What was your life like before SWIHA? What led you to SWIHA and to your particular program of study? Why are you passionate about this modality?
Before attending SWIHA, I felt like I was living in survival mode 24/7, just trying to get through each day. The difficult experiences I faced in childhood, coupled with the lingering effects they left behind, made navigating adulthood feel overwhelming and impossible. From a tough and often abusive childhood to the lifelong impact of trauma, I was constantly juggling my roles as a human being, friend, daughter, sister, mother, and community member. At the same time, I was trying to manage the internal chaos that trauma left in its wake. Most importantly, I was learning how to genuinely care for myself and how to love myself. SWIHA was one of many baby steps I started implementing into my life.
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self love,
Great Graduate,
In our daily lives, there are often demands from work, home, relationships, and other requirements that may take priority. We oftentimes place our well-being on the back burner and are made to feel that any time we set aside for ourselves is selfish. Society will have you believe that you are to give all you have and are to others, even if that means you are left completely depleted. I urge you to change your view and prioritize yourself today! Just think about it…without proper self-care, how will you be of use to anything or anyone else? If your cup is empty how and what do you continue to pour into others?
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self love,
Great Graduate,
Holistic health,
Holistic Health and Wellness Coach
“Before SWIHA, I just worked all the time, and I was never sure what my actual purpose was. I did not have a lot of self-compassion, and I did not really love myself. Through my program, I have learned to grow and love myself and I want to help others around me. I’m very excited and compassionate to help others.”
The common phrase “you must help yourself before you help others” rang true for SWIHA Great Graduate Crystal Stemple. Life before SWIHA was confusing and robotic, which left Crystal feeling unsure about her future. Once Crystal learned to love herself more, people on the outside started to notice it too! Come along as we dive into Crystal’s journey of self-love, compassion, confidence, and passion for helping others!
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self love,
holistic entrepreneur,
Great Graduate,
Holistic Health and Wellness Coach,
Meal Prep
“Before SWIHA, I knew that I wanted to change careers and use my gifts to help others--however, I wanted some formal education to help with my transition. I found my course of study while completing a research assignment given to me by my vocational rehabilitation counselor. I am passionate about health and wellness coaching because I see a need in my community, as a black woman, for an encouraging, educated intermediary between medical professionals and clients.”
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self love,
Holistic Nutrition,
Great Graduate,
Holistic Healh and Wellness Coach,
Health and Wellness Coach,
Whole Foods Culinary Specialist,
Body appreciation. We could all give a little more gratitude to the vessel that carries and houses our spirit. Humans are the children of the Earth and the Universe. Our bodies are made up of the elements and space. Recycled out of the past and renewed, electrical and 60% water. We are literally one with life itself. As within so without. Our bodies allow us to connect and experience the world we live in. They function without our consciousness telling it what to do. They express our feelings and thoughts. We experience luscious pleasures, debilitating pain, and everything in between.
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self love,
Great Graduate,
Whole Foods,
integrative healing arts practitioner,
Licensed Massage Therapist,
Life Coach and SWIHA graduate, Anjana Nambissan, is passionate about helping others heal. It was a turning point in her life when she realized that self-love is the supreme quality one can aim for. Being kind, gentle, and giving tender care to the self is so important in leading a happy, peaceful life. From that moment on, she knew she had to take that message forward and help others who were struggling. She enrolled in a life coaching program and became certified. Now, she dedicates her time to helping others find the same peace and happiness that she found through self-love.
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self love,
Great Graduates,
Life Coaching,
National Be on Purpose Month 2023
For centuries this word has been touted as a nonnegotiable for the betterment of society and the individual. The problem is, although most of us know that forgiveness is a necessity if we want to live a life free from anger and resentment, many of us struggle with understanding exactly what forgiveness means or how to achieve it. After all, forgiveness is merely a blanket term… Used to describe what people should do when faced with the pain of hurt or betrayal. Unfortunately, religious texts and enlightened spiritual leaders frequently fail to describe precisely what forgiveness is, why we should do it, or how it can be attained. With the aim of bridging these gaps, I’ll attempt to answer these questions throughout the course of this blog. Before we get to those answers, let’s first talk a little bit about what forgiveness is not and what it does not do.
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self love,
Southwest Institute of Healing Arts,
Great Graduate,
Holistic wellness,
Holistic health,
Holistic Health and Wellness Coach,
SWIHA Student Blog Series,
Student Blog Submission,
Higher Self
“Just before I enrolled, due to a near-death experience, I began going through a transformational spiritual awakening. I was confused by all the personal changes I was experiencing. I knew I wanted to do something, yet I did not know what or where to begin. I was a certified nursing assistant in the Hospice field for 24 years. I was divinely guided to help people in a new way. The divine message I received was to awaken people's hearts. Then I found SWIHA and enrolled. The adviser helped to point me in the direction of Hypnotherapy. The Integrative Healing Arts Practitioner program with a focus in Hypnotherapy taught me the tools I didn't even know I needed for my own self-healing. As I went through the program, I underwent my own healing journey and came out as the best version of myself. I now have the confidence that I will only get better and better from here.”
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self love,
Southwest Institute of Healing Arts,
Toe Reading,
holistic entrepreneur,
Great Graduate,
Past Life Regressions,
integrative healing arts practitioner,
Weight Management,
Pain Management,
authentic self,
Spiritual Life Coaching
"Keep taking time for yourself until you are you again." -Lalah Delia
A Look into our Self Love Journey:
The fact is that it is a "YOU VS YOU "battle in this life. So get it in your head that no one is coming to SAVE US EXCEPT US.
During my journey, I'm learning that the most critical part is to stop being a people pleaser and living life like everyone else matters except you because you do matter. Knowing that taking care of your needs first is essential, knowing that your feelings matter.
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self love,
Southwest Institute of Healing Arts,
holistic practitioner,
holistic entrepreneur,
healing arts,
intuitve guide,
integrative healing arts practitioner,
Self-Love Journey,
Intuitive Coach,
Spiritual Growth
As the holidays are dwindling down, and the start of the New Year is approaching, we usually begin to think about goals, resolutions, and what we want to accomplish the next year. Typically, when making New Year’s resolutions, people think of really big things they want to change about themselves or their lives. Oftentimes, these really big goals can seem unattainable, and usually, within a few months, fewer and fewer people are staying consistent with their once super eager attitudes and goals. Having this in mind, why not start the New Year right with 5 small habits you can do to give you an immediate sensation of success and achievement?
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self love,
Southwest Institute of Healing Arts,
Gifts and Graces,
Morning Routine,
New Year,
New Years Resolution,
Champions of Change,