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Unlocking the Power of Reflexology: A Path to Healing with Adeum Rivera

Written by Jade Marvin | 6/6/24 11:00 PM

The past few years for Adeum Rivera have been filled with hardship, loss, and physical pain. However, they have also been filled with transformation as well. Let’s rewind to a time before Adeum attended SWIHA for Reflexology. Beginning in 2019, Adeum started experiencing a lot of health issues with his knees that eventually got to the point where he could not walk it was so painful. On top of that, Adeum dealt with the hardship of losing brother and father within 2 months of each other. Dealing with such physical and emotional pain, Adeum knew he wanted a change in his life. Adeum sought out more naturopathic doctors and solutions and eventually wound up getting a massage from a SWIHA Graduate, who told him of how special a place SWIHA really was. 

I was very intrigued and interested in holistic healing as I was working on some herbalism at the time as well. She told me about SWIHA, so I decided to take a chance and see what classes and certifications they had to offer. I saw the Reflexology program and chose this modality as it is easier on my body and I ended up doing the Reflexology certification and also taking extra classes as the course was enjoyable and also helped me heal at the same time.”

With a new path and adventure ahead of him, Adeum knew he was in the right place when he was surrounded by other individuals who were seeking the same thing: to heal and help others heal. Adeum further elaborates, “My defining moment was being in the classroom with like-minded individuals who just want to heal and be healed. I knew I was in the right place at the right time due to this.”

Now having completed the Reflexology program at the Southwest Institute of Healing Arts, life for Adeum has never looked so different! Adeum is now a Reflexologist working on himself and helping clients. At the same time, Adeum runs his own Herb capsule business that he had started prior to going to SWIHA. With improved health, Adeum offers a variety of services including Toe Reading, Thai Foot Massage, Auriculotherapy, Indian Head Massage, Hand Reflexology, and Western Reflexology. “The skills and modalities I’ve learned at SWIHA have helped me heal, grow, and become a better person than I was before and I also appreciate the teachers for being leaders” asserts Adeum. A SWIHA instructor who had a big impact on Adeum’s time in the program was his Reflexology Instructor, Ellie. Adeum describes Ellie as “very passionate and experienced and you can see her work in her student's success.”

While reflecting on his time attending SWIHA, the greatest lesson that he learned was “that life is magical just like the people that go to the school.” There is something special about being surrounded by like-minded people who share a vision for bettering the world while discovering their Gifts and Graces. If this sounds like something you are looking for, Adeum’s advice to you is, “Try and listen to your gut, as it will never lie to you.”

I would like everyone to know that I am thankful for my path at SWIHA no matter how long it is. It will be a place I will remember for the rest of my life.”