Uncovering the Inspiring Story of Kari Villanueva: From Western Medicine to Holistic Entrepreneur

Posted by Kari Villanueva on 10/17/24 4:00 PM


What was your life like before SWIHA? What led you to SWIHA and to your particular program of study? Why are you passionate about this modality?

Before SWIHA I was working in Western Medicine and always felt something was missing. Something deeper than just "the illness". It was stressful, and in my last five years, my calling to find the answers grew stronger. I was always drawn to Holistic Medicine and was gifted, however, I had a fear of acceptance in the community due to childhood trauma.

Is there a “defining moment” you’d like to speak about? When did you know that you were on the right path?

I knew a long time ago what I was supposed to be doing, yet never knew how to go about it or even where to start. That is probably why I was in Western Medicine for so long. In 2019 through 2021, I had three massive awakenings leading me to dive deeper into Holistic Modalities.

Has your life significantly changed? If so, how?

My life is less stressful to an extent, since leaving Western Medicine after 20 years. I feel more fulfilled as a human being, and as a professional, wife and mother. 

What are you up to now—professionally and personally?

After taking a year off from the workforce, I took time to revamp and rename my business. I focused on that and my son who was 3 at the time. I took some certifications in a few modalities, then found SWIHA and started working as a part time bus monitor for the local school district.

If you own a business or private practice, tell us all about it! What inspired you to start your own business? What services do you offer? How do you powerfully impact clients? How are the skills you learned at SWIHA supporting your work?

I started my business in 2014, making clean bath and body products. In 2020, I revamped and totally changed it up, renaming it Pure Clarity Natural Wellness. I added many services such as guided Meditation, Reflexology, Champissage, Aromatherapy, Herbal Therapy and more! I help my clients heal mentally, physically and spiritually through a holistic approach in a safe, non-judgmental environment. I have learned so much at SWIHA and apply skills to client sessions.

What was the greatest lesson(s) you learned while at SWIHA?

One of the greatest lessons I have learned while attending SWIHA, has been self care and confidence in myself. Vulnerability is not something negative as the dictionary describes, rather it is something positive to help us grow. Also, being gifted is not something to be ashamed of as many of us are taught to believe as children; that is why many of us suppress our gifts. It is something to be shared so we can help others in a way that is "magical".

Who were your most impactful teachers while you studied at SWIHA? What were your favorite classes?

All my teachers were great! I do have to give a shout out to Lori Dye though. I feel we had a great connection and we were on the same level. She is a great teacher!

If you could give advice to future SWIHA students, what would it be?

Stay on top of your work. I got distracted three quarters of the way through and it has been challenging staying on top of everything. Make sure you have at least one person to support you. That is so important, it makes a huge difference.

What else—if anything—would you like us to know about you, your work, and/or your personal journey?

I am certified in Medical assisting, Reflexology, Aromatherapy, Herbal use, Indian head Massage and 700 hours under a mentor to teach meditation/mindfulness for ages 5+. Now, my SWIHA diploma- Integrative Healing Arts Practitioner with specialties of End of Life Doula and Ordained Spiritual Celebrant. Life long practice and experience in channeling, meditation and mindfulness.

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Topics: holistic entrepreneur, Great Graduate, Meditation, IHAP, End of Life Doula

About the Author Kari Villanueva

Kari Villanueva is a SWIHA Great Graduate of the Integrative Healing Arts Practitioner Diploma. Kari has always had a passion for the holistic ways in life. After serving 20 years in the Western Medicine world, Kari gained multiple Certifications to help others using holistic modalities. Kari is working on expanding services in her own business!

Kari Villanueva

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