SWIHA Student, Lizzy Hemmerle aka The Feel Good Mother, Helps Others on Their Journey to ‘Feel-Good’ Living

Posted by Elizabeth Hemmerle on 8/25/22 4:00 PM

I have been on the journey of entrepreneurship for almost 5 years before beginning my path at SWIHA as an Integrative Healing Arts Practitioner student. After bringing my daughter into this world, Ella Rae, my mother, and I started a skin, soul, self-care business: Dragonfly co., and our mission has been to create “products you can feel good about.” Through the years, I felt the call in my heart to expand this mission. I knew that feeling good was about more than just looking good. It prompted me to create and coin the term: ‘feel-good living” ((soon to be trademarked!)) While moving through my own life experiences of separation, loss, and transition — I became wholeheartedly committed to setting out on the journey of discovering what ‘feel-good living’ actually is. My partner, daughter, and I moved out to Arizona, on a whim or what I feel was a divine call, in January of 2022. Shortly after, I discovered SWIHA, randomly and unintentionally. Through this journey of defining ‘feel-good living,’ SWIHA is providing a safe container for me to fully embody and explore every layer of this lifestyle.

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Topics: Southwest Institute of Healing Arts, holistic entrepreneur, SWIHA, Spiritual Coaching, spiritual studies, Arizona, Tempe, intuitve guide, integrative healing arts practitioner, IHAP, SWIHA Students, Spiritual Coach and Celebrant, The Feel-Good Sisterhood, Trauma-informed

SWIHA Student Blog: How Holistic Health Relates to Consumption

Posted by Kaylee Agnew on 9/23/21 4:00 PM

Holistic health is truly about caring for the "whole you" this means not just caring for your physical health through diet, exercise, and interventions if necessary, it also means caring for your mental, emotional, and spiritual health. For every individual these are going to vary in importance as well as vary in what works or does not work to help support them along their path to overall health and well-being. This is often described as "treating" the patient, client, or person as a whole- as opposed to treating them as their symptom. In terms of symptoms people often forget they spread far beyond physical ones such as experiencing a runny nose, headache, or cough. Other symptoms include those often associated with one's mental health like generalized feelings of sadness, loneliness, anxiety, etc. These can also be tied to spiritual and emotional health as well. This is why it’s so important to treat the WHOLE individual, as opposed to the symptom, because if you treat the symptom you won’t get to the root cause of the issue, you just cover it up further.

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Topics: Southwest Institute of Healing Arts, Holisitc Nutrition, holistic entrepreneur, SWIHA, Mindfulness, Meditation, Holistic wellness, Holistic health, social media, Holistic Nutrition Wellness Practitioner, SWIHA Students, Holistic Modalities, Wellness Practitioner, Food, SWIHA Grad, Consumption, Setting Boundaries, Books, Social Interactions

Need a Laugh? Join the Club (Literally!) on the 2nd & 4th Fridays at SWIHA

Posted by Taylor Jablonowski on 9/19/19 3:00 PM

You may know the old adage: Laughter is the best medicine! However, did you know that SWIHA has an entire club dedicated to it?

The SWIHA Ha Ha Laughter Club allows acting like a kid again and regaining a child's sense of fun and playfulness! Dr. Madan Kataria, the founder of Laughter Yoga, calls it "Kindergarten for adults". We spoke with Laurie Nathanson, a Laughter Leader for the club since 2012, who gave some great insight on what the club is about (Hint: a lot of laughs!)

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Topics: Holistic Healing, Laughter Club, Holistic Medicine, SWIHA Students

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