Turning a New Leaf: Introducing SWIHA’s New Director of Western Herbalism Shannon Stapleton

Posted by Shannon Stapleton on 2/7/25 8:00 AM

Connection to the Natural World

My connection to the natural world began in childhood, as is often the case with many herbalists. Having spent countless hours turning over rocks to uncover bugs, gathering plants from the garden, and concocting my own “potions”, I found peace, creativity, and joy in those moments.

It wasn’t until my teenage years that I began to recognize the essential and medicinal qualities of plants. I stumbled upon a book of natural remedies, and it felt like being let in on a grand secret. That discovery sparked a deep passion, and at 16, I began my self-study of herbal medicine, eagerly absorbing every resource I could find.

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Topics: western herbalism, Great Graduate, Herbal Medicine, Herbalist, JoAnn Sanchez

Herbs & Migraines: A Simple Comparison

Posted by Jennifer D’Oliveira on 9/1/22 4:00 PM

Migraines take many forms in both acute and chronic conditions. Herbs, like Feverfew, Butterbur, Lesser Periwinkle, and Ginger can work as remedies in both arenas. This is a subject of great importance to me personally. I have suffered from chronic migraines for 12 years. I struggle with a baseline headache 24 hours a day 365 days a year and I have yet to find a “magic bullet”. While I do not believe there really is a “magic bullet,” I do believe that there is help available to migraineurs for this severe and debilitating disease. That help will come in the form of ancient plant medicine with a history of potent treatment for many diseases and ailments. While there are seven types of migraines, I will explore the herbal remedies that greatly affect the pain and suffering that individuals feel during an acute or chronic attack.

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Topics: western herbalism, Holistic Healing, Herbalism, Holistic wellness, Arizona, Migraine, Tempe, Herbal Medicine, Herbalist, herbal remedies, Herbs

Take a Sip of Mindfulness with These Holiday Drink Recipes

Posted by Jade Marvin on 11/4/21 4:00 PM

A Japanese master during the Meiji era (1868-1912) named Nan-in welcomed a university professor who came to learn about Zen. The Japanese master began to serve tea. Nan-in poured the professor’s cup full, and then some. As the professor watched the teacup flow, he eventually could no longer restrain himself and blurted out “It is overfull. No more will go in!” Nan-in then replied, “like this cup, you are full of your own opinions and speculations. How can I show you Zen unless you first empty your cup?

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Topics: Southwest Institute of Healing Arts, western herbalism, Holistic Nutrition, Whole Foods, Mindfulness, Nutrition, habits, spiritual studies, Mindful, Dairy-Free, Holidays, Raw Foods, Herbal Medicine, herbal teas, Holistic Education, herbal remedies, natures herbs, Mindful Practices

Creating Holistic Herbal Remedies: Suzanne O’Gara, Certified Herbalist

Posted by Jade Marvin on 7/22/21 4:00 PM

When things don’t go as your plan or back-up plan, don’t sulk. Make new plans! The sun doesn’t stop shining just because of dark clouds.” - Unknown

Suzanne O’Gara did just that. Suzanne is a woman who has lived in many roles: singer, teacher, belly dancer, business owner, herbalist, mother, wife, and many more. Her life before SWIHA was very different, and when plans didn’t go her way, she didn’t let that stop her.

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Topics: western herbalism, SWIHA, entrepreneur, Natural Healing, Herbal Medicine, herbal remedies, natures herbs, Holistic Herbal Remedies, make medicine, flower medicine

Meet JoAnn Sanchez: Herbalist, Educator, Friend of Earth & Western Herbalism Program Director

Posted by Taylor Jablonowski on 10/1/20 4:00 PM

JoAnn Sanchez is trained in social work, forestry, natural resource development, botany and describes herself as a “primarily self-taught Herbalist” with experience spanning four decades.

“A natural attraction and affinity to plants began in childhood,” says JoAnn, program director of the Western Herbalism program at Southwest Institute of Healing Arts, “as it is with many Herbalists.”

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Topics: western herbalism, Natural Healing, Herbal Medicine, SWIHA Staff, Plant Medicine

The Centuries-Old Wisdom of Tea and the Modern-Day Science Behind It

Posted by Taylor Jablonowski on 9/3/18 2:00 PM

According to ancient Chinese legend, Emperor Shen Nung was resting against a Camellia sinensis tree while waiting for his drinking water to boil. Suddenly, the wind picked up and caused the leaves of the tree to fall in to the steaming pot!

Instead of throwing out the water, Shen Nung decided to try the concoction. He described a warm feeling from the brew, as if the liquid was travelling to each part of his body, making a journey around his insides. He named the beverage ch’a, the Chinese character meaning “to investigate”. We now call it tea.

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Topics: western herbalism, Motivational Monday, Nutrition, Herbal Medicine, herbal teas

Kris Vaughan: Finding Wisdom & Healing through Western Herbalism

Posted by Staff on 2/9/18 8:00 AM

For Kris Vaughan, a career as an herbalist was born out of a mother’s worst nightmare: the illness of her youngest daughter, who had developed severe stomach issues at the age of seven, yet who could find no answers or relief from her pediatrician.

“We spent nine months putting her through every invasive test imaginable, only to be handed antacids and told, ‘Sorry, we don’t know what’s wrong,’” Kris recounts. A friend recommended some natural herbal remedies for the girl, and although Kris found herself questioning their validity, her daughter was miraculously pain-free within three days of taking them—and has remained so ever since. “It made me realize that I was missing something huge,” Kris says. “I needed to do some research as to why these herbs worked, and that research brought me to SWIHA and the Western Herbalism program.”

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Topics: western herbalism, Holistic Healing, Chronic Illness, Herbal Medicine

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