Changing your mind changes your life in many ways. Going to SWIHA, I have re-evaluated many things in my life for the better. During my journey, I realized how I handled tough conversations, happiness, and even sadness was not the right way to process emotions. Shortly after realizing that, I also realized these were taught behaviors and I was seeing no growth in the person that I wanted to be in life. After dissecting myself, I noticed I had to change my mindset and the way I saw things.
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Great Graduate,
Mindful Meditation Facilitator,
Holistic Health and Wellness Coach,
Healing Journey
After serving for thirteen years as an Air Force Pilot, Lisa McCranie began a six-year educational journey toward her true passion for fitness, nutrition, and health. Lisa did not know exactly what to expect, or what would be coming her way. However, Lisa did know that she was meant for great things and that she would work hard to continue to push herself in all areas of her life. This life path change is what brought Lisa to the Southwest Institute of Healing Arts to study Holistic Health and Wellness Coaching.
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Holistic Nutrition,
Great Graduate,
Health and Wellness,
Holistic Health and Wellness Coach
A Stressful Beginning
Starting a new school, work, or life situation can be overwhelming. When I started my SWIHA journey I felt like I jumped into an ice bath for the first time. I was completely unorganized, not sure of the true demands that I was adding to my life, and nervous about meeting people in my classes. SWIHA has integrated so many stress-relieving topics throughout the courses. I quickly became at ease with all of the changes and learned so much about how to relieve stress in so many ways.
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Great Graduate,
Holistic Health and Wellness Coach,
Mindfulness Facilitator
What is Holistic Health & Wellness? As a new Wellness Coach, I feel that it is important to have educational reading for those who enjoy going a little deeper. Let’s explore the fundamental principles and give some insight into how individuals should be treated as a whole and not just their symptoms. And also the importance of holistic preventative care. I am proud to be a part of an approach to health that distinguishes itself from traditional healthcare.
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Holistic Nutrition,
Great Graduate,
mind body spirit,
Holistic wellness,
Holistic Nutrition Programs,
Mindful Practices,
Holistic Health and Wellness Coach
How can your mind, body, and spirit transformation increase your happiness?
So what is a transformation and how do you obtain it? In this busy world, many people go through a series of misfortunes like family dysfunctions, broken relationships, failed marriages, trauma, unfair treatment in the workplace, guilt of past mistakes and the list goes on and on. When people experience these challenges it can be difficult to find peace and direction in your life, nevertheless, there is hope. One way people can obtain transformation for their lives is to recognize that change is needed in order to bring about a sense of peace, joy, and happiness and grow into a healthy balanced life.
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Holisitc Nutrition,
mind body spirit,
national life coaching month,
Health and Wellness Coach,
Holistic Health and Wellness Coach
The challenges of our chaotic lives that we face from all the hustling and bustling can leave many women feeling disconnected and imbalanced. Juggling an overwhelming amount of personal and professional responsibilities is now the new norm for many women, leaving very little time for self-care, proper diet, physical activity, and living in the moment.
Dedicating time each day to make your overall well-being a priority is achievable by implementing small changes that will lead to restorative balance and inner peace.
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Holistic Nutrition,
national life coaching month,
Inner Peace,
Health and Wellness Coach,
Holistic Health and Wellness Coach
We all feel the same way when we are told to eat better by our physicians. “It's too expensive” and “I don’t have time for that” are two of the most common responses when I have asked people about their barriers to eating better. These two answers are some of the most discouraging to our journey and our self-esteem because when we fail we tend to take it out on ourselves, the cost at the store, or even the people who are succeeding at what we are trying to do. So here I am as a mom of two, a wife, a caregiver who works out of the house, and family members in my home with specific dietary restrictions to tell you, it's OK. You can do it. In the last 10 years of trying to meal prep (sometimes unsuccessfully) and in the 5 years of consistent meal prepping (minus a day or week where I’m just not feeling into it) I’ve learned these 6 tips.
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Holistic Nutrition,
Great Graduate,
Whole Foods,
Holistic Nutrition Programs,
Raw Foods,
Holistic Healh and Wellness Coach,
Holistic Health and Wellness Coach
“Before SWIHA, I just worked all the time, and I was never sure what my actual purpose was. I did not have a lot of self-compassion, and I did not really love myself. Through my program, I have learned to grow and love myself and I want to help others around me. I’m very excited and compassionate to help others.”
The common phrase “you must help yourself before you help others” rang true for SWIHA Great Graduate Crystal Stemple. Life before SWIHA was confusing and robotic, which left Crystal feeling unsure about her future. Once Crystal learned to love herself more, people on the outside started to notice it too! Come along as we dive into Crystal’s journey of self-love, compassion, confidence, and passion for helping others!
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self love,
holistic entrepreneur,
Great Graduate,
Holistic Health and Wellness Coach,
Meal Prep
There is a famous proverb that goes like this, “If you give a man a fish, you feed him for a day. If you teach a man to fish, you feed him for a lifetime.” What does that mean? How do we help others to help themselves? Do we tell people how to do that? Do we teach them or show them? Maybe we just do it for them and save everyone the hassle of learning or can we just give them a Field & Stream subscription?
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Holistic Nutrition,
holistic entrepreneur,
Great Graduate,
Health and Wellness Coach,
Holistic Health and Wellness Coach
When thinking about vulnerability and intuition, I felt a spark as I was applying the two topics to my life. I am more vulnerable with myself than I ever was because I choose to listen to my intuition where I find myself more mindful and consciously aware of my thoughts, my temporary feelings, and the emotions that come with those feelings from thoughts.
Therefore I cannot speak on behalf of intuition without vulnerability, because following your instinct, and believing in your inner advisor is being vulnerable to yourself first. It's what you need before you can even be vulnerable with anyone else whether it be your friends, your partner, coworkers, or your children. Being vulnerable is being open to trusting in what you believe in so that you can show up for yourself when those moments come when you need to make choices without judgment, doubt or feeling scared of rejection or even fearing the worst for your outcomes.
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Great Graduate,
Holistic wellness,
Holistic health,
intuitve guide,
SWIHA Students,
Holistic Health and Wellness,
Holistic Health and Wellness Coach,
Healing Journey