At a young age, Sue Shapiro recognized that her words could either cause harm or help someone feel better, and she believes this knowing came from the near death experience she had at the age of four. This inner knowing was a frightening space for her to be in because most people could not accept that a little one could be so perceptive, so she eventually shut down and was so painfully quiet and shy, that her grandmother thought there was something wrong with her.
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holistic entrepreneur,
Vision Board,
healing arts,
near death experience,
national life coaching month
Tom Leegstra was stuck in life, and he had no idea where to go next. Then he read a book and took a course where a friend of his recommended the Transformational Life Coaching program at Southwest Institute of Healing Arts (SWIHA). After debating for a few months, he decided to take the plunge and do it, with the aim of helping others to change the direction of their lives, and never did her stop and think that may he was the one who needed coaching the most! He has now been coaching for a little over a year now, and this includes coaching himself every day!
The tools that changed Tom’s life for the better were the ones that used guided imagery around dreams, which require us going within to finding our goals and aspirations. “This has created a completely new path in life for me to go next. Along with the ‘Values Prioritizer’, this also has changed my life for the best, and it was the catalyst in my understanding what I needed to work on most.” He loves to use the ‘More or Less’ tool with his clients, as it’s one of his favorites and it's quick and easy to use. When people get to see, side by side, what they need to do less of, impacts what they want more of. He also loves working on forgiveness with clients since it does so many positive things and opens many doors.
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holistic entrepreneur,
life coach,
healing arts,
national life coaching month
Throughout her late teens and all through her twenties, Leslie Davidson struggled with self-esteem and self-awareness issues. Like a lot of young women, she didn’t have her father in her life when she needed him the most. “That sort of sent me into a place of dishonoring myself with men,” said Leslie. To understand herself better, she studied sociology in college, yet this career path didn’t fulfill her. “I was also looking for spiritual fulfillment and the ability to authentically be myself while providing service to others.”
One fortuitous day, she was talking to a co-worker about life coaching. Her co-worker quickly left the room, and came back in with a course catalog from SWIHA. “I kid you not, as soon as I opened the catalog and saw information all about life coaching… I couldn’t believe it! All that I could say was ‘thank you God’!” She enrolled herself in the Holistic Wellness Practitioner program, and recently graduated in June of this year. “I have been coaching since that time and really look forward to my holistic business growing,” exclaimed Leslie.
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life coach,
national life coaching month,
Lauren Doyle has been life coaching for over a year now; allow me to share her reflection, “Both my own experiences with self-work, as well as finding myself as a mentor and guide to friends and family, has led me to life coaching. I found that throughout my different careers and jobs, I was often sought out for my knowledge and advice. I finally decided that there was a gap and the need that I could fill.” When Lauren coaches her clients, she utilizes the Rewriting the Story worksheet the most. She finds that this tool allows clients to reflect and rewrite, not only past experiences, also to stop the train of automatic negative thoughts (or ANTs) that can so easily take over, freeing clients to move on and write the future they really want.
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holistic entrepreneur,
Great Graduate,
national life coaching month
Kimmi O cites her own transformational journey, her natural gift of teaching, and her “mega desire to be an instrument of the Divine - helping others embrace their Authenticity,” all as motivating forces to become a life coach. “I am officially building my coaching business, however I have practiced for many years with willing clients in my hair salon chair.” Kimmi also noted that she’s going to begin the Advanced Life Coaching program in January of 2017.
Kimmi shared that her clientele base is usually in the “Relationship/Single/Dating” realm. “I believe the root of all relational challenges stem from not being true to our authenticity. I call myself an ‘Authenticity Coach’ with the tag line - TruthBeam.”
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holistic entrepreneur,
life coach,
national life coaching month
When asked what led Caroline Zeller to SWIHA’s Life Coaching program, she responded, “I started at SWIHA wth Reiki to help myself recover from a stroke. As attended, I heard about life coaching. I knew I was meant to be there. I always wanted to professionally help others, but didn't subscribe to the mainstream counselling model. The rest was history. Now, after coaching for a year, it has inspired me to obtain my Wellness Practitioner diploma, then my AOS in Transformational Psychology.”
Every coach has a favorite tool, and like many others she mentioned the Wheel of Balance. She feels that it gives her a clear and concise map into where her client is and where they want/need to go. However, she also loves the practice of “story busting”, which she learned from the “genius”Richard Seaman: “While all clients don't live in their stories, many do tend to get caught up in the past and carry it with them. This tool is beautiful when it pulls the client out of the middle of their situation, allowing them to look at it in a different, unemotional way.” She has found that she often works with clients suffering from PTSD, ADHD, divorce, and grief recovery, stress management, and those trying to move past a trauma.
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Life Coaching,
holistic entrepreneur,
life coach,
holistic business,
national life coaching month
Lori Beard has always considered herself to be a veteran in the field of life coaching, although she’s “officially” been a Life Coach for just a year. As a loving wife for more than twenty years and a mother of eight children, it’s no surprise that she possesses these natural gifts! “I’ve always been intrigued by the human mind and how others respond to circumstances. I love to learn from others and inspire them to step forward into their destined path of greatness.”
In her own words, “SWIHA helped me to release, resolve, reframe, and remove the baggage that was dragging me down for so long.” The teachers she had were all so positive and great mentors. “They knew how to challenge me to give me the best in a loving and caring way.”
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holistic entrepreneur,
healing arts,
national life coaching month
Kimberlie Faybik experienced a lot of difficulties in a short period of time: she battled cancer, lost her mother and grandmother within months of each other, and separated from her children's father. “I reached out for help because I felt lost. I was blessed to have many people care for me, however, one friend in particular happened to be a SWIHA graduate. She told me about the Mind-Body Transformational Psychology program, and I'm forever grateful for her guidance.” It was there where she learned how to love herself, how to forgive herself, and (in her own words), “how to be more understanding of my journey and honor the journey of others', as well.”
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holistic entrepreneur,
life coach,
healing arts,
national life coaching month
In 2013, Faith Yanez made a life changing decision to completely resign from the corporate world. Her four children were out of the house and on their own, and she felt that this was her time to follow her dreams and deepest desires. “I've always done what I needed to do in my life,” shared Faith, “but now it was time to do what I wanted to do!” A friend of hers suggested that she check out SWIHA and like the thousands before her, ended up in the Life Coaching program.
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Life Coaching,
holistic entrepreneur,
healing arts,
national life coaching month
Cherise Williams feels like her whole life was leading her to the point of enrolling in the Life Coaching program at SWIHA. She says she went through a lot of hard times in life, experiencing sexual abuse, emotionally and physically abusive relationships, drug and alcohol abuse, and self-loathing. However, she always felt she had a purpose, that she was supposed to do something life changing and helpful to other people. Like many other life coaches experience, Cherise feels like she’s been a coach all her life! She says this about SWIHA: “I've been officially coaching now for about six months and I'm loving every single moment! The program at SWIHA gave me the confidence and tools needed to not only continue to help myself but to be able to serve others in a professional and profound way.”
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holistic practitioner,
holistic entrepreneur,
life coach,
national life coaching month