Life Coaching Corner: Create Impeccable Word-of-Mouth in Your Business

Posted by KC Miller on 6/26/17 5:00 PM

When building a sustainable business as a holistic practitioner--be it through life coaching, massage therapy, or any other modality--what others think of us IS our business, especially when what they say is ABOUT our business. Word of mouth, or viva voce, can make or break a business or a practitioner’s private practice. Viva voce is a Latin phrase that means “the living voice.” With today’s digital media platforms—such as Yelp, Facebook, and Google+—there is sudden room for the world to publish exactly what they think about your business… quickly and often without recourse! Once a “bad” review is registered, it is nearly impossible to reverse the rating that shows up on your business' page.

Naturally, we want to do all we can to create positive word-of-mouth to help grow our private practices and holistic businesses. For guidance on this matter, we can turn to the wisdom in Don Miguel Ruiz’s most famous book, The Four Agreements, which has sold around 5.2 million copies in the U.S and has been translated into 38 languages.

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Topics: Life Coaching, Massage Therapy, holistic entrepreneur, entrepreneur, Holistic Healing

Life Coaching Corner: PTSD… It’s complicated!

Posted by KC Miller on 6/12/17 5:00 PM

PTSD paralyzes, terrifies, saddens, and dulls the senses. We have long known that our mind and body record everything that happens to us. These highs and lows create Richter-scale size memories in our minds, with our emotional “seismograph” documenting the most crystallizing and paralyzing events of our life. If we were to take a metaphorical scan of the mind, we would clearly see PTSD appearing on the “map” as a series of dark, sharp peaks — indicators of turmoil from which it is very difficult to escape. Those dealing with PTSD get mired in those dark spots.

Grieving through the “Dark Spots”

Recently, after over twenty years of distinguished service to his country and three years of trying to reconcile the battles in his mind through intermittent psychiatric hospital stays, my stepson Todd made the permanent decision to end his life.

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Topics: Life Coaching, Yoga Teacher Training, PTSD, mind body wellness pracitioner, Veterans

Life Coaching Corner: 5 Ways to Honor Your Hero this Memorial Day

Posted by K C Miller on 5/29/17 8:00 AM

“A hero is someone who has given his or her life to something bigger than oneself,” wrote Joseph Campbell, the iconic mythologist best known for his work The Hero's Journey.

Memorial Day is an American holiday, observed on the last Monday of May, historically designed to honor the men and women who died while serving in the U.S. military. Unfortunately, some of those brave individuals no longer walk with us on Earth because they have chosen to make a life-ending decision, often due to the complications of Post-Traumatic Stress Disorder (PTSD). In fact, the U.S. Department of Veteran Affairs estimates that roughly 11-20% of veterans who have served in Operations Iraqi Freedom and Enduring Freedom suffer from PTSD. 

With these numbers in mind, let’s explore the Hero’s Journey and consider how we can better honor our veterans on this significant day…

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Topics: Life Coaching

Barbara Iuliano: A Career of Life Coaching for Other Life Coaches!

Posted by Zoey Sigmon on 5/26/17 8:02 AM

Barbara Iuliano’s reason for joining the SWIHA community may sound surreal to some, and yet to other SWIHA students, graduates, and staff, it is actually the norm! Why might some find it strange? Because Barbara claims that her own intuition and the guidance of the Universe brought her through our doors. “I was at a point in my life where everything was shifting... relationships, jobs, careers, dreams etc... I wanted to do something more, something of value, of service. SWIHA was one of those serendipitous blessings that fell into my lap.

As a graduate of our Mind Body Transformational Psychology AOS, Barbara has taken her acquired knowledge and integrated it magically with her innate gifts and interests in healing and service to launch her own successful practice. Although when she first started her program, she had no intention of becoming a coach, she has since surrendered to the obvious and grander plans that the Universe was conjuring for her behind the scenes. “Life coaching has been one of the most transformational and valuable practices that I have learned in my life. I couldn’t thank SWIHA enough for introducing me to this area in a holistic and professional manner. Coaching was love at first sight for me. Beyond life coaching, I also found my business classes of immense value as they encouraged me to set up my business ‘before I felt ready.'"

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Topics: Life Coaching

Life Coaching Corner: The Art of "Easing Up" & Living Beyond Fear!

Posted by K C Miller on 5/22/17 2:05 PM

A couple of weekends ago, Elizabeth Gilbert, the bestselling author of Eat, Pray, Love, spoke at the International Women’s Summit with the message that what we need is more “relaxed” women in the world. While I was prepared for the re-packaged dogma of “work hard to get ahead,” it took me by complete surprised when the opening night’s keynote question was: “How much more would you accomplish if you chose to be a relaxed woman?”

This message has been swirling around in my head, especially as I have been ‘on assignment’ as Granny Nanny to my two granddaughters, ages 3 and 7, while my son (who just graduated from medical school) and his bride of ten years are vacationing in Europe for a little well-deserved rest and relaxation.  

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Topics: Life Coaching, SWIHA, Life Coaching Program, relax

How Inga Tara Heals Relationship Trauma With Mindful Life Coaching

Posted by Zoey Sigmon on 5/19/17 3:37 PM

Inga Tara once felt that she had it all—a beautiful family, financial security, the freedom to spend her time traveling abroad. And yet there was still something undeniably missing. “I was feeling dissatisfaction in my career, disconnect inside me, and a lack of inner peace,” she remembers. After participating in a full-body detox program in 2009, Inga finally found something that resonated powerfully with her: a love of nutrition. This shift is what Inga considers a major point of self-mastery and a significant first step in the journey to her divine purpose.


Years later in 2014, with an empty nest and a husband at work, Inga knew it was the perfect time to pursue her interests more actively. “I felt that that was a good time to go back to spiritual practices that I used to do for years (and made me feel happy and complete) and work on my creativity, self-actualization, and giving back to people.” Still, reconnecting to self through spiritual practice was not filling the void that Inga felt within her. She yearned to formalize her knowledge of holistic healing to bring happiness and well-being to others. She began to seek out schools and programs and decided to enroll at SWIHA soon after discovering it on an online search.

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Topics: Life Coaching, Polarity, Mind Body Wellness, Nutrition Coaching, Reiki, Nutrition, clinical hypnotherapy

Life Coaching Corner: 5 Powerful Ways to Remove BUT from Your Life

Posted by K C Miller on 5/15/17 4:26 PM


A few weeks ago, I was asked if I wanted to do a 5K Run. I could have easily said, “Oh, I’d like to, BUT I havent run in over 30 years.” Instead I said, “Yes, sign me up!”

Staying stuck in a rut, and 'yeah butting' myself has never been my style. My saying YES immediately produced incredible results: I ended up placing 5th in my age group despite all those years of not running. Once I became committed to removing the ‘but’ from my life, I have gotten farther, faster!

As a long-time Transformational cCoach, I have worked with hundreds of people who have come to me for life coaching, saying they want to fast-forward their lives and leave behind the things that hold them back. One of the most powerful exercises I offer them is the opportunity to make a list of all the things they want to do in their lives, yet have not done. After they create the list, they are invited to take the things on their list and add the word ‘but to the end of the sentence. These are typical examples:

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Topics: Life Coaching

How Life Coaching Helped Niki Meadows Overcome Depression and Facilitate Self Love for Countless Others

Posted by Zoey Sigmon on 5/5/17 9:11 AM

In 2013, Niki Meadows gave herself a metamorphic birthday gift that would ultimately change the course of her entire life. In order to ensure that 2014 would be the year she would stop wishing for change and start working for a more fulfilling reality, she quit her corporate job and enrolled in SWIHA’s life coaching program.

A natural-born life coach to those in her life, Niki chose to complete our 100-hour Life Coaching program to help her sharpen her skills so she could extend her gifts to others in a more professional capacity. Now the proud owner of Niki Meadows LLC, Niki identifies as a Women’s Worthiness and Authenticity Coach, working with women to heal the relationship they have with themselves. “I love to connect with people! I’m now able to serve people and it’s incredibly fulfilling to do something that has meaning and purpose. I’m also able to use the gifts and talents I was born with instead of trying to find creative ways to incorporate them into an environment that didn’t have room for them.

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Topics: transformational, Life Coaching, confidence, life coach, Empowerment, Worthiness Coaching

Meet Sharon Rose --The Holistic Lifestyle Coach Offering Lasting Change

Posted by Zoey Sigmon on 4/21/17 1:47 PM

Sharon Rose made the trek out to Arizona following an opportunity in her previous career of hospitality and to experience a much-needed change in scenery. Attending a school like Southwest Institute of Healing Arts was far from her mind. At the time, she had no idea that her recreational and self-preservationist interests in yoga would become such huge components of her life path, and ultimately, the fulfillment of her life purpose.

After four months here in the desert, a sinking feeling began to creep into her soul that something significant was missing. Looking back, she shares, “I became uninspired and mentally checked out. I started practicing yoga at Spirit of Yoga around this time. I realized then that I wanted to pursue yoga full time and decided to look into SWIHA.

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Topics: transformational, Life Coaching, holistic, wellness, Holistic Nutrition, SWIHA, yoga, healing, life coach, Nutrition Coaching, Healthy Eating, organic, asana, Spiritual, Smoothies, Alternative healing, Namaste, Yogi, Om

Cameo Rose--Serving Beautiful Bowls to Beautiful Souls!

Posted by Zoey Sigmon on 4/14/17 1:50 PM

Meet Cameo Rose of Foxy Fruit Açai Bowls & Smoothies! This girl is serving beautiful bowls to beautiful souls and changing lives through her passion for and knowledge of Holistic Nutrition.

This dream life wasn’t always her reality, though. To hear Cameo talk about her sheer fervor and zeal for Holistic Nutrition and Urban Farming, you would never believe that just a few years ago before attending SWIHA, Cameo found herself trapped in a cycle of negativity. As she puts it, “I knew something had to give, or else I would feel this way forever.” She decided to dive in and begin researching how to live a more healthful life.

From there, she was exposed to a seemingly infinite fount of information about healthy eating. She talks of this time fondly; as if her life burst open, made colorful in the presence of organic options after living for years in the black and white world of processed foods and unconscious living. “I started falling in love with healthy eating, creating delicious vegetarian recipes, and taking care of my mind, body, and soul for what seemed [to be] the first time in my life.”

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Topics: transformational, Life Coaching, holistic, wellness, Holistic Nutrition, Nutrition Coaching, Urban Farming, Hypnotherapy, Healthy Eating, organic, health, Smoothies, Alternative healing

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