In 2014, I experienced a year of heartache that was followed by the devastating loss of my brother in 2015. I was in desperate need of support and turned to yoga as a source of healing. I had been attending yoga classes and began working with a mentor who introduced me to yoga therapy. During my darkest moments, I was searching for a connection to something greater than myself and embarked on my own Hero's Journey. My mentor was teaching Transformational Yoga Coaching at SWIHA and an instructor at her studio recommended that I sign up. Learning that I had signed up for Transformational Yoga Coaching (TYC), my mentor suggested that I take my 200hr Yoga Teacher Training to support me during this difficult time. In January 2016, I took the leap and enrolled, which marked the beginning of my healing journey.
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yoga therapy,
holistic entrepreneur,
Great Graduate,
Amrit Desai,
yoga therapist,
Holistic Healing,
mind body spirit,
Yoga Teacher Training,
Amrit Institute,
I AM Yoga,
Amrit Yoga,
International Association of Yoga Therapy
There is beauty in being different. Embracing our individuality is a magical way for us to accept our truest selves. Moving away from a past life, Elliot is now embracing a life full of hope and healing. Elliot McMonagle is a SWIHA Graduate of the Integrative Healing Arts Practitioner with a specialty in Advanced Hypnotherapy. Utilizing these tools and modalities learned at SWIHA, Elliot is crafting a beautiful online community of healing and transformation. Follow along as Elliot shares his story and his passion for serving others.
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Toe Reading,
holistic entrepreneur,
Great Graduate,
integrative healing arts practitioner,
Linda Bennett
“Before SWIHA, I was struggling to conform to societal standards. The corporate employee, ideal mother, independent woman, etc, and all these titles took me further from myself, what makes me, me. I didn’t realize it at the time, however, it became my passion to encourage and empower others to live authentically. The titles listed are important, however, they are not all.”
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holistic entrepreneur,
Great Graduate,
intuitve guide,
integrative healing arts practitioner,
“For as long as I can remember, I have wanted to help others! It has held a deep space in my life and I have taken many different life paths to find just the right one! My intention as a child was to go to school to be a Psychiatrist, yet as life would have it I became a young mom and that desire was put on the back burner. I instead became a hairstylist; this is a career that I absolutely love and continue to hold space for. Fast forward 25 years and I became pregnant with my second child and that is when my calling changed! I became sober at 40, not drinking alcohol created a new awareness and a totally new space in my life, and realized I wanted to travel a different life path and move down the path to help others in similar situations! I started attending Southwest Institute of Healing Arts’ Holistic Health and Wellness Coaching program with a focus on Culinary Arts, and graduated with an "A" average in February of 2023! I feel as tho I have circled back to my initial desire as a child and I am now able to help anyone that is desiring change and want that path partner!”
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Holistic Nutrition,
holistic entrepreneur,
Great Graduate,
Whole Foods,
Online student,
Nutrition Specialist,
Holistic Healh and Wellness Coach,
Health and Wellness Coach,
Mindful Meditation Facilitator,
Whole Foods Culinary Specialist
“Astrology has been a hobby of mine, a fun personality party trick at times. I always LOVED it, and understanding it came easy for me. So when I did KC Miller's chart for her, she suggested I do the Entrepreneurial Journey and set up an official astrology business. I am passionate about astrology mostly because I believe it brings into our awareness the Divine's handiwork at play in each of our individual tapestries. By having soul-awareness and self-awareness we can show up in our highest vibration as the Divine intended.”
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holistic entrepreneur,
Great Graduate,
KC Miller,
social media,
Online student,
Business Development,
Entrepreneurial Journey
“My life before SWIHA was working as a Veterinary Emergency & Critical Care Technician. I have always been called to be a caregiver and have studied personal growth for most of my adult life. Several years ago, I stumbled across coaching, and it appeared to be the secret sauce that my life was missing. I love the program SWIHA offers because it beautifully blends physical healing with emotional healing.”
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holistic entrepreneur,
Great Graduate,
health coach,
Emotional Healing,
Wellness Coach,
Health and Wellness Coach,
Holistic Health and Wellness Coach,
Physical Healing
What was your life like before SWIHA? What led you to SWIHA and to your particular program of study? Why are you passionate about this modality?
Prior to SWIHA, I owned and operated a small vegan café in Gilbert, AZ called Coconut Hut. The menu was based on the S.O.U.L. concept, seasonal, organic, unprocessed, and local as much as possible. When I opened the café, my intention was to provide healthy food, something I had a very hard time finding in restaurants around my area. Little did I know that it would attract people with chronic diseases who were looking to find a food sanctuary. A place where they would feel safe to consume the food, where they could nourish and satisfy their hunger. Before I knew it, customers became clients that I would meal prep for, customizing the meals for their specific needs.
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Holistic Nutrition,
holistic entrepreneur,
Great Graduate,
self discovery,
mind body spirit,
emotional Regulation,
Health and Wellness Coach,
Holistic Health and Wellness Coach,
vegan cafe
Having graduated from Arizona State University in 2009 with a Bachelor of Science in Biology, Mary had a deep passion for Holistic Nutrition and helping others heal their bodies with food. Searching for the right program for her, Mary ended up enrolling in the Southwest Institute of Healing Arts’ online Holistic Health & Wellness Coach Diploma program. This online program awarded her the flexibility to still raise her kids as a single mom, work other jobs, and start her own business coaching people!
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Holistic Nutrition,
holistic entrepreneur,
Great Graduate,
Holistic Healing,
Holistic wellness,
Health and Wellness Coach,
Holistic Health and Wellness Coach,
mind body soul,
online SWIHA Student
When I was in high school, I was your average student with a good group of friends, good grades, and a pretty typical family life. I was not a “problem child” by any stretch of the imagination. Like many, I had classes in which I excelled and some that challenged me, where I’d often find myself asking, “When am I ever going to use this stuff?” My sophomore math classes come to mind and to this day, I’m still not a huge fan of numbers, yet I know the basics to get me through business and everyday life. I often questioned the traditional way of doing things because the simple fact is that I’ve always learned and viewed the world a little differently. I’m far from a traditional person so why would my education have to follow the exact same formula as everyone else? The truth is it didn’t and so, I actively sought out my options.
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holistic practitioner,
Life Coaching,
holistic entrepreneur,
Great Graduate,
holistic health care,
life coach,
spiritual studies,
Mind-Body Psychology,
Holistic Health and Wellness Coaching,
Holistic Health and Wellness Coach,
Associate of Occupational Studies Degree
“For years, I have served as a resource to those seeking inspiration, help, or advice. I finally decided to own that role and be intentional about it. I started by journaling about my passions, thoughts, and wonderings about our world. I learned through reflection and introspection that I can't cruise through life without support, and neither can anyone else. I discovered that there is a profession around just that - holistically supporting humans!”
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Southwest Institute of Healing Arts,
holistic entrepreneur,
Great Graduate,
Swiha Online,
Holistic Healh and Wellness Coach,
Health and Wellness Coach,
Mindfulness Facilitator