April Avalos Honors Her Purpose in Helping Others through the Power of Hypnotherapy

Posted by April Avalos on 1/25/23 8:00 AM

Advanced Professional Hypnotherapy Graduate April Avalos shares her story of loss, and how living with intention and purpose brings happiness to her life day by day.

What was your life like before SWIHA? What led you to SWIHA and to your particular program of study? Why are you passionate about this modality?:

Before SWIHA my life was on autopilot I was literally living each day just to survive the struggles I was having at the time and not enjoying the moments of calmness because I didn’t even recognize them at the time. I started seeing my daughter's hypnotherapist to help me with my stress and anxiety and when I saw the results which brought sanity back into my life, I was amazed and wanted to learn everything I could about hypnotherapy so that I can use this holistic approach to continue to help myself and at the same time help those in my inner circle. Now my heart, my desire, especially after my daughter died, is to help others.

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Topics: Southwest Institute of Healing Arts, Great Graduate, SWIHA, Hypnotherapy, Arizona, Tempe, guided imagery, transpersonal Hypnotherapy, National Be on Purpose Month 2023

My Day with Michael

Posted by Kristy McCarty on 9/9/21 4:00 PM

A spiritual awakening is the process of learning who we truly are through a vibratory connection that permeates us all. This awakening can feel different for each individual and come in stages as the person experiencing the shedding of their ego-self can slowly lose their identity of who they believe themselves to be and reconnect to the whole that is. When we do this, we have the unique ability to understand ourselves as well as others and raise what some believe to be the collective consciousness. A spiritual awakening is a personal experience that allows full connection with Prana, God, Source, Gaia, Yahweh, Allah, as well as many other names that have developed from the human language to describe what is utterly indescribable. What about the opposite side of that universal coin and the loss of that oneness that we crave? A spiritual death is something entirely different as it consumes and eats away at the wholeness we once had as a young innocent child. Spiritual death can occur when the spirit has undergone traumatic experiences, abuse, addiction, loss, or anything that slowly depletes our soul.

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Topics: aromatherapy, holistic entrepreneur, SWIHA, Archangels, Spiritual Coaching, energy healing, integrative healing arts practitioner, IHAP, Self-Healing, continuing education, EFT Tapping, Holistic Modalities, transpersonal Hypnotherapy, Archangel Michael, Emotional Freedom, Intuitive Channeling, Divine Tarot Reading, Shadow Work

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