attention to what they put in their body, avoiding unbalanced fast food in favor of organic whole foods. This shift toward a wellness-conscious mindset is changing the landscape of the health industry and fueling an increased demand for reputable, knowledgeable authorities on Holistic Nutrition.
We at Southwest Institute of Healing Arts witness firsthand the amazing transformations that passionate Nutrition Coaches facilitate, and we love supporting our graduates as they embark on their journey of becoming conscious, successful wellness pioneers! Our graduates have become motivational speakers, opened restaurants and catering businesses, written wellness blogs and cookbooks, and created successful coaching businesses. The one thing they all have in common? They began with a passion for healthy food!
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Great Graduates,
Holistic Nutrition,
healthy living,
healthy lifestyle,
Online Programs,
Wellness Education
Ahh...there’s a chill in the air, cider in our mugs and eager anticipation of the holiday season in our hearts!
Autumn is abundant; it’s when we reap the benefits of our hard summer’s work and give thanks for our blessings. Though, before you go overboard with the Halloween candy and turkey dinners, consider visiting your local farmer’s market and reaching for some of the delicious and nutritious foods in season this fall!
What to Shop For
The fall season brings a harvest of healthful and super tasty produce. From the entire cruciferous family (like cauliflower and cabbage) to root veggies (carrots, onions, sweet potatoes) to the iconic squash crew (such as pumpkins, zucchini, and butternut squash), there’s plenty of inspiration to be found.
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Motivational Monday,
Holistic Nutrition,
life coach,
SOUL Food,
SOUL Nutrition,
Healthy Eating,
whole food,
healthy lifestyle
Jenna Gully was doing the same thing many high school graduates end up doing: going to college for something she had an interest in without knowing where it would lead her or how she would use the skills she was learning in a practical way. As is often the case without that big “end picture” goal—without the drive of a vision to work towards—college had become more of a vehicle for social interaction than for personal growth. Jenna soon came to realize that she wanted more out of life… that she wanted to do something that supported a healthy and active lifestyle, something that would spark her growth as a person, that could give her direction and the motivation of working towards a career she could be excited about. In 2013, she dropped out of college and started moving in that direction.
Yoga has always been a part of Jenna’s life. Her mother had been sharing the experience of yoga with her since a young age, giving her the gift of a physical practice that was sustaining and ever evolving. After witnessing her mother’s own experience as a student in the Yoga Teacher Training program at Spirit of Yoga, Jenna realized she was being drawn to the program herself, wanting to expand on the physical practice she had enjoyed throughout the years by adding the technical, philosophical, and energetic components and developing her gift of healing touch. In 2014, she enrolled herself in the 200-hour YTT program at SOY.
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hatha gong,
Vibrational Energy,
Yoga Teacher Training,
yoga nidra,
healthy living,
bhakti yoga,
vibrational healing,
healthy lifestyle,