Health & Wellness Coach Kristal Tijerina’s Passion for Helping Others Live and Love Their Lives Fully

Posted by Jade Marvin on 9/7/23 4:00 PM

My life before SWIHA was a bit all over the place and I was close to finding my passion and felt I was coming up slightly short. One night, SWIHA came across my Facebook thread and I was very guided to it. After a few weeks of researching and meditating, I signed up. It fit perfectly with the direction I was currently going as well as what I naturally do as a person. I am so passionate about helping people to live fully and love their life. To step out of their comfort zone and chase their dreams. I love being a cheerleader for others.”

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Topics: Holistic Nutrition, holistic entrepreneur, Intuition, fitness, Holistic Healh and Wellness Coach, Health and Wellness Coach

Following Intuition is Vulnerability with Yourself

Posted by Christina Nikolic on 8/17/23 4:00 PM

When thinking about vulnerability and intuition, I felt a spark as I was applying the two topics to my life. I am more vulnerable with myself than I ever was because I choose to listen to my intuition where I find myself more mindful and consciously aware of my thoughts, my temporary feelings, and the emotions that come with those feelings from thoughts.

Therefore I cannot speak on behalf of intuition without vulnerability, because following your instinct, and believing in your inner advisor is being vulnerable to yourself first. It's what you need before you can even be vulnerable with anyone else whether it be your friends, your partner, coworkers, or your children. Being vulnerable is being open to trusting in what you believe in so that you can show up for yourself when those moments come when you need to make choices without judgment, doubt or feeling scared of rejection or even fearing the worst for your outcomes.

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Topics: Great Graduate, Intuition, Holistic wellness, Holistic health, intuitve guide, SWIHA Students, Holistic Health and Wellness, Trust, Holistic Health and Wellness Coach, Healing Journey

The Inspiring Journey of Aurelia Leano: How She Empowers Others

Posted by Jade Marvin on 5/25/23 4:00 PM

Before SWIHA, I was struggling to conform to societal standards. The corporate employee, ideal mother, independent woman, etc, and all these titles took me further from myself, what makes me, me. I didn’t realize it at the time, however, it became my passion to encourage and empower others to live authentically. The titles listed are important, however, they are not all.”

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Topics: spirituality, holistic entrepreneur, Great Graduate, Intuition, intuitve guide, integrative healing arts practitioner, IHAP, Grief, Religion

3 Ways to Step Out into the World as Your Authentic Self with SWIHA Graduate Natali Siliezar

Posted by Natali Siliezar on 2/2/23 4:00 PM

Are you speaking your truth, listening to your gut, and TRUSTING YOUR INTUITION?

We all know this is all very important while on your journey to self-worth.

Do you ever stop sharing a piece of your life because you feel it has no value? Yet, you have no idea who it might inspire?

I get random people telling me how much I inspire them and how much my words or videos made them feel. Not listening to my intuition has happened to me countless times. Yet, I remember when I stopped myself from sharing because I thought it would be too cringy.

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Topics: Southwest Institute of Healing Arts, holistic entrepreneur, Great Graduate, SWIHA, Intuition, Arizona, coaching, Tempe, inner knowing, Grounding, SWIHA Graduate, Holistic Health and Wellness Coach, authentic self, Trust your gut, Answering the Call

How Alexandria Taft Followed Her Heart to Help Others with Customized Coaching Sessions

Posted by Jade Marvin on 10/13/22 4:00 PM

Before I came to SWIHA I was very much steeped into one method of meditation in a close-knit community that surrounded it. However, it became a dogmatic life for me that eventually led me to suffer from being in a fixed mindset. After a 360 reality collapse, I began opening my mind to other things and intuitively leaning into a growth mindset. Which ultimately led me to SWIHA.

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Topics: Southwest Institute of Healing Arts, Life Coaching, holistic entrepreneur, SWIHA, Intuition, Hypnotherapy, aromatherapy, Arizona, intuitive, Tempe, integrative healing arts practitioner, IHAP, Ceremony, Mother Earth, Prayer, Admissions, Growth Mindset, Somatic Work, aroma auriculotherapy, embodiment, Emotional freedom techniques (EFT)

5 Ways to Overcome the Plague of Comparison

Posted by Jade Marvin on 9/29/22 4:00 PM

The reason you are not getting what you want is because you are focusing on what they got. Don’t get distracted by their results, focus on your process.” - Unknown

In a world of constant scrolling, scrolling, scrolling - it can be easy to come across an image or a piece of news that can throw you down the ‘comparison spiral’. This old, unwelcoming yet pervasive pattern of comparing yourself to others does not serve you. Living in a world plagued with comparison, as we are flooded with more information than we can handle; whether it’s social media or the news, our minds, often subconsciously, are running a mile a minute trying to process and analyze all the information we are viewing. Although social comparison is a part of our normal behavior strategy as humans, we don’t have to let it consume us to a level that affects our mental health. Learn these five strategies to help you overcome the plague of comparison.

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Topics: Southwest Institute of Healing Arts, Holistic Nutrition, SWIHA, Whole Foods, Intuition, Meditation, energy healing, Arizona, Tempe, conscious community, Energy, Microbiome, Positive Affirmations, Nervous System, Life Journey, Self-help, Comparison, Mindful Meditation

From Chef to Health & Wellness Coach, Valerie Hahn Guides Others through Inner Transformations

Posted by Jade Marvin on 9/8/22 4:00 PM

What was your life like before SWIHA? What led you to SWIHA and to your particular program of study? Why are you passionate about this modality?

Before SWIHA, I was a Chef who worked long hours at a fine dining farm-to-table restaurant & was a hairstylist on the side. I love to cook and especially loved embracing the sustainability aspect of sourcing our ingredients and how everything connected full circle. Although I loved cooking, as many people know kitchens can be quite a challenging and sometimes toxic environment to be submerged in. At that point in my life, I was deeply depressed and longed to do something that felt more fulfilling to my soul. For me, this "cycle of depression" triggered an awakening of sorts. I began venturing my journey of "internal" personal development (outside my physical fitness) and sought out schools that spoke to my soul path. After studying myself and creating a boatload of interests, everything on my list pointed to holistic health and wellness. I discovered SWIHA at the beginning of my journey and finally answered the call to enroll 10 years later!

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Topics: Southwest Institute of Healing Arts, Holistic Nutrition, holistic entrepreneur, SWIHA, Mindfulness, Intuition, Spirit, Holistic wellness, Arizona, Tempe, community, Holistic Education, conscious community, GRIT, Divine Timing, Holistic Health and Wellness Coaching, Holistic Health and Wellness Coach, Spiritual Wellbeing, Microbiome

How Ashlynn Finley Follows Her Heart’s Calling to Hold Space for Others on Their Healing Journey

Posted by Jade Marvin on 6/9/22 4:00 PM

Your brain understands facts. Your heart understands emotions. Your intuition understands truth. Above all, follow your intuition. It will never fail you.” - RKL

Living up to other people’s expectations is always difficult. It is hard enough to even live up to your own expectations. When we change how we seek validation and choose to pursue it within ourselves compared to outwardly things or beings, we start to live our life for ourselves and nobody else. Once we can grasp this concept of trusting our own intuition, and letting go of outside influences, we truly start to live our life’s true purpose. Southwest Institute of Healing Arts, Great Graduate Ashlynn Finley, went through just that. She was living a life based on what her family wanted for her, until she made the decision to completely change her life, and chose to follow her passions and live the life she always dreamed of.

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Topics: Southwest Institute of Healing Arts, Great Graduate, SWIHA, entrepreneur, Holistic Healing, Intuition, Reflexology, Reiki, energy work, Spirit, Holistic wellness, Oracle Cards, Arizona, Tarot, Tempe, intuitve guide, community, Affirmations, Holding Space, Traditional Reiki, Empathy, Angels and Guides, Business Owner, Heart

Looking in the Mirror: A Journey to Self-Love|SWIHA Student Blog Series

Posted by Aatiyah Mcneill on 5/5/22 4:00 PM

"Keep taking time for yourself until you are you again." -Lalah Delia

A Look into our Self Love Journey:

The fact is that it is a "YOU VS YOU "battle in this life. So get it in your head that no one is coming to SAVE US EXCEPT US.

During my journey, I'm learning that the most critical part is to stop being a people pleaser and living life like everyone else matters except you because you do matter. Knowing that taking care of your needs first is essential, knowing that your feelings matter.

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Topics: self love, Southwest Institute of Healing Arts, holistic practitioner, holistic entrepreneur, SWIHA, Self-care, entrepreneur, healing, Intuition, Arizona, healing arts, Tempe, intuitve guide, integrative healing arts practitioner, IHAP, Self-Love Journey, People-Pleasing, Intuitive Coach, Spiritual Growth

How Life Coach Jasmyn Camp Helps Parents Heal Generational Trauma

Posted by Jade Marvin on 4/28/22 4:00 PM

My journey has been filled with ups and downs. Mostly uncertainty yet it has always worked out for my highest good. No matter what your journey looks like, trust the process, trust your intuition, and most importantly trust in yourself.” - Jasmyn Camp

Life for Jasmyn before she attended SWIHA was a bit chaotic, she describes. Like most of us, Jasmyn was searching for her passion and life calling. Jasmyn recalls having little to no guidance on this journey to her passion until the opportunity to attend SWIHA presented itself, and she jumped on it! Jasmyn Camp, a Great Graduate of the Life Coaching program states, “I'm passionate about life coaching because it puts me in a position to be able to make a difference in someone else's life.”

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Topics: Southwest Institute of Healing Arts, Life Coaching, Great Graduate, SWIHA, entrepreneur, Holistic Healing, Intuition, life coach, Arizona, Trauma, Holistic Living, coaching, Tempe, intuitve guide, Holistic Healer, Wellness Coaching

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