You are standing in line at the grocery store and look over to see a fitness magazine. The front cover dons a woman in the latest workout clothing, smiling, with dew kissed skin, shiny hair, toned muscles and exuding a strong sense of self. You look down to consider your basket of grocery items and realize your selections aren’t going to get you to that place of wellness you are reaching for and this woman smiling at you from the cover of the fitness magazine is not helping.That woman, however, is a model, touched up and made-up and dressed up to give a certain vibe. You are feeling that vibe as you gaze at the picture. It makes you want more for yourself, yet how do you get there and do the recommendations within the pages work? Will they work for you? Are you considering every aspect of health and wellness when you look at this magazine? What we can’t see is what’s on the inside of a person.
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