Dana Marie Greenwood has officially gone full circle: from her roots as a middle school and high school teacher to her exploration as a student at SWIHA, she is now returning once more to the world of education as a Life Coach!
With 13 years of classroom experience backing her up, Dana intuitively knew that a relaxed state was necessary for her students to effectively absorb new knowledge. Yet, it wasn’t until she trained in a diverse spectrum of specialties at SWIHA—including massage therapy, yoga, aromatherapy, life coaching, mindfulness, guided imagery, and hypnotherapy—that Dana found an appropriate name for the phenomenon she was encountering. “I became consciously aware of the importance of returning to the parasympathetic—or “rest and digest”—state as often as possible,” she reflects. “So many of the body, mind, and spirit’s important functions take place in that state!”
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Life Coaching,
Massage Therapy,
guided imagery,
Learning Anxiety,
Test Anxiety
According to Life Coach and Clinical Hypnotherapist Stacia Aashna, one of the best ways to start the New Year is with a detox of body and mind. In fact, she is offering a perfect prescription for wellness in 2018 with Hypnosis, Meditation, Booch at The Kombucha Room in Chicago in mid-January.
For those who don’t know, “booch” is the term for a fermented tea beverage that detoxifies the body and builds the immune system. It is an ideal companion for those brave souls who are ready to detox their mind of old “personal lies”– that inner dialogue of unconscious, reinforcing statements that keeps you from evolving into your best, most confident, happiest self.
Yet, drinking tea is not the only way to “clear” yourself internally in preparation for what 2018 will bring! This graduate from SWIHA’s Life Coaching and Clinical Hypnotherapy program firmly believes that hypnotherapy is one of the oldest proven detox tools available today and an incredible asset for life coaches to use with their clients.
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Life Coaching,
clinical hypnotherapy,
guided imagery,
Greek Mythology,
Support Groups
“You go girl,” was the shout out given to SWIHA’s Life Coaching graduate Katee Van Horn when we heard the news that she was named one of the Most Influential Women in Arizona in the July 2017 issue of AZ Business! One of the accomplishments listed to her credit was the work she has been doing as a coach with the Global Technology Center at GoDaddy, the world's largest web hosting organization located in Tempe, Arizona. Katee has served as the executive coach behind the scenes at this thriving business, leading a series of initiatives that have redefined GoDaddy’s culture to one of inclusivity, especially in celebrating and empowering women.
As a speaker, coach, and HR consultant, Katee takes a holistic approach to supporting people in living their best lives. Her no-nonsense style leads to action. When asked what she did to help a mega-organization like GoDaddy achieve a culture transformation, she modestly shared, “It was about aligning their external message with their internal culture. My job was to help team members to be their authentic selves and feel valued.”
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Life Coaching,
Executive Coaching,
Powerful Questions,
Motivational Speaker,
HR Consultant,
Listening Skills,
Cultural Alignment,
Female Empowerment
When we think about why people seek out life coaching, it might be easy to assume that they do so because they are looking to become successful. Perhaps they want to switch careers, make more money, or gain more recognition. Yet, author, life coach, and Zen Cowboy™ Alaric Hutchinson goes a step beyond that approach to coaching with one simple question: “What comes after success?”
Realizing just how few people are genuinely happy in their lives—no matter how much they have achieved professionally—was a huge breakthrough for Alaric in terms of understanding the individuals who seek out his services. “Money and success (once achieved) do not actually bring about lasting happiness or a sense of peace,” says Alaric. “Many of my clients are high performers and earners trying to figure out why they are still not satisfied in their life. The niche of people I work with all desire inner peace.”
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Life Coaching,
Zen Philosophy,
Inner Peace,
Healthy Relationships
Life coach, Hypnotherapist, and YouTuber Dulce Zambrano would like you to know that you don’t have to give up your sense of self and personal preferences to find success!
As a coach who often finds herself working with clients who are already on the path to achievement—particularly female entrepreneurs and leaders who want more mindfulness and balance in their lives—Dulce has noticed that this is a common fear. “What these successful people are often most afraid of is losing the little personality quirks that make them individuals; they’re afraid they have to become Tibetan monks to find balance, which simply isn’t true,” Dulce says. “You can be successful and still be you! It’s a matter of recognizing that everywhere is a safe space. Just show up and do your thang, boo!”
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Life Coaching,
Safe Space,
Wheel of Balance
In 2005, Brian Zahn was feeling lost and like he had hit rock bottom, especially after an ugly divorce had left him struggling with a negative outlook on life. Internally, he knew that the problems he was experiencing were temporary and that deeper connections with people and the world awaited him, yet it wasn’t until he accepted his calling with a career in Life Coaching that he found a way to break through to a brighter perspective.
It was in his first life coaching course that Brian was blessed with one of those beautiful SWIHA “ah-ha” moments that turned his life around and began his transformation: “I realized that we are all truly ONE, wanting to be heard, acknowledged, known for something positive, to live our truth, and most importantly to be unconditionally loved.” Brian had discovered that it is possible to break through the prisons we shape for ourselves—prisons with bars made of limiting beliefs, false perceptions, and negative self-talk—and to emerge into our truest and best selves.
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Life Coaching,
Holistic Healing,
Holistic wellness,
As a self-described spirit-guided healer, Becca Briley is a woman led by her intuition. From the very beginning, Becca knew that her life’s purpose—her soul’s purpose—is to honor the sacred in others through selfless service to them. “I’m always naturally guided to that soulful place,” Becca shares. “Really supporting someone’s highest self, allowing them to show up in the most vulnerable and authentic way… To me, that’s just communicating soul to soul.” In fact, as a little girl, Becca would resolutely tell those around her, “I’m not here for me,” a both poignant and profound observation from a child so young.
Now as a graduate of SWIHA’s 100-hour Certificate of Excellence in Life Coaching, Becca is able to “be here” for others through her life coaching practice, appropriately called the “Spirit Guided Healer.” She has grown into this practice with the conviction that “by supporting others’ evolution, I am supporting my own for the highest and greatest good.” She finds that the questions her clients most frequently bring to her are ultimately ones of evolution: How do I control my thoughts? How do I stay positive? How do I get out of my bad habits? How do I look on the bright side? When working with people who are striving to make these improvements, she is sure to encourage them to see it as a process. “It’s a mindful practice,” Becca says. “It’s not a switch that you turn on and it stays on. Living in that higher space is a matter of repetition.”
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Life Coaching,
soul coaching,
New Year,
Positive Thinking
Reine Matthews is a SWIHA graduate both doing great things and writing great things! Her first book, Thriving After Diagnosis: Instead of Merely Surviving, was just published… and she is already working on a second! Hailing from Northern Idaho, Reine received an AOS Degree in Mind Body Transformational Psychology from SWIHA, with concentrations in Holistic Nutrition and Wellness, Life Coaching, and Urban Farming and Conscious Living.
Reine chose to get into the field of holistic wellness because of her personal journey of being diagnosed with (and thriving beyond!) Lyme Disease. According to the CDC, Lyme disease is the fastest growing vector-borne, infectious disease in the United States, with 25,000 new cases being reported every month for an estimated 300,000 new people being affected per year (25% of which are children). This illness is typically transmitted through a bite from an infected deer tick and has been reported in all 50 states and on every continent, excluding Antarctica.
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Life Coaching,
Holisitc Nutrition,
Mind Body Wellness,
Holistic Healing,
Urban Farming,
Lyme Disease,
Mind Body Transformational Psychology,
conscious living
Jewel Blackfeather always knew she was intuitive, although she didn’t fully acknowledge it until she became a Life Coach. In fact, during the first 20-hour weekend of her Life Coaching program at SWIHA, Jewel felt intuitively called to volunteer as the demo client for a fear-related exercise being led by master instructor Richard Seaman in front of a room of nearly fifty people. While there was a part of her that didn’t want to be put in spotlight, there was also a part of her that knew she was being compelled to step up and face her fears!
A Lion Among Wolves
And face her fears she did! During the demonstration, Richard asked her a series of potent, probing questions–which is one of the most powerful skills a Life Coach learns–that caused her to stop and look at what was stopping her. Once she shared a bit of her story, Richard used yet another incredible coaching tool–Transformational Listening–to weave a metaphoric visualization based on what she had shared:
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Life Coaching,
Toe Reading,
clinical hypnotherapy,
soul coaching,
guided imagery,
transformational listening
LaRie Hope has toured with bands, worked in freak shows and haunted houses, and been a body piercer and hairstylist… yet her biggest and boldest career move is happening right now, as she sets up shop in Arizona to offer her services as a Licensed Massage Therapist, energy worker, and self-described “Life Doula.”
While a doula is traditionally a person who is trained to assist a woman during childbirth and to provide support to the family after the baby is born, LaRie has given the profession her own personal twist by providing much needed help to families with or without children. She assists families plan and prepare healthy meals, provides childcare to individuals who need to work or be in class, and offers general emotional and mental encouragement by holding space for her clients. “If you need it, most likely I can help you with it,” LaRie says. “My nickname since high school has always been ‘mom,’ which is accurate because I have always been a mom to everyone when they need support.”
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Life Coaching,
Massage Therapy,
Certified Massage Therapist,
Licensed Massage Therapist,
Thai Massage,
cranial Sacral,
Seated Massage