Redefining Success: The Journey Instead of the Destination

Posted by Dawn Stone on 3/24/25 8:00 AM

What is Success?

Is everyone chasing success? It seems like everywhere we turn, someone is talking about what it means to be successful. Have we ever paused to wonder what true success really is? Is it crossing the finish line or is it the journey itself? For many, success has been drilled into us as the result, the shiny trophy, or the big promotion. That's what we've been taught for generations. However, what if real success lies in the relentless effort we put forth?

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Topics: Great Graduate, Journey, Success, IHAP, Perseverance

How Deep Breathing Boosts Mental Health: Insights from Angela Balthrope

Posted by Angela Balthrope on 3/17/25 8:00 AM

Why Deep Breathing Helps

Deep breathing is one of the greatest things we can do for ourselves in pursuit of good mental health. This time-honored practice of using our own bodies and breath to self-regulate works wonders to reduce stress and anxiety and to engage the parasympathetic nervous system. Breath work in all forms is a way we can hit an internal reset button. It is our ability to stop and reframe. It allows us to slow down for just a moment to get our thoughts in order.

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Topics: Great Graduate, Breathing Techniques, IHAP, Breath Work

Autumn Marie Ackerson’s Journey of Transformation: How Change Leads to New Traditions

Posted by Autumn Marie Ackerson on 3/10/25 8:00 AM

Have you ever thought about where traditions come from, and what makes an event a tradition? Have you thought about changes you have experienced, and how those changes transform from tradition into ritual? These are important markers on the road called life. We all have traditions, whether they are carried from generation to generation or are self-created, and we have all experienced life-transforming changes that we choose to highlight with tradition and ritual.

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Topics: Great Graduate, Transformation, IHAP, End of Life Doula

Michael Martinez Explores the Sacred Work of an End-of-Life Doula

Posted by Michael Martinez on 3/5/25 8:00 AM

The Role of an End-of-Life Doula

The role of an end-of-life doula or death doula is one that many people might not fully understand. It’s a relatively new modern profession yet one that is deeply rooted in ancient practices of caring for the dying. A death doula provides nonmedical support and comfort to individuals who are nearing the end of their lives. This support can be emotional, spiritual, and practical, helping both the dying person and their loved ones navigate the complex and often overwhelming process of dying.

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Topics: Great Graduate, IHAP, End of Life Doula, Death Doula

Transforming Pain into Power: Nichole Cleaver‘s Guide to Healing Trauma

Posted by Nichole Cleaver on 3/3/25 8:00 AM

Understanding Women’s Experience of Trauma

Many women face trauma in their lives. Whether it’s from past experiences, relationships, or difficult situations, trauma can leave deep emotional scars. However, it’s important to know that healing is possible. By transforming pain into power, women can reclaim their lives and find joy again.

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Topics: Great Graduate, Hypnotherapy, Life Coaching Program, IHAP, Mind body Healing

Three Ways to Manifest Abundance in Your Life

Posted by Michelle Tracy on 2/26/25 8:00 AM

How do you define abundance? Most people define abundance along the lines of “a whole lot of money.” What if I were to tell you that abundance is more than the balance in your checking account? To me, abundance is anything that causes your heart to swell with happiness. Sometimes, that is having a solid amount in your bank account; sometimes, it is the laugh of your children running through the house, and sometimes, abundance shows up in the form of feeling the sunshine on your face after sitting in a cold office all day.

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Topics: Gratitude, Great Graduate, abundance, Manifestation, IHAP

From Survival Mode to Self-Empowerment: Ash Clutter’s Journey at SWIHA

Posted by Jade Marvin on 2/24/25 8:00 AM

What was your life like before SWIHA? What led you to SWIHA and to your particular program of study? Why are you passionate about this modality?

Before attending SWIHA, I felt like I was living in survival mode 24/7, just trying to get through each day. The difficult experiences I faced in childhood, coupled with the lingering effects they left behind, made navigating adulthood feel overwhelming and impossible. From a tough and often abusive childhood to the lifelong impact of trauma, I was constantly juggling my roles as a human being, friend, daughter, sister, mother, and community member. At the same time, I was trying to manage the internal chaos that trauma left in its wake. Most importantly, I was learning how to genuinely care for myself and how to love myself. SWIHA was one of many baby steps I started implementing into my life.

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Topics: self love, Great Graduate, Hypnotherapy, IHAP, SWIHA CommUNITY

From Minister to Hypnotherapist: Annmarie Lieto’s Journey Through SWIHA’s IHAP Program

Posted by Jade Marvin on 2/19/25 8:00 AM

At the Southwest Institute of Healing Arts (SWIHA), we celebrate the journeys of our students and graduates—each unique, powerful, and transformative. Annmarie Lieto, a recent graduate of the Integrative Healing Arts Practitioner (IHAP) program, shares her inspiring story of self-discovery, passion, and purpose.

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Topics: Great Graduate, Hypnotherapy, minister, IHAP, Holistic Entrepreneurship

Christina Harrison’s Holistic, Natural, and Organic Approach to Mind-Body Connection

Posted by Christina Harrison on 2/17/25 8:00 AM

Healing Ourselves

We are all looking for “a quick fix,” and most of the time it doesn’t go as planned. When we seek to master our health, quick fixes rarely work. We can heal if we are willing to dig deep, hold ourselves accountable, and explore!

Humans have evolved and this progression has led us from the caves to creating exquisite communities. We are still hard-wired with primal instinct and this instinct is vital for survival. Now, we are using this same wiring for our current reality, which is working overtime. As humans progress, we no longer need our primal brain to protect us from animal predators, however, it is still in use in the modern era triggered by different stimuli. We still face the predator, yet it may be a car with an inattentive driver or someone running out before you. After severe enough events, there can be everlasting scars left.

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Topics: Great Graduate, integrative healing arts practitioner, Cranial Therapy, IHAP, Holistic Entrepreneurship, Meditation Practice

How SWIHA Supported Shelley Steffey in Creating a Thriving Holistic Healing Practice

Posted by Jade Marvin on 2/10/25 8:00 AM

Before SWIHA, Shelley had already impacted lives as an intuitive guide and yoga/meditation teacher. Despite her success, she felt something was missing. "I found that in the readings I provided clients, there was a feeling like I was left hanging," she shares. Shelley yearned to create a business rooted in integrity, where she could support clients fully and see them through their personal journeys.

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Topics: Great Graduate, integrative healing arts practitioner, IHAP, Holistic Entrepreneurship, Intuitive Coach

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