A Return to Reverence: The Healer within Us All

Posted by Summer Ewart on 11/9/23 4:00 PM

Most of us who work in the healing arts have had an experience of spiritual insight or a spiritual crisis, and we are drawn to assist others in navigating the uncertain and whimsical mystery of the healing journey of awakening to the question, “Who am I really and why am I here?”. Some people have awakened to the healer within them when faced with a health challenge or in the adversity of loss and physical or mental trauma. The awakening of the healer within us all is non-linear in timing, and it is an unfolding that is explored and integrated over and over again, as a practice in life of mindfulness and being in the present moment. There are many pathways to strengthen the connection to the healer within, and comparing ourselves to another on their path, will only be a distraction and prevent progress or a deeper connection to self-awareness.

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Topics: Great Graduate, mind body spirit, integrative healing arts practitioner, Healers, IHAP

Why Aimee Dzioba Chose to Pursue Holistic Healing After Getting Her Bachelors Degree

Posted by Jade Marvin on 10/19/23 4:00 PM

Before SWIHA, I had been studying psychology and sociology and had been looking at a career in clinical psychology. At the same time, I started going through a spiritual, awakening and Covid all at the same time and realized that I did not want to deliver traditional clinical psychology. I wanted to work more with people, mind, body, and spirit, and help them live fulfilling wonderful lives.”

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Topics: holistic entrepreneur, Great Graduate, Spiritual Coaching, mind body spirit, Hypnotherapy, integrative healing arts practitioner, IHAP, Divine Tarot Reading

Love, Destiny, and Healing: A Unique Journey of Two SWIHA Lovebirds

Posted by Saul Morales and Angie Manriquez on 10/12/23 4:00 PM

They say that destiny has a way of orchestrating the most unexpected reunions, and the story of Saul and Angie is living proof of this cosmic force. Saul and Angie, whose paths first crossed in middle school, experienced a connection that defied explanation. Yet, the currents of life pulled them apart toward the end of those early years. Fate, however, had other plans, and years later, they found themselves drawn back together. Their journey took them from the uncertainty of youth to a shared destiny of love, purpose, and the remarkable power of healing.

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Topics: Great Graduates, Holistic Healing, Hypnotherapy, Gifts and Graces, integrative healing arts practitioner, IHAP, Destiny, Love Story, Soul Mates

4 Tips for Overcoming Obstacles from SWIHA Graduate Brittany McDowell

Posted by Brittany McDowell on 8/31/23 4:00 PM

In my early to mid 30’s I went through what I refer to as my mid-life crisis, I got divorced, struggled with addiction, and let a lot of negative people and negativity in general into my energy and space, in the hopes of finding/being truly loved (out of desperation). I found out my son had Chondroblastoma tumors, I was trying to help my mom who is battling cancer and basically lost myself in the pain stemming from the divorce I got from my best friend, lover, father of my children, my husband of 17 years. He was living a double life where he was struggling with addictions, and having an affair with my supervisor/best friend outside my marriage. It was like mourning the death of someone who was still alive, crazy right? He left not only me; he left our 3 children as well, and never looked back. It was a total shock in every sense. I was sort of left there standing, wondering what just happened like some sort of awkward comedy. It all happened so fast. I could hardly hold myself together let alone for 3 children, yet I had no choice.

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Topics: Great Graduate, Spiritual Coaching, integrative healing arts practitioner, Online student

Why You A.R.E. S.O. Capable of Overcoming Stress: SWIHA Student Blog Series

Posted by Lyric Swedenhjelm on 8/10/23 4:00 PM

Take a moment to recall the last time you felt stress in your life. Did it take you a while to remember the last experience, or was it too easy to quickly identify when stress has been present?

It's safe to say that stress is universal- stress is likely to arise at some time in our human experience, maybe even frequently. In fact, the Recovery Village states "

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Topics: Great Graduate, Mindfulness, Self-care, mind body spirit, Stress, Holistic wellness, Holistic health, Stress Management, integrative healing arts practitioner, SWIHA Students

Holistic Entrepreneur Elliot McMonagle’s Online Community of Healing & Transformation: A Path to Inner Peace

Posted by Jade Marvin on 5/30/23 4:00 PM

There is beauty in being different. Embracing our individuality is a magical way for us to accept our truest selves. Moving away from a past life, Elliot is now embracing a life full of hope and healing. Elliot McMonagle is a SWIHA Graduate of the Integrative Healing Arts Practitioner with a specialty in Advanced Hypnotherapy. Utilizing these tools and modalities learned at SWIHA, Elliot is crafting a beautiful online community of healing and transformation. Follow along as Elliot shares his story and his passion for serving others. 

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Topics: Toe Reading, holistic entrepreneur, Great Graduate, Reiki, Hypnotherapy, integrative healing arts practitioner, IHAP, Linda Bennett

The Inspiring Journey of Aurelia Leano: How She Empowers Others

Posted by Jade Marvin on 5/25/23 4:00 PM

Before SWIHA, I was struggling to conform to societal standards. The corporate employee, ideal mother, independent woman, etc, and all these titles took me further from myself, what makes me, me. I didn’t realize it at the time, however, it became my passion to encourage and empower others to live authentically. The titles listed are important, however, they are not all.”

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Topics: spirituality, holistic entrepreneur, Great Graduate, Intuition, intuitve guide, integrative healing arts practitioner, IHAP, Grief, Religion

Be the You That You Want to Live In: Why the Relationship with Your Body Matters

Posted by Alyssa Hosking on 5/23/23 4:00 PM

Body appreciation. We could all give a little more gratitude to the vessel that carries and houses our spirit. Humans are the children of the Earth and the Universe. Our bodies are made up of the elements and space. Recycled out of the past and renewed, electrical and 60% water. We are literally one with life itself. As within so without. Our bodies allow us to connect and experience the world we live in. They function without our consciousness telling it what to do. They express our feelings and thoughts. We experience luscious pleasures, debilitating pain, and everything in between.

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Topics: self love, Great Graduate, Whole Foods, Nutrition, integrative healing arts practitioner, Licensed Massage Therapist, IHAP

How Lourdes Menendez Accomplished Her Goals and Beyond with the Power of Intention

Posted by Jade Marvin on 1/20/23 8:00 AM

In honor of National Be On-Purpose Month, this January 2023, SWIHA Great Graduate and Healing Arts Practitioner Lourdes Menendez shares how intention and mindfulness show up in her life. Lourdes asserts, “Before SWIHA I had goals and purposes, however, I was not focused on how to continue living on purpose to achieve those goals. Then, the universe led me to SWIHA. I was randomly looking for a school to learn Hypnotherapy and an internal voice said ‘that one right there’ exactly when I was reading SWIHA's mission statement! I am passionate about Hypnotherapy because the benefits are limitless. Our subconscious is deep and has a limitless capacity and all the answers are inside us.”

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Topics: Southwest Institute of Healing Arts, Great Graduate, SWIHA, Mindfulness, Hypnotherapy, Arizona, Tempe, integrative healing arts practitioner, Goal-Setting, IHAP, Intention, National Be on Purpose Month 2023

Anna Palechek’s Journey from ‘Just Existing’ to ‘Living Purposefully”

Posted by Anna Palechek on 1/11/23 8:00 AM

I was overweight, mentally drained and an emotional eater (and drinker). My own traumas and dramas became my triggers. After five years of struggling through starvation and rationalizing my circumstances—I realized it was all due to my own insecurities and bad decisions. Choices that I made while my self-worth was lacking, oh who am I kidding, it was non-existent. I was not living purposefully; I was just existing. At the time I had no idea there was a place called Southwest Institute of Healing Arts (SWIHA).

All my life, I had compared myself to others. I compared my life to how others were living, and I believed that I was not living life as I should have been. I felt as though I was not giving my children the life that so many others were giving theirs, therefore I was a bad parent.

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Topics: Southwest Institute of Healing Arts, western herbalism, SWIHA, Urban Farming, Arizona, Tempe, mind body wellness pracitioner, integrative healing arts practitioner, Herbalist, National Be on Purpose Month 2023, Self-worth

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