Before discovering SWIHA, Tanya had already achieved an impressive academic milestone—a Master’s Degree in Health and Human Performance. However, something vital was missing. Despite her knowledge of research methods, metabolic pathways, and academic writing, she longed for practical tools to genuinely help people transform their lives. “SWIHA provides this,” Tanya explains, emphasizing SWIHA’s unique, hands-on approach to holistic health education. Tanya’s journey is a shining example of how passion, education, and a deep commitment to helping others can converge into a meaningful career.
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Great Graduate,
Holistic Health and Wellness Coach,
National Coaching Month
Through the years more and more individuals are being diagnosed with ADHD. ADHD stands for, Attention Deficit Hyperactivity Disorder. If you find it difficult to concentrate, relax, or have issues with impulsivity, there is a chance you may have undiagnosed ADHD. I am here to bring awareness and share with you the tools I use to manage my ADHD without the use of medication. The most important thing I have learned on my journey is to embrace my ADHD and view it as a superpower. Once I accepted that I have ADHD, I was able to use it to my advantage.
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holistic entrepreneur,
Great Graduate,
Holistic wellness,
Holistic health,
Holistic Health and Wellness,
Holistic Health and Wellness Coach,
Mindfulness Facilitator
“My life was lacking drive, passion, and purpose before SWIHA. I was ready for a change and to do something that filled my life. My aunt had taken classes at SWIHA years earlier so I looked into it and fell in love! I am passionate about this modality because I believe that there are better ways to heal our mind, body, and soul than only what traditional medicine provides.”
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Great Graduate,
SWIHA Students,
Health and Wellness Coach,
Holistic Health and Wellness Coach
“My life before SWIHA was and is a mystical - glorious journey! I am an entrepreneur at heart, with my own business as a holistic hairstylist. I was led to SWIHA during the shutdown in 2020 and found that I had an opportunity to add to my skills as a holistic practitioner. I had an interest in expanding my career into something new and exciting within the wellness space. I have many energetic gifts and wanted to incorporate more of them into what I do for a living. I was interested in the Integrative Healing Arts Program and the Holistic Health & Wellness Coaching program. I felt that the skills I would learn with the holistic coaching and mindfulness facilitation program would be a good fit and the first step in creating my new holistic business. It is my passion to share my knowledge about awakening consciousness and how to live an aligned Heart-Centered life. Through Holistic Coaching and Mindfulness Facilitation, It is my mission to be a guide for those I came to serve.”
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Southwest Institute of Healing Arts,
holistic entrepreneur,
Great Graduate,
Holding Space,
Holistic Health and Wellness,
Holistic Health and Wellness Coach
What is an entrepreneur? Oxford dictionary defines an entrepreneur as someone who makes money by starting or running businesses, especially when this involves taking financial risks.
Me? I say it's a dreamer who makes their dream a reality. An entrepreneur can be a seven-year-old girl who is holding a weekend bake sale and lemonade stand to earn money for that new Barbie Van so her dolls can tour the countryside of her backyard. The fourteen-year-old boy that mows lawns to save for that 1969 mustang when he turns sixteen. Even the fifty-year-old woman putting herself through school to start her practice and help guide women through mid-life because of the struggles she endures herself.
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Southwest Institute of Healing Arts,
Holistic Nutrition,
Great Graduate,
Whole Foods,
Stress Management,
health coach,
Wellness Coach,
Women's Health,
Holistic Health and Wellness Coach
“To ensure good health: eat lightly, breathe deeply, live moderately, cultivate cheerfulness, and maintain an interest in life.” – William Londen
The Holiday season is all about recharging our batteries for the New Year, spending time with friends and family, and eating good food! Making food can be such a great pass time to bond with friends and family. You can work together in the kitchen, make some yummy foods and create lifelong memories while you’re at it too! Chef and SWIHA Online Advisor, Janet Lee, proclaims, “Life is balancing the sweet with the savory. A great recipe for the holiday season is a pinch of patience, a teaspoon of creativity, a tablespoon of joy, a handful of fresh herbs, cups of vegetables, and a pitcher of laughter. Blend them all well and serve with a sense of humor, remembering the reason for the season and sharing it all with those around you. Wishing you and yours a happy and healthy holiday season!”
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Southwest Institute of Healing Arts,
Holistic Nutrition,
Whole Foods,
Healthy Eating,
health coach,
Nutrition Coach,
Facebook Live,
Wellness Coach,
Holistic Education,
Holiday Season,
Holistic Healh and Wellness Coach,
Health and Wellness Coach,
Dessert Recipes,
Mindful Meditation Facilitator,
Whole Foods Culinary Specialist,
Culinary Specialist,
Holiday Recipes
Brenda Fisher is an inspiring blogger, and SWIHA great graduate, who is passionate about educating others on utilizing nutrition and wellness in a holistic way. Brenda’s passion has developed over the last 15 years and gained momentum two years ago when she enrolled in SWIHA’s Holistic Health and Wellness Coach Diploma Program. Brenda is ecstatic about moving forward in her career, and being a first-time entrepreneur. For the purpose of this blog, Brenda felt moved to intertwine her education and current personal experience, of a marital separation, to help others. Brenda’s desire is to encourage self-care, help others feel comfortable to reach out for support and embrace the process. Brenda states, “I want them to be empowered and have support during what can be a crucial healing time and an opportunity for self-growth and self-love.”
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self love,
Southwest Institute of Healing Arts,
Holistic Nutrition,
Holistic health,
health coach,
Wellness Coach,
Holistic Modalities,
Holistic Health and Wellness,
Support System,
Holistic Behaviors
By considering all of the parts that make up each individual and by acknowledging that no two people or bodies are the same, I know it takes more than a healthy grocery list to eat healthier. It takes customized care and education to succeed in implementing changes and routines that stick, for a vibrant, nutritious diet and lifestyle. What is your mind, body, and spirit craving? I’m Sam, and I’m a Holistic Health & Wellness practitioner, offering nutrition coaching out of Burlington, VT. I offer in-person or online coaching. I have a passion for self-care and eating for the whole self. I love to focus on eating happy, colorful foods for happy heads and hearts.
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Southwest Institute of Healing Arts,
Life Coaching,
Holistic Nutrition,
Great Graduate,
Whole Foods,
Holistic wellness,
Holistic health,
SOUL Food,
SAD diet,
health coach,
Nutrition Coach,
Holistic Nutrition Coach,
Wellness Coach,
Wellness Practitioner,
Holistic Healh and Wellness Coach,
Have you been itching for a career change? Do you enjoy helping others live their best, healthiest lives? Empowering, encouraging, and providing support for people to make lasting life changes? If you said yes to most or all of these questions, becoming a Holistic Health and Wellness Coach may be the right career change for you! Health coaches aid their clients by becoming their “accountability partner”, enabling them to live their best life!
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Holistic Nutrition,
Holistic health,
health coach,
Facebook Live,
Wellness Coach,
Setting Goals,
Positive Psychology,
Holistic Healh and Wellness Coach,
Health and Wellness Coach,
Holistic Health and Wellness,
Healthy Habits,
National Board for Health and Wellness Coaches,