The Vegan Way: Easy Recipe Included

Posted by Melanie Albert on 9/10/14 6:25 AM

Plus an easy recipe: Experience Nutrition™ Avocado Salsa Recipe

Let’s take a Look at the 'Vegan Way' of Whole Foods Eating

Several different dietary theories may be considered as whole foods, including vegan, vegetarian, raw and Paleo. While each of these dietary theories is different, they are all based on eating real non-processed whole foods, which are close to their natural state. Today we will take a look at the 'Vegan Way' of Eating.

What does vegan look like?

A vegan diet consists of eating only plant-derived foods. Vegans do not consume or use any animals (land or sea) or animal products, dairy, milk, eggs, or honey. Vegans eat fresh produce, grains, legumes, nuts and seeds.

2.5% of the US is vegan

A 2008 national survey conducted by The Vegetarian Resource Group found that 2.5% of the US say they never eat meat, fish, seafood, poultry, dairy or eggs which means they are vegan. And, the vegan trend is growing.

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Topics: Melanie Albert, Whole Foods Wednesday, Blog, Recipe of the Week, Whole Foods, Urban Farming, Nutrition

What is Whole Food Cooking? Easy Recipe Included

Posted by Melanie Albert on 9/3/14 8:37 AM

Plus an easy recipe: Bamboo Steamer Carrots with Cumin & Walnut Oil

We often hear the term whole foods or whole food cooking, yet do we really know what the terms mean?

The ‘Whole Food’ way of eating is enjoying as many “whole foods” as possible – that is, eating foods as close to their natural form as possible, with very minimal processing. This is the way people were eating a hundred years ago prior to the age of fast food restaurants, manufactured processed foods, convenience foods. It was when people actually spent time in their kitchen cooking, and less time eating out or eating on the run.

Simply, Whole Foods Cooking uses S.O.U.L. Foods: Seasonal. Organic. Unprocessed. Local.

Many health experts believe eating more whole foods improves health and helps prevent disease. Whole foods – like vegetables, fruits, whole grains, nuts, and legumes – retain their fiber and beneficial phytochemicals and nutrients that are often removed in processed foods.

Eating organic, whole foods, and shopping at farmers’ markets, CSAs (Community Supported Agriculture) and food co-ops is something many people have had to re-learn. Our intention with the Whole Food/ S.O.U.L Food Wednesday BLOG is to get you as excited about cooking and eating real whole foods as we are.

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Topics: Melanie Albert, Whole Foods Wednesday, Blog, Recipe of the Week, Whole Foods, Urban Farming, Nutrition

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