In a world where wellness is more important than ever, many people are discovering their passion for nutrition and healthy living. Yet you may be asking, how do you turn that passion into a thriving career? Whether you dream of helping others achieve their health goals, working in a clinical setting, or launching your own wellness business, a career in Holistic Nutrition can be deeply fulfilling—and financially rewarding.
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Holistic Nutrition,
Nutrition Coach,
Holistic Health and Wellness Coach,
Holistic Wellness Education
“Don’t downgrade your dream just to fit your reality. Upgrade your conviction to match your destiny.” - Unknown
Sometimes, dreams can seem too big or scary to achieve. That the road and work will be long and hard, and sometimes even unachievable. Well, what if I told you the only thing standing in your way is you? Rebecca Merrill, Southwest Institute of Healing Arts Great Graduate of the Holistic Nutrition Wellness Practitioner Diploma program, didn’t let that stop her. Although the thoughts of not accomplishing her dreams and goals crossed her mind, she didn’t let that get in her way of living her true purpose of serving others in a meaningful way. Rebecca asserts, “Three years ago, I didn't think where I'm at now was possible. I'm proud of how far I've come and can't wait to see where this journey takes me next.”
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Southwest Institute of Healing Arts,
Holistic Nutrition,
Great Graduate,
Holistic wellness,
Nutrition Coach,
Holistic Education,
Holistic Nutrition Wellness Practitioner,
Health and Wellness,
Health and Wellness Coach
“To ensure good health: eat lightly, breathe deeply, live moderately, cultivate cheerfulness, and maintain an interest in life.” – William Londen
The Holiday season is all about recharging our batteries for the New Year, spending time with friends and family, and eating good food! Making food can be such a great pass time to bond with friends and family. You can work together in the kitchen, make some yummy foods and create lifelong memories while you’re at it too! Chef and SWIHA Online Advisor, Janet Lee, proclaims, “Life is balancing the sweet with the savory. A great recipe for the holiday season is a pinch of patience, a teaspoon of creativity, a tablespoon of joy, a handful of fresh herbs, cups of vegetables, and a pitcher of laughter. Blend them all well and serve with a sense of humor, remembering the reason for the season and sharing it all with those around you. Wishing you and yours a happy and healthy holiday season!”
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Southwest Institute of Healing Arts,
Holistic Nutrition,
Whole Foods,
Healthy Eating,
health coach,
Nutrition Coach,
Facebook Live,
Wellness Coach,
Holistic Education,
Holiday Season,
Holistic Healh and Wellness Coach,
Health and Wellness Coach,
Dessert Recipes,
Mindful Meditation Facilitator,
Whole Foods Culinary Specialist,
Culinary Specialist,
Holiday Recipes
By considering all of the parts that make up each individual and by acknowledging that no two people or bodies are the same, I know it takes more than a healthy grocery list to eat healthier. It takes customized care and education to succeed in implementing changes and routines that stick, for a vibrant, nutritious diet and lifestyle. What is your mind, body, and spirit craving? I’m Sam, and I’m a Holistic Health & Wellness practitioner, offering nutrition coaching out of Burlington, VT. I offer in-person or online coaching. I have a passion for self-care and eating for the whole self. I love to focus on eating happy, colorful foods for happy heads and hearts.
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Southwest Institute of Healing Arts,
Life Coaching,
Holistic Nutrition,
Great Graduate,
Whole Foods,
Holistic wellness,
Holistic health,
SOUL Food,
SAD diet,
health coach,
Nutrition Coach,
Holistic Nutrition Coach,
Wellness Coach,
Wellness Practitioner,
Holistic Healh and Wellness Coach,
You have guac to be kidding me!
You guac my world!
Rock out with your guac out!
Alright, this is getting ‘guacward’- enough with the guac puns - let’s get to the recipe!
It’s a hot summer day by the pool, you are hanging out with friends and family, and one of the best snacks to have...chips, salsa, and guac (oh my!). Not only are these recipes easy to follow, they are also super delicious and savory as well. Shout out to SWIHA’s Holistic Nutrition Instructor and chef, Janet Lee, for providing these flavorsome recipes.
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Holistic Nutrition,
Whole Foods,
health coach,
Nutrition Coach,
Culinary School,
Raw Foods,
Clean Eating,
Wellness Coach,
Holistic Education,
Nutrition Specialist,
Comfort Foods,
Health and Wellness
For many people, food can be a source of comfort and connection. Comfort food is food that provides consolation or a feeling of well-being and can be associated with childhood or home cooking. This recipe is one for the books and will create a sense of tranquility while making your mouth water at the same time!
A big thank you to Southwest Institute of Healing Arts Holistic Nutrition Instructor, Janet Lee, for providing this delectable recipe. Chef Janet Lee exclaims, “This recipe is easy to assemble and is a crowd-pleaser with the way it presents itself. A fantastic mix of sweet, tart, and very delicious!”
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Holistic Nutrition,
Whole Foods,
Healthy Eating,
Nutrition Coach,
Culinary School,
Raw Foods,
Clean Eating,
Holistic Education,
Nutrition Specialist,
Comfort Foods,
Health and Wellness,
Apple Crumble
Have you ever stopped to take a picture of your food before eating it? And it just looked so good that you couldn't eat it?! That is how this yummy dessert will make you feel. Eating vegan has never been more delectable! This Vegan Chocolate Cream Pie will make your mouth water and your tummy rumble.
This recipe is really simple to make, doesn’t take a lot of time, and is for everyone to enjoy! Read the recipe and fun facts below to impress yourself and your future guests!
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Holistic Nutrition,
Whole Foods,
Healthy Eating,
Nutrition Coach,
Culinary School,
Raw Foods,
Clean Eating,
Nutrition Specialist
For SWIHA graduate Michael Anthony Suszczynski, St Patrick’s Day is the anniversary he left the corporate world and began to recognize his ability to manifest what he wanted. A few years back he asked the Universe for help to leave his secure job doing IT recruiting of almost 10 years in exchange for the “real work" for which he had deep passion. The next day Michael went into work and was laid off completely out of the blue. He was momentarily taken aback, and was surprised at how upset his co-workers were for him. After he caught his breath, he realized he has manifested exactly what he had asked for.
Michael reflects, “Being freed from my job that day, on St Patrick’s Day, I now consider it St. Freedom and Faith in Me Day. I asked Spirit for something with childlike passion and it showed up incredibly fast. It was such a beautifully alive moment for me," he continues, "The more I have come to have faith in myself and my conversations with the Universe, the more I am able to manifest into my life.”
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Healthy Eating Tips,
Nutrition Coach,
Raw Foods
The term ‘seitan’ is of Japanese origin, coined in 1961 by George Ohsawa who was an advocate of the macrobiotic diet. Sei, meaning "made of” and tan, the first character in the Japanese word tanpaku, which means protein. However, this vegan meat alternative can be traced as far back as 1500 years ago to Buddhist monks in China. Seitan has proven itself to plant-based eaters and beyond thanks to it's chewier texture versus other soy-based meat alternatives.
Although it is made of flour, seitan is low in carbohydrates, contains almost no fat, and is an excellent source of protein. It's widely available in grocery stores in many forms, however we'll be exploring how you can make it at home -- with no fancy ingredients or machines necessary. In fact, all you need is flour, water, your hands and a little imagination!
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Nutrition Coach,
Holistic Recipes,
I know what you’re thinking—and the answer is: No! This pudding does not taste of avocados, though it does use their thick, creamy consistency to create a decadent base. Perfect for a late-night sweet tooth, a crowd-pleasing potluck dish, or even for sneaking more variety in to a picky-eater’s diet – all you need are a few staple ingredients and a food processer or blender. Thanks to raw food chef and SWIHA Holistic Nutrition instructor, Janet Lee, for demonstrating this recipe on Wellness Wednesday (watch the video below!).
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Holisitc Nutrition,
Whole Foods,
Healthy Eating,
Nutrition Coach