Unlocking the Power of Reflexology: A Path to Healing with Adeum Rivera

Posted by Jade Marvin on 6/6/24 4:00 PM

The past few years for Adeum Rivera have been filled with hardship, loss, and physical pain. However, they have also been filled with transformation as well. Let’s rewind to a time before Adeum attended SWIHA for Reflexology. Beginning in 2019, Adeum started experiencing a lot of health issues with his knees that eventually got to the point where he could not walk it was so painful. On top of that, Adeum dealt with the hardship of losing brother and father within 2 months of each other. Dealing with such physical and emotional pain, Adeum knew he wanted a change in his life. Adeum sought out more naturopathic doctors and solutions and eventually wound up getting a massage from a SWIHA Graduate, who told him of how special a place SWIHA really was.

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Topics: Toe Reading, Great Graduate, Reflexology, Auriculotherapy, Holistic Entrepreneurship

Toe Reader, Alicia Ford, Empowers Empaths to Be Their Own Advocates on Their Healing Journeys

Posted by Alicia Ford on 1/15/24 8:00 AM

What was your life like before SWIHA? What led you to SWIHA and to your particular program of study?

Before SWIHA, I was working at Cardinal Health for 8 years as a Customer Service Professional providing service to people in need of crucial medical supplies for the necessity of their wellness. Speaking with people who are in a health crisis requires deep listening, compassion, patience, and faith. In my position, I learned how important it is for Light Workers to make their wellness a priority. Working at Cardinal Health introduced me to new ways, how thoughts are seeds and words become the nature of what can be created.

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Topics: Life Coaching, Toe Reading, Great Graduate, national life coaching month, Intuitive Angel Guide, Intuitive Coach, Toe Reading/Soul Coaching, Spiritual Life Coaching

Holistic Entrepreneur Elliot McMonagle’s Online Community of Healing & Transformation: A Path to Inner Peace

Posted by Jade Marvin on 5/30/23 4:00 PM

There is beauty in being different. Embracing our individuality is a magical way for us to accept our truest selves. Moving away from a past life, Elliot is now embracing a life full of hope and healing. Elliot McMonagle is a SWIHA Graduate of the Integrative Healing Arts Practitioner with a specialty in Advanced Hypnotherapy. Utilizing these tools and modalities learned at SWIHA, Elliot is crafting a beautiful online community of healing and transformation. Follow along as Elliot shares his story and his passion for serving others. 

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Topics: Toe Reading, holistic entrepreneur, Great Graduate, Reiki, Hypnotherapy, integrative healing arts practitioner, IHAP, Linda Bennett

How Suzanne Lucero Went From Hospice Nurse to Holistic Entrepreneur by Awakening People’s Hearts

Posted by Jade Marvin on 9/22/22 4:00 PM

Just before I enrolled, due to a near-death experience, I began going through a transformational spiritual awakening. I was confused by all the personal changes I was experiencing. I knew I wanted to do something, yet I did not know what or where to begin. I was a certified nursing assistant in the Hospice field for 24 years. I was divinely guided to help people in a new way. The divine message I received was to awaken people's hearts. Then I found SWIHA and enrolled. The adviser helped to point me in the direction of Hypnotherapy. The Integrative Healing Arts Practitioner program with a focus in Hypnotherapy taught me the tools I didn't even know I needed for my own self-healing. As I went through the program, I underwent my own healing journey and came out as the best version of myself. I now have the confidence that I will only get better and better from here.”

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Topics: self love, Southwest Institute of Healing Arts, Toe Reading, holistic entrepreneur, Great Graduate, SWIHA, Past Life Regressions, Hypnotherapy, Arizona, PTSD, Tempe, integrative healing arts practitioner, Weight Management, Fears, Phobias, Pain Management, Auriculotherapy, IHAP, GRIT, authentic self, Spiritual Life Coaching

Graduate Lourdes Silva Spreads Healing to the Hispanic and ASL Community

Posted by Jade Marvin on 7/14/22 4:00 PM

I cannot do all the good that the world needs. However, the world needs all the good that I can do.” - Jana Stanfield

Lourdes Silva, Southwest Institute of Healing Arts Great Graduate, realized that her life’s purpose was to serve others with her gifts and graces. To spread the healing arts of Reiki, Sound Healing, Yoga, and more to those who speak Spanish and use Sign Language. Lourdes states, “I realized that the purpose of my life is to give love and be in service reaching all that community that needed the most because I truly believe yoga is for everyone regardless of age, weight, beliefs, or race! We are Onésimo.” One day, during a Polarity class that Lourdes was taking, she had the realization that each experience that she had in her life leading up to that moment was preparing her for her soul purpose. Her soul purpose is to “become a healer, to be on the yoga path, share my acknowledgment, and with empathy - be an instrument of service!

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Topics: Sound Healing, Southwest Institute of Healing Arts, Life Coaching, Toe Reading, Great Graduate, SWIHA, Advanced Yoga Training, Reiki, Yoga Teacher Training, yoga nidra, Arizona, Tempe, Holistic Healer, Sign Language, Spanish Speaking, Service

The Drastic Change in Perspective in the Toe Reading Community

Posted by Lauren Miller on 6/30/22 4:00 PM

What is Toe Reading

Toe Reading is the metaphysical understanding that the angle and contour of the toes are the physical manifestations of the path a person’s life has taken. The toes act as one of our bodies’ depositories for stories and emotions. A Toe Reader is someone who honors the stories coded in the toes and is spiritually and emotionally available to unlock the storyline stored in the cells of the body, specifically stored in the hologram of the toes.

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Topics: Southwest Institute of Healing Arts, Toe Reading, SWIHA, Reflexology, Spiritual Coaching, chakra, coaching, Wellness Coaching, Elemental System, Toe Telling

Life Coach Chavon Laurén Uses Her Experience As a Personal Trainer to Heal Mind, Body & Spirit

Posted by Taylor Jablonowski on 1/27/21 4:00 PM

“I love being a Life Coach because I love helping people! Since I was a kid, people have always come up to me and just started pouring their hearts out,” Chavon Laurén of Unapologetically Me, tells us, “Over time, I accepted this as a gift and now I feel like I've come full circle.”

Before becoming a Life Coach, Chavon served in the military and worked a Personal Trainer. During training sessions, she came to realize that her clients wanted to talk about more than just exercise.

“I never stopped them because it was clear they needed to speak these thoughts out of their system as a form of stress relief, rather than try to move it out through physical fitness,” she explains, “I had an ‘ah-ha’ moment. I knew I needed to be more and do more, for my clients and myself.“

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Topics: Great Graduates, Life Coaching, Toe Reading, national life coaching month, Personal Trainer

KC Miller Manifests the Future of Toe Reading in 2020!

Posted by Taylor Jablonowski on 1/4/20 8:00 AM

Toe Reading, as we know it at SWIHA, is almost 20 years old this year, and in that time approximately 2000 people have been trained in the art of Toe Reading, both in the United States and Japan!

Toe Reading is based on the theory that the body holographically records the stories of our lives which then causes the toes to depict what one’s journey has been like. It has been well documented that everything that happens in your life -- the story and the emotions -- are stored as cell memory; each bump, lump, crease and crevice means something.

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Topics: Life Coaching, Toe Reading, Spiritual Coaching, national life coaching month

Becca Briley Uses a Spirit-Centered Approach to Guide Her Coaching

Posted by Taylor Jablonowski on 1/3/20 8:00 AM

Becca Briley is an Integrative Healing Arts Practitioner as well as a Holistic Nutrition Specialist, Transformational Life Coach, Toe Reader / Soul Coach, Yoga Teacher, soon-to-be Ordained Minister, and Reiki Practitioner. She is a life-long student who has taught Life Coaching and Spiritual Traditions online for SWIHA. Becca now teaches "Mission Possible" on-campus, to support students in building their businesses as they step into their purpose and power.

“There is nothing more beautiful to witness than light-workers embracing and fulfilling their life missions,” she tells us.

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Topics: yoga coaching, Life Coaching, Toe Reading, Spiritual Coaching, national life coaching month

Sabrina Willie Found Purpose in Teaching Others to Enjoy the Rollercoaster Ride of Life

Posted by Taylor Jablonowski on 8/15/19 3:00 PM

Sabrina Willie describes her life before Southwest Institute of Healing Arts as a rollercoaster: “I was tired of the ups and downs,” she says, “I knew I had to do something.”

That gut instinct led her to leave her job of ten years and begin to define her own path. Two weeks after her new journey began, Sabrina found out she was expecting a child! It cemented her calling to create a life she loved: “I knew it wasn't coincidental. I decided this was a great chance to change and be a better role model,” she tells us.

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Topics: Great Graduates, Toe Reading, Mindfulness, Hypnotherapy, IHAP, Online Programs

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