Alaric Hutchinson: Finding the “Zen” in a Chaotic World

Posted by Tim Barber on 1/4/18 8:00 AM

When we think about why people seek out life coaching, it might be easy to assume that they do so because they are looking to become successful. Perhaps they want to switch careers, make more money, or gain more recognition. Yet, author, life coach, and Zen Cowboy™ Alaric Hutchinson goes a step beyond that approach to coaching with one simple question: “What comes after success?”

Realizing just how few people are genuinely happy in their lives—no matter how much they have achieved professionally—was a huge breakthrough for Alaric in terms of understanding the individuals who seek out his services. “Money and success (once achieved) do not actually bring about lasting happiness or a sense of peace,” says Alaric. “Many of my clients are high performers and earners trying to figure out why they are still not satisfied in their life. The niche of people I work with all desire inner peace.”

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Topics: Life Coaching, Goals, Marriage, Zen Philosophy, Goal-Setting, Inner Peace, Healthy Relationships

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