The Making of a Motivator

Posted by KC Miller on 2/12/25 8:00 AM

A “motivator” is a charismatic person who provides encouragement and inspiration to others to take action, pursue goals, improve performance, or take on a new, more positive outlook on life. They are described as cheerleaders, coaches, caregivers, or even Firewalkers!  

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Topics: Life Coaching, KC Miller, Entrepreneurs, Firewalker, Peak Performance, James Patrick, Motivator

A Life of Service: Khariah Clark’s Journey from the Air Force to the Yoga Studio

Posted by Jade Marvin on 5/19/22 4:00 PM

Before SWIHA I was an active duty military member serving in the air force. Once I became a veteran, I knew I wanted to seek deeper healing for myself and the communities I am a part of. I also wanted to facilitate and curate spaces that allowed for that healing to occur. Being a trauma-informed and intuitively lead yoga instructor/ guide allow me to do just that in every space I’ve grown into.”

Great Graduate, Khariah Clark, of SWIHA’s 200 hr Yoga Teacher Training program as well as the Intuitive Guide program, has blossomed into her new life since attending Southwest Institute of Healing Arts. Like many other students who enroll at SWIHA, Khariah was at a point in her life where she had to stop and reflect on what she wanted to do next with her life. Khariah had just dropped out of a very rigorous law program and felt defeated, not really knowing what to do next. Clark explains, “...not knowing my next move, I went into my backyard to do some yoga, I looked up to see a rainbow in the sky, it was awesome.” And one step aligning after another, Khariah found herself studying yoga and intuitive guidance at SWIHA.

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Topics: Southwest Institute of Healing Arts, SWIHA, entrepreneur, healing, Yoga Teacher Training, yoga, Arizona, business, Tempe, intuitve guide, Yogi, Yoga studio, yoga classes, intuitive guidance, Energy, Sharon Rose, Aura, James Patrick, Higher Learning, Higher Education

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