What’s the Point? Uncovering Your Life’s Purpose with Janis Neary Miller

Posted by Janis Neary Miller on 8/22/24 4:00 PM


“Why am I here?” “What am I supposed to be doing with my life?” “What’s my life purpose?” “Am I even on track?”

Throughout my astrology readings, I hear these questions over and over again.  We are taught from a very early age to seek out a purpose and direction in our lives.  We ask, “What do you want to be when you grow up?” of our 3 and 4-year-olds as if they will declare their dream and direct the rest of their life by it.  Flash forward 40 or 50 years, and as adults, for many, the dream is gone and we feel unfulfilled and “off track” or altogether lost on what our purpose is.

How many of you were taught, as I was, that finding a successful career was living out your purpose? That somehow career was entwined with purpose and fulfillment? The younger generations, they are being taught that if they follow their bliss and passions, they will be successful millionaires, living Instagram-worthy, perfect, and fulfilled lives and living out their purpose. “Work at something you’re passionate about and you’ll never work a day in your life.”  Basically, the message is, if you’re not in a highly successful job or career, that you absolutely LOVE and are passionate about, you’re not living out your purpose.  Well, most of us are not.  Most of us, even when doing something we love, find there is “work” and dissatisfaction in aspects of it.  What if you don’t know what your bliss is? I get that from so many young adults who are just scared, frustrated and lost in what they see as the darkness around them. I can also tell you from looking at so many astrology charts, that often career and purpose are not entwined in the way that people think.  Also, believe it or not, some of us are not here to live the life of a millionaire.

This leads me to the next thing that has led to so much confusion and despair.  If the job, career, or endeavor doesn’t result in raking in millions, living in a mega-mansion, driving a Masserati, having a fantastic marriage, perfect kids, and an epic family vacation every few months- then there is something “wrong” with you.  You need “fixing.”  That there is something lacking in YOU. The personal development industry is filled with teachings on how you need to CHANGE to be “successful”. However, what if there is NOTHING wrong with you? What if there is nothing lacking in you?  What if every freaking moment of the day you ARE living out your purpose?  What if YOUR purpose was just to be YOU? Imperfectly perfect and on purpose?  That maybe your career or financial status doesn’t define your purpose. That maybe your marital status or lifestyle doesn’t either.  Can I share with you what I discovered that brought in so much abundance and fulfillment, that I feel that I am living out my purpose every single day?  

The first step was RE-discovering who I really was.  I wrote about this part of the journey in detail in the bestselling book, The Book on Transformation.  I had discovered through meditation in a time when everything seemed to be falling apart, that I was Divine Love.  When I realized that I was Love, simply love, I began to show up as LOVE. That I deserved love. I was worthy of love because that was who I am. It’s my natural state of being. However, even with that newfound awareness of WHO I was, I was still unclear as to WHY I was here.

The second step was coming across the quote from Abraham Hicks that unlocked the rest of the answer for me.  I found Abraham Hicks in my YouTube journey looking for more meditations. For those of you who haven’t heard of them, it is an interesting experience.  As for me, as someone who didn’t even meditate until recently, listening to someone who channels messages from a non-physical entity known as Abraham in order to teach the Law of Attraction, this seemed REALLY far out there.  So, as anyone who knows me will attest, that means I became intensely curious.  So down the YouTube Abraham Hicks rabbit hole, I went.  What was the quote from Abraham where it all clicked?  A woman asked them, “I want to know my purpose in life. Can you tell me?”  Abraham had responded with “Yes. I can. However, you’re not going to like the answer. There’s not enough suffering in it for you.” To which the audience cracked up laughing, and then they continued. “The purpose of life is- Joyous Expansion. That’s it. Expand. We’re here to expand. It’s just that the joyous part, that gets to be our choice.”  

And how do we find that joy? Especially when lessons show up, people are mean, bank accounts are empty and life is just hard - By going within and remembering who we are and why we’re here.  Divine love is in our DNA, our natural state of being, our true essence. The divine experiences joy in all of our expansion, and then so do we. We are not separate from that experience; We ARE that experience. We are naturally loving and joyful. We know in our soul, that every moment that has been put in front of us is to expand us. That we get to choose to see that the experience is FOR us, not against us so that with every joyous breath, we are living out our divine purpose.

Finding Joy in Serving Others at SWIHA

Topics: life purpose, Great Graduate, Meditation, joy, Purpose

About the Author Janis Neary Miller

Janis is a SWIHA Great Graduate of the Holistic Entrepreneur and Business Development Certificate of Excellence. She is using her education and her gift of helping people utilizing the tools of life coaching and astrology in her business, Guru-You. Her passion is helping others find their purpose!

Janis Neary Miller

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