Jamela Marshall Followed Her Heart to a Life Path of Helping Women Find Balance in Their Dis-Ease

Posted by Jade Marvin on 2/29/24 4:00 PM

I felt most aligned with the Integrative Healing Arts Practitioner with a concentration in the Advanced Hypnotherapy Diploma Program and I am SOul grateful that I followed my heart because prior to this entire experience, I have had a history of allowing my head to talk my heart out of following itself. I graduated in February 2023 and since then I feel even more confident in my decision to choose SWIHA to further my education and help me develop my gifts.”

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Topics: holistic entrepreneur, Great Graduate, Hypnotherapy, Holistic Healer, integrative healing arts practitioner

Graduate Lourdes Silva Spreads Healing to the Hispanic and ASL Community

Posted by Jade Marvin on 7/14/22 4:00 PM

I cannot do all the good that the world needs. However, the world needs all the good that I can do.” - Jana Stanfield

Lourdes Silva, Southwest Institute of Healing Arts Great Graduate, realized that her life’s purpose was to serve others with her gifts and graces. To spread the healing arts of Reiki, Sound Healing, Yoga, and more to those who speak Spanish and use Sign Language. Lourdes states, “I realized that the purpose of my life is to give love and be in service reaching all that community that needed the most because I truly believe yoga is for everyone regardless of age, weight, beliefs, or race! We are Onésimo.” One day, during a Polarity class that Lourdes was taking, she had the realization that each experience that she had in her life leading up to that moment was preparing her for her soul purpose. Her soul purpose is to “become a healer, to be on the yoga path, share my acknowledgment, and with empathy - be an instrument of service!

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Topics: Sound Healing, Southwest Institute of Healing Arts, Life Coaching, Toe Reading, Great Graduate, SWIHA, Advanced Yoga Training, Reiki, Yoga Teacher Training, yoga nidra, Arizona, Tempe, Holistic Healer, Sign Language, Spanish Speaking, Service

Mindset over Matter: How Jami Papenberg Followed Her Heart & Light

Posted by Jade Marvin on 5/12/22 4:00 PM

I had settled into a comfort zone before SWIHA. Back in 2008, I decided I wanted to become a massage therapist, and I wanted to get out of the Midwest and start my life over in Arizona. I bought a plane ticket and scheduled a tour of SWIHA, then met a guy who wanted me to stay in the Midwest. I took the trip, toured the school, and really liked it, yet I let that guy talk me into staying and going to massage school in St. Louis, closer to home. We divorced in 2018 -- turns out living someone else's dream doesn't lead to much happiness. Over the years I've become passionate about mental health, from healing from the traumatic birth of my son in 2011 to navigating divorce, and seeing how my massage clients could gain so much more healing if they worked on their emotional health as much as they worked on their physical health. I had my eye on life coaching, and what popped up on my first Google search was SWIHA! Things came full circle, and I took it as a sign.”

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Topics: Southwest Institute of Healing Arts, Life Coaching, Great Graduate, SWIHA, entrepreneur, Holistic Healing, Hypnotherapy, Arizona, coaching, Tempe, mysticism, massage therapist, Holistic Healer, integrative healing arts practitioner, Licensed Massage Therapist, LMT, IHAP, Books, Published Author, Podcast, Universal Laws

How Life Coach Jasmyn Camp Helps Parents Heal Generational Trauma

Posted by Jade Marvin on 4/28/22 4:00 PM

My journey has been filled with ups and downs. Mostly uncertainty yet it has always worked out for my highest good. No matter what your journey looks like, trust the process, trust your intuition, and most importantly trust in yourself.” - Jasmyn Camp

Life for Jasmyn before she attended SWIHA was a bit chaotic, she describes. Like most of us, Jasmyn was searching for her passion and life calling. Jasmyn recalls having little to no guidance on this journey to her passion until the opportunity to attend SWIHA presented itself, and she jumped on it! Jasmyn Camp, a Great Graduate of the Life Coaching program states, “I'm passionate about life coaching because it puts me in a position to be able to make a difference in someone else's life.”

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Topics: Southwest Institute of Healing Arts, Life Coaching, Great Graduate, SWIHA, entrepreneur, Holistic Healing, Intuition, life coach, Arizona, Trauma, Holistic Living, coaching, Tempe, intuitve guide, Holistic Healer, Wellness Coaching

The Power of Inner-Knowing: Fran-Kay Moseley Helps Women Connect With Themselves

Posted by Jade Marvin on 4/14/22 4:00 PM

Trust your heart and embrace the journey. You may make a wrong turn, however, your heart will get you back on the right path. Just keep making choices and don’t second guess yourself.” - E’yen A. Gardner

Fran-kay, like many others who came to SWIHA, wanted to find her purpose in life and help others along the way. Fran-Kay came from a humble background. She states, “Both of my parents were uneducated and I was told at a young age that education wasn’t important. That as long as I learned a trade, I would be satisfied. Well, I felt robbed. I self-taught myself, and even though I may not have a college degree, I am very wise and love learning new things…” And that is exactly what Fran-Kay did here at Southwest Institute of Healing Arts. Fran-Kay learned to trust her intuition, stop second-guessing herself, and how to fulfill her life dream of helping others.

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Topics: Southwest Institute of Healing Arts, Life Coaching, Body, SWIHA, entrepreneur, Holistic Healing, Intuition, Spiritual Coaching, Spirit, Hypnotherapy, Mind, Arizona, Tempe, intuitve guide, Holistic Healer, integrative healing arts practitioner, intuitive guidance, IHAP, Online Programs, Holistic Modalities, Higher Source, Virtual Business

Dare to Dream: Envisioning Life as a Holistic Entrepreneur

Posted by Mary Ritter on 10/2/17 2:00 PM

By definition, a dream is described as:
a series of thoughts, visions, or feelings that happen during sleep an idea or vision that is created in your imagination and that is not real something that you have wanted very much to do, be, or have for a long time

Source: Merriam-Webster Dictionary

More often than not, each new day in our modern lives comes with an overwhelming number of responsibilities and duties that have to get done: work, school assignments, childcare, cooking, cleaning, doctor appointments... the list goes on and on!

Unfortunately, our contemporary fixation on being busy leaves very little room for dreaming. Whether we aspire to find a better job, meet the love of our life, be the first in our family to pursue a post-secondary education, or even to open our own business as a holistic entrepreneur, the reasons we all desire success are as numerous as the stars in the sky. 

Many times, however, the stark reality of our current lives keeps us fixated on our fears, causing us to avoid our futures and to stop dreaming. Dreaming requires the intentional devotation of time to a vision of a better life and self; it is, in itself, part of the process of change. 


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Topics: self love, Southwest Institute of Healing Arts, Motivational Monday, Blog, holistic entrepreneur, SWIHA, holistic business, Dreams, Holistic Healer, education, future

Kaye Bahr: Learning to Let Go of Attachment through Mind Body Wellness

Posted by Tim Barber on 9/22/17 1:21 PM

Kaye Bahr spent 15 years teaching in the Arizona public school system. As an elementary school teacher teaching third to sixth grade, Kaye loved the daily interaction with her students and watching them grow and change throughout the school year. However, like most teachers, Kaye found that there was very little time left for her family or for herself. After experiencing some changes in her career, she began to develop depression and digestive disorders.

When she reached the point that she could no longer stand the situation and her suffering health, she went in search of a counselor. In that search, she found a Mind Body Wellness Practitioner. When she made the call to set up an appointment, Kaye heard the words that she so needed to hear that day: “You will feel so much better when you leave my office.” After her first session, she did feel so much better; the fog began to clear and her physical and emotional self found relief. “When I left her office that day, the experience changed my life,” says Kaye. “It took another few years for me to leave teaching, yet I knew in my soul that I had found my life’s work. I wanted to provide that same healing experience for others.” With this in mind, Kaye sought out SWIHA, enrolling in the Mind Body Wellness Practitioner Diploma program with an emphasis in Clinical Hypnotherapy and Life Coaching. She graduated in November 2016— the start of a whole new life on a path that she felt she was destined to take.

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Topics: aromatherapy, Life Coaching, holistic entrepreneur, Mind Body Wellness, eft, Reiki, clinical hypnotherapy, Holistic Healer, Deep Healing, releasing attachments

Nereyda Varias: Listening to the Universe Through Integrative Healing

Posted by Fox Emm on 9/15/17 4:00 PM

Nereyda Varias was a passionate seeker of wellness who wanted to share her gifts with the world and expand her knowledge. Before enrolling in the Integrative Healing Arts Practitioner program, she dreamt of learning the skills, scripture, and wisdom utilized by great sages, mystics, and scholars. She felt that she was meant for greater things and that helping others was her path. Nereyda knew she would be part of something bigger that would help to aid the world. “I knew deep within I was a part of a movement to aid our world and all of its brilliant divine human and non-human beings upon it— to be a catalyst of transcendence and evolution,” she shares.

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Topics: Sound Healing, aromatherapy, Toe Reading, Floral Essences, flower essences, Guided meditation, Holistic Healing, Reiki, Hypnotherapy, Intuitive Guide, Restorative Yoga, Holistic Healer, integrative healing, integrative healing arts practitioner, hero's journey, spiritual ministry, crystal therapy, intuitive guidance

Have you ever gotten a Message during a Massage?

Posted by KC Miller on 7/24/17 10:30 AM

As my husband and I journeyed to Breckenridge, Colorado, for an early birthday getaway, the annual upcoming in-service training that I am scheduled to give for the Licensed Massage Therapists (LMTs) that work in the SWIHA Healing Arts Clinic was very much on my mind. In fact, so much so, little nagging  ‘yeah but’ thoughts were floating around in my mind...thoughts like: “Do I really have anything to offer our LMTs after all these years,” “Am I getting too old to teach our amazing practicing therapists anything new,” and “Who do I think I am to be the one serving as the presenter?”

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Topics: Life Coaching, Massage, Massage Therapy, Holistic Healing, Hypnotherapy, Spirit guide, Holistic Healer, Spirit Releasement, deep-tissue-massage, intuitive messages, trance-massage, thai foot-massage

Loree Bischoff: Soaring Through the Sky with a Career in Life Coaching

Posted by Tim Barber on 7/21/17 5:00 PM

Author and Life Coach Loree Bischoff was always intrigued by what makes people tick, why they think the way that they do, and what motivates them. In 2007, she and her sister noticed that many of the mothers they knew were struggling on some level to find balance in their lives. Recognizing a need for moms to have access to new tools and strategies for achieving a more balanced and fulfilling life, they developed a special event called “Motherhood Redefined”— a weekend seminar for mothers consisting of speakers, interactive workshops, and fun for everyone in attendance. What she didn’t expect was that her event to help others find balance on their path would lead her to the beginning of finding a new path for herself.

“Motherhood Redefined” was extremely well-received, and Loree knew then and there that what she really wanted was to begin her own private coaching practice. “I was not familiar with life coaching as a profession at that time. One of the speakers we hired happened to be a life coach and suggested I check out SWIHA,” she says. “I had begun studying spirituality in the early eighties (thanks to my mother)… being an important aspect of my life, it was a priority for me to find a life coach training program where spirituality wouldn’t be excluded.” To her delight, that was exactly what she found when, in the spring of 2008, she enrolled in SWIHA's life coaching training program. Loree feels that, “There couldn’t have been a more perfect fit.”

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Topics: Life Coaching, Holisitc Nutrition, entrepreneur, Holistic Healer

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