5 Ways Gratitude Journaling Will Change Your Life for the Better

Posted by Jade Marvin on 9/2/21 4:00 PM

Acknowledging the good that you already have in your life is the foundation for all abundance.” - Eckhart Tolle

Starting your day in a positive mood, energized, and ready to take on the world could be a normal morning for you if you start your daily routine with a gratitude journal. Overthinking is a common enemy for many, constantly replaying scenarios that have not even happened yet. Or comparing yourself to others and constantly wanting what you don’t have can take a heavy toll on your mental health. On a subconscious level, journaling helps counteract our Negativity bias.

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Topics: Southwest Institute of Healing Arts, Gratitude, SWIHA, journaling, entrepreneur, Intuition, Meditation, Self-Esteem, habits, intuitive guidance, Holistic Education, Stress Reduction, Self-Healing, continuing education, Positivity, Negative Bias, Better Sleep, Increased Happiness, Gratitude Journal, Holistic Modalities

Stacia Aashna: Detoxify Your Body and Mind for Wellness in 2018!

Posted by KC Miller on 1/6/18 8:00 AM

According to Life Coach and Clinical Hypnotherapist Stacia Aashna, one of the best ways to start the New Year is with a detox of body and mind. In fact, she is offering a perfect prescription for wellness in 2018 with Hypnosis, Meditation, Booch at The Kombucha Room in Chicago in mid-January.

For those who don’t know, “booch” is the term for a fermented tea beverage that detoxifies the body and builds the immune system. It is an ideal companion for those brave souls who are ready to detox their mind of old “personal lies”– that inner dialogue of unconscious, reinforcing statements that keeps you from evolving into your best, most confident, happiest self.

Yet, drinking tea is not the only way to “clear” yourself internally in preparation for what 2018 will bring! This graduate from SWIHA’s Life Coaching and Clinical Hypnotherapy program firmly believes that hypnotherapy is one of the oldest proven detox tools available today and an incredible asset for life coaches to use with their clients.

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Topics: Life Coaching, yoga, Hypnosis, Meditation, Hypnotherapy, Self-Esteem, Detox, clinical hypnotherapy, guided imagery, Affirmations, Self-talk, Pre-Induction, Codependency, Kombucha, Greek Mythology, Hypnos, Self-Hypnosis, Support Groups

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