What was your life like before SWIHA? What led you to SWIHA and to your particular program of study? Why are you passionate about this modality?
Before attending SWIHA, I felt like I was living in survival mode 24/7, just trying to get through each day. The difficult experiences I faced in childhood, coupled with the lingering effects they left behind, made navigating adulthood feel overwhelming and impossible. From a tough and often abusive childhood to the lifelong impact of trauma, I was constantly juggling my roles as a human being, friend, daughter, sister, mother, and community member. At the same time, I was trying to manage the internal chaos that trauma left in its wake. Most importantly, I was learning how to genuinely care for myself and how to love myself. SWIHA was one of many baby steps I started implementing into my life.
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self love,
Great Graduate,
In a world that increasingly values whole-person healing, holistic wellness education is more than just a path to personal transformation—it’s an opportunity to build a fulfilling and profitable career. At the Southwest Institute of Healing Arts (SWIHA), we believe that everyone has unique gifts and graces to share with the world, and our mission is to support individuals in turning their passion for healing into a meaningful profession. Whether you’re seeking a new career, expanding your current wellness practice, or beginning your journey of personal growth, holistic wellness education opens doors you may never have imagined.
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Holistic wellness,
Holistic Entrepreneurship,
Holistic Wellness Education
All people, regardless of gender, ethnicity, sexuality, or whatever of the innumerable differences that exist, need to have a space, an environment where they feel comfortable and can truly be their authentic selves. If people who make poor, destructive choices in their lives had a space where they could talk or get help, then maybe their path would have been able to diverge in a positive way.
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Great Graduate,
Safe Space,
Holistic Health and Wellness Coach,
Penelope Rosener not only gained an education at SWIHA, she also gained a whole new perspective on life. After losing her dear father, Penelope was in a hard place and knew that there were aspects of her life that were no longer serving her. Eventually, she started her journey at SWIHA, enrolling in the Holistic Health & Wellness Coach program with the specialty of Whole Foods Culinary Specialist. Today, Penelope shares what this journey meant to her, and what she has planned next!
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Southwest Institute of Healing Arts,
Holistic Nutrition,
holistic entrepreneur,
Health and Wellness Coach,
Whole Foods Culinary Specialist,
Holistic Health and Wellness Coach
“Holistic living means that your spiritual, relational, emotional, intellectual, physical, and financial lives are working together.” - Tsh Oxenreider
Kryss Huang was not a stranger to living a holistic lifestyle when she came to SWIHA. This community was a home away from home, for Kryss. She explains, “I love SWIHA, SOY, and SWINA. I feel at home each time I go to any of these beautiful places.” Kryss had been living a holistic lifestyle for the majority of her life. It felt like a natural choice to pursue studies at Southwest Institute of Healing Arts. About 10 years ago, Kryss actually attended the Western Herbalism and Nutrition programs and felt incredibly comfortable at SWIHA. Her life path eventually led her back to SWIHA to enroll in the Hypnotherapy program.
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Southwest Institute of Healing Arts,
western herbalism,
Holistic Nutrition,
mind body spirit,
Holistic Living,
Holistic Lifestyle
Dear Greater SWIHA Community,
As the new reality of social distancing, stay-at-home edicts, and increased pessimism has overtaken the media, we have become more committed than ever to stay energetically close and virtually connected.
Here’s what we are doing:
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SWIHA Events,
Social Distancing,
Staying Connected
We all know that words, spoken or thought, have power. One way to harness that energy in our favor is through developing a personal mantra!
Chanting or reciting mantras is a beneficial meditative practice with spiritual roots in Hinduism and Buddhism. Though now in our mainstream vernacular, the word mantra comes from Sanskrit: man meaning mind, and tra meaning transport or vehicle. What’s fascinating about them is that there is a growing amount of scientific studies showing that having a dedicated mantra can be beneficial to your wellness and achievement! According to research, spending just a few minutes every day thinking positively can calm your nerves, increase confidence, and improve your chances of attaining your goals.
This week, we asked our SWIHA community of healers to share their personal mantras with us!
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Great Graduates,