How Spiritual Coach Sophia Duhon Helps Others Explore Their Modern Spirituality

Posted by Jade Marvin on 10/27/22 4:00 PM

The meaning of spirituality has evolved and expanded over time, and various meanings can be found alongside each other. What does spirituality mean in the modern world? Modern Spirituality centers on the deepest values and meanings by which people live. This idea often embraces the idea of an inner path enabling a person to discover the essence of his or her being. This is exactly what Great Graduate Sophia Duhon was searching for before her time at Southwest Institute of Healing Arts. Sophia explains, “Before SWIHA, I felt a bit lost in terms of what my life purpose was, and how I wanted to go about educating myself, helping others, and raising the vibration of my spiritual self. My interest in non-denominational spirituality is what led me to SWIHA, as well as my desire to bring accessible Spirituality to everyone and anyone interested in the wisdom of the soul!

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Topics: Southwest Institute of Healing Arts, Life Coaching, spirituality, holistic entrepreneur, SWIHA, holistic business, Arizona, coaching, Tempe, integrative healing arts practitioner, tarot readings, Spiritual Life Coaching, Herbal Business, Ministerial Studies, Online Business, Modern Spirituality

How Alexandria Taft Followed Her Heart to Help Others with Customized Coaching Sessions

Posted by Jade Marvin on 10/13/22 4:00 PM

Before I came to SWIHA I was very much steeped into one method of meditation in a close-knit community that surrounded it. However, it became a dogmatic life for me that eventually led me to suffer from being in a fixed mindset. After a 360 reality collapse, I began opening my mind to other things and intuitively leaning into a growth mindset. Which ultimately led me to SWIHA.

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Topics: Southwest Institute of Healing Arts, Life Coaching, holistic entrepreneur, SWIHA, Intuition, Hypnotherapy, aromatherapy, Arizona, intuitive, Tempe, integrative healing arts practitioner, IHAP, Ceremony, Mother Earth, Prayer, Admissions, Growth Mindset, Somatic Work, aroma auriculotherapy, embodiment, Emotional freedom techniques (EFT)

How Leah Morris Went From Being Unemployed to Starting Her Own Six-Figure, International Coaching Practice

Posted by Jade Marvin on 7/21/22 4:00 PM

We often hear the phrase ‘you have to pay your dues’ in situations where someone starts out in a new career field. This phrase translates to the understanding that you have to first experience difficulties before reaching success. This does not have to be a reality for everyone. Leah Morris, Life Coaching and Hypnotherapy Graduate from SWIHA states, “The greatest lesson I learned at SWIHA was that with the right intention and a massive amount of integrity, your efforts can take you anywhere.” Basically, if you are willing to work hard and put forth effort into what you want out of life, you can achieve anything!

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Topics: Southwest Institute of Healing Arts, Life Coaching, holistic entrepreneur, Great Graduate, SWIHA, entrepreneur, Holistic Healing, life coach, Hypnotherapy, Arizona, Holistic Living, Tempe, Relationship Coaching, Podcast, small business owner, relationship transitions

Graduate Lourdes Silva Spreads Healing to the Hispanic and ASL Community

Posted by Jade Marvin on 7/14/22 4:00 PM

I cannot do all the good that the world needs. However, the world needs all the good that I can do.” - Jana Stanfield

Lourdes Silva, Southwest Institute of Healing Arts Great Graduate, realized that her life’s purpose was to serve others with her gifts and graces. To spread the healing arts of Reiki, Sound Healing, Yoga, and more to those who speak Spanish and use Sign Language. Lourdes states, “I realized that the purpose of my life is to give love and be in service reaching all that community that needed the most because I truly believe yoga is for everyone regardless of age, weight, beliefs, or race! We are Onésimo.” One day, during a Polarity class that Lourdes was taking, she had the realization that each experience that she had in her life leading up to that moment was preparing her for her soul purpose. Her soul purpose is to “become a healer, to be on the yoga path, share my acknowledgment, and with empathy - be an instrument of service!

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Topics: Sound Healing, Southwest Institute of Healing Arts, Life Coaching, Toe Reading, Great Graduate, SWIHA, Advanced Yoga Training, Reiki, Yoga Teacher Training, yoga nidra, Arizona, Tempe, Holistic Healer, Sign Language, Spanish Speaking, Service

Mindset over Matter: How Jami Papenberg Followed Her Heart & Light

Posted by Jade Marvin on 5/12/22 4:00 PM

I had settled into a comfort zone before SWIHA. Back in 2008, I decided I wanted to become a massage therapist, and I wanted to get out of the Midwest and start my life over in Arizona. I bought a plane ticket and scheduled a tour of SWIHA, then met a guy who wanted me to stay in the Midwest. I took the trip, toured the school, and really liked it, yet I let that guy talk me into staying and going to massage school in St. Louis, closer to home. We divorced in 2018 -- turns out living someone else's dream doesn't lead to much happiness. Over the years I've become passionate about mental health, from healing from the traumatic birth of my son in 2011 to navigating divorce, and seeing how my massage clients could gain so much more healing if they worked on their emotional health as much as they worked on their physical health. I had my eye on life coaching, and what popped up on my first Google search was SWIHA! Things came full circle, and I took it as a sign.”

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Topics: Southwest Institute of Healing Arts, Life Coaching, Great Graduate, SWIHA, entrepreneur, Holistic Healing, Hypnotherapy, Arizona, coaching, Tempe, mysticism, massage therapist, Holistic Healer, integrative healing arts practitioner, Licensed Massage Therapist, LMT, IHAP, Books, Published Author, Podcast, Universal Laws

How Life Coach Jasmyn Camp Helps Parents Heal Generational Trauma

Posted by Jade Marvin on 4/28/22 4:00 PM

My journey has been filled with ups and downs. Mostly uncertainty yet it has always worked out for my highest good. No matter what your journey looks like, trust the process, trust your intuition, and most importantly trust in yourself.” - Jasmyn Camp

Life for Jasmyn before she attended SWIHA was a bit chaotic, she describes. Like most of us, Jasmyn was searching for her passion and life calling. Jasmyn recalls having little to no guidance on this journey to her passion until the opportunity to attend SWIHA presented itself, and she jumped on it! Jasmyn Camp, a Great Graduate of the Life Coaching program states, “I'm passionate about life coaching because it puts me in a position to be able to make a difference in someone else's life.”

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Topics: Southwest Institute of Healing Arts, Life Coaching, Great Graduate, SWIHA, entrepreneur, Holistic Healing, Intuition, life coach, Arizona, Trauma, Holistic Living, coaching, Tempe, intuitve guide, Holistic Healer, Wellness Coaching

The Power of Inner-Knowing: Fran-Kay Moseley Helps Women Connect With Themselves

Posted by Jade Marvin on 4/14/22 4:00 PM

Trust your heart and embrace the journey. You may make a wrong turn, however, your heart will get you back on the right path. Just keep making choices and don’t second guess yourself.” - E’yen A. Gardner

Fran-kay, like many others who came to SWIHA, wanted to find her purpose in life and help others along the way. Fran-Kay came from a humble background. She states, “Both of my parents were uneducated and I was told at a young age that education wasn’t important. That as long as I learned a trade, I would be satisfied. Well, I felt robbed. I self-taught myself, and even though I may not have a college degree, I am very wise and love learning new things…” And that is exactly what Fran-Kay did here at Southwest Institute of Healing Arts. Fran-Kay learned to trust her intuition, stop second-guessing herself, and how to fulfill her life dream of helping others.

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Topics: Southwest Institute of Healing Arts, Life Coaching, Body, SWIHA, entrepreneur, Holistic Healing, Intuition, Spiritual Coaching, Spirit, Hypnotherapy, Mind, Arizona, Tempe, intuitve guide, Holistic Healer, integrative healing arts practitioner, intuitive guidance, IHAP, Online Programs, Holistic Modalities, Higher Source, Virtual Business

How Life Coach Kami Pollvogt Teaches Her Clients to Live with Intention

Posted by Jade Marvin on 1/25/22 4:00 PM

The power of intention is the power to manifest, to create, to live a life of unlimited abundance, and to attract into your life the right people at the right moments.” - Wayne Dyer

Great Graduate Kami Pollvogt, of the Life Coaching Program here at Southwest Institute of Healing Arts, worked in corporate America for over twenty years. When her company downsized and eliminated her department, she was left wondering what she wanted to do with her life. For the first time in a long time, the possibilities were endless. Kami knew she had a passion for human psychology. Kami states, “I found I loved it and realized that all my life I was curious about human behavior and really liked helping others with achieving greater awareness of who they are”. This life revelation in 2016 brought Kami life lessons of self-awareness, living life with intention, and her journey to SWIHA.

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Topics: Southwest Institute of Healing Arts, Life Coaching, SWIHA, Mindfulness, Holistic Healing, life coach, Holistic wellness, Arizona, coaching, Tempe, Holistic Education, Group Coaching, Intention, Self-Awareness, Art Therapy, Holistic Coach

The Healing Power of Serving Others with Massage Therapist and Great Graduate Robert Pruett

Posted by Jade Marvin on 1/11/22 4:00 PM

Everyone has a story to tell, a lesson to teach, and wisdom to share… Life is a beautiful masterpiece bound together by your experiences. Open up and share your story; become an inspiration to others. You can make a difference because you matter. You were created with purpose. Live your life with intention, go out there and make a difference by being the difference.” - Melanie Koulouris

Great Graduate, Robert Pruett shares his story of high highs and low lows that ultimately led him to Southwest Institute of Healing Arts. Robert asserts, “Mine is a story of extremes - I came from a place of trauma, abuse, and resulting depression - to being very successful and actualized.” After some very turbulent times, Robert encountered some very unlikely teachers that ultimately changed the course of his life. Robert apprenticed under a yoga master and learned musical theory, as well as guitar from two notable musicians. Robert explains, “I was a software developer, and unfulfilled. I felt like I had missed my calling. I kept encountering the word ‘Reiki’ and I didn't know what it meant. One day at a party some of my friends were talking about a Reiki program at SWIHA and I perked up. The next day I saw an admissions counselor. I quit my job and enrolled that very day.”

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Topics: Sound Healing, Southwest Institute of Healing Arts, Life Coaching, myofascial, Massage Therapy, Great Graduate, SWIHA, massage, Myotherapy, Reiki, Ayurveda, yoga, Arizona, Tempe, LMT, Non-Profit, Lumi Lumi, Lumi, Deep Tissue, Ayurvedic Massage

Holistic Nutrition & Wellness Coaching for Happy Heads & Hearts with Samantha Hart

Posted by Samantha Hart on 12/7/21 4:00 PM

By considering all of the parts that make up each individual and by acknowledging that no two people or bodies are the same, I know it takes more than a healthy grocery list to eat healthier. It takes customized care and education to succeed in implementing changes and routines that stick, for a vibrant, nutritious diet and lifestyle. What is your mind, body, and spirit craving? I’m Sam, and I’m a Holistic Health & Wellness practitioner, offering nutrition coaching out of Burlington, VT. I offer in-person or online coaching. I have a passion for self-care and eating for the whole self. I love to focus on eating happy, colorful foods for happy heads and hearts.

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Topics: Southwest Institute of Healing Arts, Life Coaching, Holistic Nutrition, Great Graduate, SWIHA, Whole Foods, Holistic wellness, Holistic health, SOUL Food, SAD diet, health coach, Nutrition Coach, Holistic Nutrition Coach, Wellness Coach, Wellness Practitioner, communication, Holistic Healh and Wellness Coach, NBHWC

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