How Cheyenne Marshall Found Her Power & Purpose in Holding Space for Her Clients

Posted by Cheyenne Marshall on 1/27/23 8:00 AM

What SWIHA program(s) did you graduate from?:

I chose the Integrative Healing Arts Practitioner program with a focus in Hypnotherapy. I chose hypnotherapy as my specialty because it felt safe and more accepted than what I initially wanted to study. After starting school, I began my Holistic Wellness Coach courses and quickly found I was not being true to myself, or authentic in how I wanted to show up as a Practitioner. I changed my specialties from hypnotherapy which did not resonate for me, to Traditional Reiki, Polarity Practitioner Program, and Holy Reiki.

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Topics: Southwest Institute of Healing Arts, Polarity, holistic entrepreneur, Great Graduate, SWIHA, Arizona, Polarity Practitioner, Tempe, Ordained Minister, National Be on Purpose Month 2023, Reiki Master Teacher, End of Life Doula

Five Things You May Not Know About Energy and ‘Vibes’

Posted by Taylor Jablonowski on 9/24/20 4:00 PM

I loved her energy.” or “The vibes were just off.” are now a part of common vernacular – however, is there more to it than simply ‘feeling’ that way? Modern science has begun to confirm what ancient wisdom already knew: We are more connected and can communicate more than we think on both a subconscious and intentional level! Today we have some fascinating facts about the flow of energy within us and our surrounding environments, as well as the application for healing mind, body and spirit.

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Topics: Polarity, Alternative Medicine, energy healing, Reiki, traditional healing

Yoga Body Psychology is Not Your Average Asana. It's Science!

Posted by Taylor Jablonowski on 11/1/18 2:00 PM

Our bodies are filled with electrical and chemical impulses that keep our brain and body in constant communication. Most of the time, we actively decipher the information and can quickly interpret it. A common example of this is when we accidentally touch a hot surface, our body moves itself away without a conscious thought to do so.

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Topics: Polarity, holistic entrepreneur, Psychology, yoga nidra, yoga, PTSD, Yoga for PTSD

Follow Your Heart: SWIHA Graduates Can Accomplish Anything!

Posted by Taylor Jablonowski on 10/19/18 10:00 AM

Southwest Institute of Healing Arts is unique in countless ways. Spend a few minutes browsing our classes and programs, and you’ll see everything from crystal healing to raw food cooking and even canine massage! You’ll find no other accredited college quite like us.

Understandably, a common question we receive is: What can I do when I graduate?
The only truthful response is: What do you WANT to do?

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Topics: Great Graduates, Life Coaching, Holistic Nutrition, Massage Therapy, Polarity, holistic entrepreneur, Reiki

Good Vibrations: Feeling Unbalanced? Consider Sound Healing!

Posted by Taylor Jablonowski on 10/4/18 2:00 PM

“It is our Soul’s divine journey into a still point, a quality that is filled with a richness of rhythm and harmony,” is how Jennifer Emperador, a SWIHA admissions coach and holistic practitioner, defines the practice of sound healing.

Jennifer has graduated from SWIHA’s Hypnotherapy, Life Coaching, Yoga and Yoga Nidra programs--just to name a few!--though, the modality she most has a passion for is sound healing.

“What’s there not to love?! I was introduced to sound healing back in 2010 and hooked ever since!“ says Jennifer, “All of my instruments emanate energy and I named them based on the energy they hold. For me, they are ‘alive’ and have developed a status of their own.”

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Topics: Sound Healing, Great Graduates, hatha gong, Massage Therapy, Polarity, Reiki, yoga

Be a Healing Artist: Discover the Different Styles of Reiki

Posted by Taylor Jablonowski on 10/1/18 2:00 PM

Take a moment to picture yourself facing the ocean, with your toes in sand and your eyes closed as the wind caresses your skin. Are you feeling light, happy, and cleansed in that moment?

There’s a reason why: The unending movement of the ocean waves and resulting wind cause the physical location of the beach to vibrate at a higher frequency, thus positively affecting our sense of well-being. A mental or physical trip to the ocean is actually beneficial to your health. Pretty fascinating, right?

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Topics: Motivational Monday, Reiki master, Vibrational Energy, Massage Therapy, Polarity, energy healing, Reiki, Traditional Reiki, Holy Reiki

Healing Trauma, Re-Imagined: Kate Shipp on Yoga Body Psychology

Posted by Taylor Jablonowski on 9/27/18 2:00 PM

Yoga Body Psychology is not your average asana practice; it’s science.

If we know that everything is energy and that by being able to transmit and transmute energy, we can effect change in our external environment,” explains Kate Shipp, the Associate Dean of Yoga Education at Southwest Institute of Healing Arts,  “then we also know that we are capable of doing the same in our internal environment.“

This amazing modality’s transformational tools are rooted in tradition while also integrating the principles of psychology, creating profound change for those with past trauma.

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Topics: Massage Therapy, Polarity, holistic entrepreneur, yoga nidra, yoga

Five Reasons You’ll Love Being a Massage Therapist! With Scott Taylor

Posted by Taylor Jablonowski on 9/20/18 2:00 PM

Are you feeling ready for a change?  Do you desire to positively influence the lives of others? If lifelong learning, human connection and self-employment are appealing to you...look no further! You’re perfect for a career in massage therapy.

Massage therapists help others relieve stress, relax, and stay healthy by using a wide range of techniques to manipulate the soft muscle tissues in the body. They can help rehabilitate injuries through touch and aid in the wellness of their clients mind, body and spirit. It’s an ancient art that’s seeing a rise in popularity, and for a good reason! Everyone can benefit from a massage therapy session.

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Topics: Great Graduates, Polarity, massage, Reiki, aromatherapy, healing arts

Inside Out: How Yoga is Empowering Cameron Belanger’s Little Tribe

Posted by Staff on 6/8/18 9:45 AM

Ask Cameron Belanger for some words of advice, and she’ll simply tell you this: believe in the process.

It was believing in the process that first led her to embark on her healing journey. It was believing in the process that helped her survive an abusive relationship and learn to parent more resiliently as a result. And it was believing in the process that shifted her focus from a lengthy career as a public-school educator to a new entrepreneurial venture as the founder and owner of her own private practice, Peaceful Healing.

“Anything can be achieved and can continue to get better by practicing the process,” Cameron explains. “I have learned and practiced teaching, mothering, breathing, and pushing my body. Every day allows me to refine myself in my professional and personal life.”

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Topics: Polarity, Advanced Yoga Training, Yoga Teacher Training, yoga nidra, yoga, Breathwork

A Love Affair for the Ages: Jennifer Sanders on Discovering the Power of Polarity

Posted by Christine Iring on 2/23/18 11:24 AM

As a child, Jennifer Sanders was endlessly seeking a place where she belonged in this world. She grew up witnessing the difficult paths of her parents, who were both addicted to drugs and looking for answers of their own, leaving Jennifer to navigate this process of self-discovery by herself. Jennifer reflects on this sometimes painful process, stating, “I often struggled with my own self worth, identity, value, and, later in life, drug addiction. I always knew deep down inside that I had something significant to offer the world and a purpose greater than anyone thought I was capable of. I would find myself with the outcasts of society, ministering the truth of God and the infinite universe. Yet, still I was incomplete, and the wounds of my childhood were still raw 30 years later.”

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Topics: Sound Healing, Life Coaching, Polarity, cranial unwinding, Polarity Therapy, Addiction

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