My First Saguaro Floral Essence By Kathy Koziol, SWIHA Yoga Therapist Graduate

Posted by Kathy Koziol on 5/6/16 3:17 AM

With the saguaro cacti in bloom, I am reminded of the very first floral essence I created. It was a memorable experience that produced a potent brew! I’d love to share my story with you:

First of all, I am a Cactus Whisperer.

I have had a connection with plants my entire life. It’s a gift that was given to me by my mother. Since I love plants so much, I took the Flower Essence Course at the Southwest Institute of Healing Arts in July of 2014. I loved the class and bemoaned the fact that I would have to wait almost a year to create a flower essence from my favorite of all cacti, the saguaro, since their blooming season is in the April-May time frame.

Before I continue with my story, you might be wondering what a flower essence is. A lot of people mistakenly believe that flower essences hold the fragrance of flowers, when in fact flower essences actually contain the vibrational energy of the plant. They are taken orally (a few drops in a cup of water) versus a topical application, and they hold no fragrance.

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Topics: Cactus Flower, Therapeutic Effects, Saguaro, Sound Healing, Southwest Institute of Healing Arts, Dr. Edward Bach, Body, Vibrational Energy, Saguaro Flower, Blog, Gong, Great Graduate, Floral Essences, yoga, flower essences, Reiki, Spirit, Mind

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