Candice Lee’s Free Spirit Creates Sacred, Transformational Space for Others

Posted by Jade Marvin on 7/29/21 4:00 PM

We all have secrets we keep locked away from the rest of the world. Friendships we pretend. Relationships we hide. Worst of all is the love we never let show; the most dangerous secret a person can bury are those we keep from ourselves.” - Kevin McCarty

Candice Lee, a graduate from the Integrative Healing Arts Practitioner program, at the age of 25, finally began to listen to the parts of herself she could no longer ignore. The parts of herself she had kept locked away, she finally dealt with. Her journey at SWIHA gave her the keys so that she could unlock those doors and finally make a change in her own life and the lives of others.

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Topics: Life Coaching, Reiki master, holistic entrepreneur, SWIHA, entrepreneur, Intuition, Reiki, Hypnotherapy, Guide, intuitve guide, integrative healing arts practitioner, intuitive guidance, Transformational Reiki, Addiction, Transpersonal Psychology, IHAP, Holistic Education, Self-Healing, continuing education

Jamey Martell Transforms Thoughts and Refines Minds Through Holistic Healing Arts

Posted by Jade Marvin on 6/3/21 4:00 PM

Pay attention to the things you are naturally drawn to. They are often connected to your path, passion, and purpose in life. Have the courage to follow them” - Ruben Chavez

Through life's trials and tribulations, it is easy to want to give up or simply move on. To diverge from the path in front of you. It is difficult for many to stay on the path they were destined for or to pave their own path that will ultimately lead to their success and happiness in life. Jamey Martell came from a not-so-easy life that eventually led her to SWIHA. For Jamey, she was able to push through many of life's curve balls. Jamey Martell is a unique and strong graduate from SWIHA who is ready to share her story and help others along the way.

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Topics: holistic entrepreneur, Mindfulness, Intuition, Holistic health, integrative healing arts practitioner, entrepreneurship, intuitive readings, card readings, Transpersonal Psychology, Holistic Education, Self-Awareness, Spiritual Awareness

Amanda Shaffie Uses Coaching to Help Others with their Goals, Purpose, Relationships and Mindset

Posted by Jade Marvin on 5/20/21 4:00 PM

We all get asked the big question “What do you want to be when you grow up?” For many, this question stays unanswered for a long time. For others, they seem to have it all figured out. The answer to this question comes at different points in life for people, and that’s okay. Your path does not have to follow a certain timeline. For Amanda Shaffie, Life Coaching was always built in for her. She asserts, “I have always enjoyed the investment in others and helping to clear a path for those to meet new opportunities and challenges that further their quality of living”.

Amanda Shaffie already had an established practice, Amanda Shaffie Life Coaching, and felt the need to continue her education, which ultimately led her to SWIHA. Amanda states, “I was curious if my methods could be expanded. With many people feeling more at ease with an accredited formal type of training, I decided to go for it. And I am glad I did”.

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Topics: Holistic health, coaching, integrative healing arts practitioner, entrepreneurship, Transpersonal Psychology, Holistic Education, Setting Goals, Self-Awareness

Janelle Timmons Learned to Ask the Right Questions and Follow Her Path

Posted by Taylor Jablonowski on 11/21/19 3:00 PM

Janelle Timmons has held many positions her life: a successful massage therapist for fifteen years, a counselor and case-manager working with drug addicts and severely mentally ill persons, and healing bodies as a massage therapist.

“I had a lot of knowledge, yet it wasn't being integrated in the correct way,” she says, “I was missing some valuable tools that I wasn't aware that I was missing. One of the things I know, from working in the personal growth and mental health field, is that it is so important to acknowledge that there are always things that we do not know.”

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Topics: Great Graduates, Life Coaching, Massage, Bodywork, Master Life Coach, Transpersonal Psychology

Living Large: How Deena Gregory Left Behind a World of Luxury for the Call of the Great Outdoors

Posted by Staff on 2/16/18 11:12 AM

Deena Gregory has always been a “seeker”—a woman with a self-described “natural curiosity about self and spirit” who in quiet moments often found herself gazing upward at the night sky with a deep sense of awe. Yet, after years of looking to institutions—from organized religion to the halls of academia—for the answers that could only be found within, Deena got caught in a spiritual drought, convinced that there was nothing else bigger “out there” than the humdrum of everyday human life.

“With a new reliance on my own thinking came what the Buddha referred to as ‘Dukkha,’ or suffering,” she explains. “I have always been hailed as a ‘critical thinker.’ Now I laugh and say, ‘Yes, as soon as I start thinking, things get critical!’”

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Topics: Life Coaching, Toe Reading, Intuition, Meditation, Hypnotherapy, Holistic wellness, yoga, soul coaching, NLP, Camping, Single Mother Yoga, Online student, Transpersonal Psychology

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