Movement vs Exercise with Isabella Ordonez: A Comprehensive Comparison

Posted by Isabella Ordonez on 7/25/24 4:00 PM

In the deepening quest for a whole, more active lifestyle; the dichotomy between movement and exercise often takes center stage. While both terms are frequently used interchangeably, they embody distinct approaches to physical activity, each offering unique benefits. In the pursuit of well-being, understanding the nuanced relationship between movement and exercise becomes a key guide to creating a balance in lifestyle. From your everyday motor skills to deep HIIT workouts, there’s a lot to unpack.

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Topics: Great Graduate, exercise, Mindfulness Exerise, Holistic Health and Wellness Coach, movement

5 Grounding Techniques to Cultivate Success & Self-Regulation

Posted by Jade Marvin on 1/18/22 4:00 PM

Anxiety is a primal human experience to anticipate and prepare for threats, which can serve as a good thing. However, too much anxiety can quickly turn into mental health issues and can disrupt your daily life, relationships, work, and more. Anxiety can feel different for everyone, luckily, there are some very effective and scientifically proven ways to help us become more grounded, balanced, and in tune with our bodies. Here are 5 Grounding Techniques you can utilize to self-regulate when life is feeling out of place:

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Topics: Southwest Institute of Healing Arts, Massage Therapy, SWIHA, Mindfulness, massage, Holistic wellness, exercise, Holistic health, Breathing Techniques, Arizona, LMT, Mindfulness Exerise, Grounding Techniques, Earthing, Stretching, Massage Therapy Program, Grounding

Moving Forward: Melissa Colton on the Joy of Reinventing Yourself

Posted by KC Miller on 1/9/18 8:00 AM

Melissa Colton is a licensed mental health counselor, psychotherapist, and life coach whose favorite quote is that of Carl Jung’s: "You are not what happened to you. You are what you choose to become!" It seems that Melissa herself embodies this quote. Though a lot may have happened to her, she has chosen to re-invent herself each step of the way.

Reminiscing, Melissa recalls dreaming of becoming be a go-go dancer, flight attendant, and a member of the Peace Corps all before the age of 15. Interestingly enough, none of these things happened. Instead, she went to college, fell in love, married, moved to Florida, had two children, and lived a pretty normal, low key life… yet, always with an itch to do more!

At age 40, Melissa reinvented herself by going back to graduate school. She eventually became a licensed mental health professional, specializing in treating high-risk individuals, which included being on-call holidays, weekend, and in the middle of the night for crisis calls from actively suicidal and/or self-harming clients. As challenging and demanding as the working conditions had been, the rewards were those you measured in intangible ways– self-satisfaction, living a mission-driven life, and finding deep personal purpose in serving others.

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Topics: Life Coaching, Mindfulness, Mindfulness Training, Mental Health, Licensed Mental Health Counselor, Psychotherapist, Reinventing, Carl Jung, Mindfulness Exerise

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