Feel Empowered to Thrive with Graduate Amanda Beatty

Posted by Jade Marvin on 10/14/21 4:00 PM

The final stage of healing is using what happens to you to help other people. That is healing in itself.” - Gloria Steinem 

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Topics: holistic practitioner, Life Coaching, Body, SWIHA, Polarity Therapy, yoga nidra, Spirit, Mind, Holistic wellness, Holistic health, passion, Transformational Pychology, Somatic Psychology, Holistic Modalities, Purpose, Mind-Body Psychology, Integrative Cranial Sacral Unwinding, Shamanic Reiki, Coaching the Hero Within, The Hero's Journey

Embracing the Power of Life Coaching

Posted by Ravynn Rohner on 1/15/17 9:38 AM

When asked what led Caroline Zeller to SWIHA’s Life Coaching program, she responded, “I started at SWIHA wth Reiki to help myself recover from a stroke.  As attended, I heard about life coaching.  I knew I was meant to be there.   I always wanted to professionally help others, but didn't subscribe to the mainstream counselling model.  The rest was history.  Now, after coaching for a year, it has inspired me to obtain my Wellness Practitioner diploma, then my AOS in Transformational Psychology.”

Every coach has a favorite tool, and like many others she mentioned the Wheel of Balance. She feels that it gives her a clear and concise map into where her client is and where they want/need to go. However, she also loves the practice of “story busting”, which she learned from the “genius”Richard Seaman: “While all clients don't live in their stories, many do tend to get caught up in the past and carry it with them.  This tool is beautiful when it pulls the client out of the middle of their situation, allowing them to look at it in a different, unemotional way.” She has found that she often works with clients suffering from PTSD, ADHD, divorce, and grief recovery, stress management, and those trying to move past a trauma.

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Topics: transformational, Life Coaching, holistic entrepreneur, SWIHA, life coach, Reiki, Psychology, holistic business, practitioner, passion, national life coaching month

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